Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Libyan leader meets with head of Sudan’s Umma party

November 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi met on Sunday with the head of the opposition Umma National Party Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi in Tripoli, the Libyan news agency (JANA) reported.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (AFP)
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (AFP)
The visit by Al-Mahdi came at the invitation of Gaddafi but its purpose is not clear. JANA said both men discussed the general situation in Sudan and ways to enforce stability in the coming period.

The former Sudanese prime minister was quoted as urging the Libyan head of state to continue working towards Sudan’s stability out of his continued fostering of peace and stability in the Sahel-Saharan region.

This is the first official contact between the two sides since they discontinued contact after the Umma party rejected Libyan pleas to join the government headed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Last week Libya also extended an invitation to Bashir carried by Gaddafi’s personal envoy Abdel-Salam Al-Treiki who said that Sudan is coming under a “fierce and organized campaign” but did not say from who.

Sudan is almost two months away from a referendum scheduled to take place in southern Sudan and the oil-rich Abyei region as part of a 2005 peace deal that ended a two-decade-old civil war in Sudan which left an estimated two million dead.

Preparations for the votes are well behind schedule amid growing concern that the referendum will have to be delayed to avoid a chaotic exercise.

Gaddafi has given conflicting views on South Sudan’s secession ranging from complete support to warning strongly against breaking up the country.



  • Anyang

    Libyan leader meets with head of Sudan’s Umma party
    Any attempts by Gaddafi or anyone else are just a mere tactic to ruined our future for greed and they will definately fail no matter how hard they work to see it dead.

  • makuei

    Libyan leader meets with head of Sudan’s Umma party
    I hope these guys discussed stability of Northern Sudan. As for the South, she is stable and will be more stable when she cedes come January 9. They better start negotiating with JEM rebels and other Darfuri Movements which are a threat to them
    They shouldn’t count South Sudan as part of their business anymore, time has elapsed. We will soon be saying bye to imperialists like Muamar Gadaffi since we may not choose to associate our new Country with his.


  • Matung Neng-neng
    Matung Neng-neng

    Libyan leader meets with head of Sudan’s Umma party
    Thanks to Libya President for your loving of Sudan, I hope our coutries will continue to grow up a strong relation. One thing that I want to make clear to you Sudan Neighbour Countries and other International is South Sudanese people have few people educated, We people who live abroad in North American, Europe, and Australia who can see the wrong doing, we are allowed, we cannot do or say any thing. So, the civilian who lives in themain land have no idea, and have no choice, or there is no way for you the International people to hear their voice. The family of SPLA Leader: John Garang are the one who own privately the oil companies in the South Sudan, They are the one who are responsible for South Sudan oil revenue and every thing in that part of Sudan and so, they have so much money, they buy themselves weapons and they control our civilian therefore, I am asking you the international body to advice SPLA Movement to stop controling our civilian and let civilian express their opinions freely because this case is in the hand or have been handed to International. So, before the SPLA have new country they have to release the oil companies those they own privately to civilian and hand in drafted laws which can be accept by International Laws makers in order for them to fit.
    Please pay more attention SPLA winning will comes because they are buying their supported customers and so nobody want to check what they do. I am sorry, I am not able to afford ticket to go to Libya to make campaign there. Have good day!
    Matung Neng-neng

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