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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official

November 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) plans to build three new oil refineries should citizens of teh semi-autonomous region choose to secede in the upcoming referendum scheduled for January 9, 2011.

Garang Diing, the GoSS Energy an Mining Minister (R) and his undersecretary addressing journalists at the media forum on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 (ST)
Garang Diing, the GoSS Energy an Mining Minister (R) and his undersecretary addressing journalists at the media forum on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 (ST)

The disclosure came at a press conference by the GoSS Energy Ministry Undersecretary David Loro said on Tuesday.

In May, the Akon Refinery Co., a joint venture between Khartoum-based Eyat Oilfield Co. and Southern Sudan’s state- owned Nile Petroleum Co., announced a tender for bids to build a 50,000 barrel per day refinery. The cost of the project is estimated at $1.8 billion, according to the company’s website.

The huge Warrap refinery project, which is expected to take about three years to complete from the date it kicks off at the construction sites. To transport the crude oil to Akon refinery site in Warrap state the Company will also construct a pipeline of some hundreds of kilometers long from the Unity state oilfield.

Currently the crude oil from Unity and Upper Nile states is being transported through the thousands of kilometers long Chinese-constructed pipeline to the international market via Port Sudan in the far North-eastern part of the country.



  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official
    Strategic thinking and planning is always the way forward in development for the better. David Loro, keeps on with that excellent premise. South is already gone out of the messy Sudan!!!


  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official

    This is very productive planning.

  • jalabi

    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official
    What crazy people??!!

    Why building refinery after secession and not now??!!

    Whether secession occurs or not south Sudan should build its own infrastructure including refinaries and what ever serve the best intersest of south sudan nation and what ever keep them a distance from Arab/Jalaba!

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official
    Guys You are talking nonsense, ask those who are living inside, up to now no signs of vote registration, Southern Citizens refusing to go back instead Mr. Daffallah Salver Kirr is appointed to Unity support committee as Omer Albashir’s Deputy. Omer Albashir, after Kirr Declared himself Muslim and rename Dafallah Salver Kirr immediately formed the Committee for Unity Support to cover the process of South Sudan Leader ( Leaders Islamization) should already unity announced.
    Today, Dr. Nafi Speak of Options, one is giving up Abye to the North, Tomorrow would be greeter upper Nile, on 912011 would be final announcement of Unity.
    Reliable Source say, South Sudan Military List was already handed to the Ministry of Defense for check up and integration procedure.


  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official
    Dear Our governmant,

    When plan are out like this, it will be very good when it is implemented to shown big different between SPLM & NCP,NCP is a Party full of promising but difficult in implementing project.



    South Sudan plans to build three oil refineries after secession: official
    I’m so sorry to hear that there is Akon Refinery Co. How come that the Oil in Unity State, Ruweng territory of Biemnom County of Dinka Ruweng has to be transferred to Akon County of Awan Chan, the County of Salva Kiir Miyardit? There is no real government in Southern Sudan.

    If we located Oil Refinery In Ruweng, will it not benefit the Southern Sudanese instead of locating it in Akon County of Salva Kiir Miyardit? Right now, I really find that Salva Kiir Miyardit wants to invest his home town since it is a poorest place. Salva Kiir think that he is very clever, but he is not for sure. What goes around, come around.
    In fact, I’m not going to blame anybody in this mess, but the only person who has to be blamed is Taban Deng Gai. Taban tried to co-operate himself with Salva Kiir Miyardit so that Salva Kiir Miyardit can not remove him from the position of Governorship. So, that is why he wanted Oil Refinery to be build in Akon in order to keep friendship with Salva Kiir Miyardit. “Eat it and you will die for it”.

    I have never seen in my life whereby a woman cook her own food and sent it to another woman’s home in order to be served. Now, it has happened between Taban Deng Gai and Salva Kiir Miyardit in which the Oil in Ruweng Territory of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom has to be sent to Akon County of Salva Kiir which is a very big shame. Lord, give us a “kindhearted” leader. We are daring for a righteous leader, but we can’t find him.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

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