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Sudan Tribune

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WES Governor arrives in Yambio after attending Governors’ Forum in Juba

November 2, 2010 (YAMBIO) – The governor of Western Equatoria state (WES) Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro returned to Yambio on Tuesday after attending the 8th Governor’s forum in Juba.

Western Bahr el Ghazal Governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, steps of the plane at Yambio airstrip after visiting, South Sudan's capital, Juba, 2 Nov. 2010 (ST)
Western Bahr el Ghazal Governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, steps of the plane at Yambio airstrip after visiting, South Sudan’s capital, Juba, 2 Nov. 2010 (ST)
This is the first time Bakosoro has attended the event since he became the only independent candidate to win a gubernatorial contest in April’s elections.

Upon his arrival at the Yambio airstrip the governor called upon the citizens to take part in mass campaign for the forthcoming referendum.

Bakosoro said that attending the forum which was addressed by all 10 southern governors was “fruitful”.

The governor revealed that the Government of Southern Sudan is concerned about the security situation of Western Equatoria more as the south’s self determination referendum draws closer.

Bakosoro disclosed that the President of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir is looking to find ways to support the states home guards, the Arrow Boys, who were established to counter the threat of the Ugandan rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army.

He said Kiir “is working hard on how to find possible ways for strengthening the home guards that will provide security to the communities.”

He cautioned the citizens of Western Equatoria not to intimidate northerner Sudanese who live in the state.

“The Government of Southern Sudan is urging all the organs to avoid any bloodshed now, during and after the referendum; hence each state is mandated to protect the northerners residing in its territory” he said.

Western Equatoria Governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, addresses the press at Yambio airstrip upon his arrival from Juba, South Sudan, 2 Nov. 2010 (ST)
Western Equatoria Governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, addresses the press at Yambio airstrip upon his arrival from Juba, South Sudan, 2 Nov. 2010 (ST)
Bakosoro urged all the legislative and executive arms of government to prioritize resources on the referendum. Focus on development of the region would follow after the vote.

“You must move to all the payams [wards], Bomas [districts] and villages to sensitize the local people on the process of the referendum,” Bakosoro said.

He warned voters that if the register they must ensure they vote on January 9. Under the 2009 referendum law the vote will only be legitimate if over 60% of those registered cast their ballot correctly.

He further stated that, the governors’ forum had agreed that the referendum should go ahead as scheduled in January as stipulated in the 2005 peace deal between north and south.

The Governor was received at Yambio airstrip by a large crowd to witness their governor’s return.

South Sudan is widely expected to vote for independence in the poll.


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