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Sudan Tribune

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W. Bahr el Ghazal governor talks up his record but says there is much to do

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 2, 2010 (JUBA) – The governor of the southern state of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Rizik Hassan Zachariah, has pledged to work even harder to deliver on more jobs, schools and hospitals, as alternative to naturalizing developmental frustrations among citizens of the area.

Zachariah is a member of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement who control the regional Government of South Sudan, which came into existence after the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement ending a two decade long civil war between the North and South.

Addressing a press briefing before returning to Wau, Capital of Western Bahr el Ghazal on Monday at South Sudan’s presidential palace Zachariah, took the opportunity to reflect on his government’s achievements.

“It was a huge honor for me to be elected to become governor of western Bahr el Ghazal in 2010 elections. This was a big honor our people gave me. I always think about it every day in every decision I take and every partnership I build,” said governor Zachariah.

The governor said Western Bahr el Ghazal is a proud State, full of people who have worked tirelessly to secure and build on the state’s progress.

“Our people are committed people who are so much determined to see progress in the area,” he said.

He said he very much value choice of his people and that he wants to pay back their choice in form of development.

Zachariah stated that his administration has achieved so much shortly after assuming the office and that he is proud to have been at the helm during a time of such progress.

“Since becoming the governor, my administration has managed to train more new teachers, built new schools and commissioned 12 new health centers and renovated other establishments and embarked on physical infrastructure development. Wau town is now connected with good road network. My administration through the ministry of physical infrastructure is also extending this road network to counties,” he said.

He said infrastructure has improved in the region.

“The road linking Wau and Raja is graveled and the same with road leading to Juba through Western Equatoria State. We also have other roads whose conditions have improved greatly inside Wau town. Roads between Lakes, Warrap and Northern Bahr el Ghazal have been constructed and graveled. I can say most of the areas in western Bahr el Ghazal state are connected with good roads,” said Governor

He said this progress is visible across the area but there is so much more to do.

Zachariah said he looks forward to leading Western Bahr el Ghazal to even greater success and hoped the people will give him the opportunity to do so as they have done during April elections.

“Although it is seen that we have done our best in seven months, we will work harder to more in order to meet 75% of expectations of our people,” said governor Zachariah.

In January the south is widely expected to vote to separate from the north in a referendum, a key part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.


1 Comment

  • Akuma

    W. Bahr el Ghazal governor talks up his record but says there is much to do
    I will appreciate Governor Rizik Hassan Zachariah if all the statements are being implemented.

    Dr. Akuma

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