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Sudan Tribune

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JEM rebels head to Doha for talks on Darfur peace process

November 11, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Over five months after freezing its participation in the peace process to end Darfur conflict, the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is back to Doha to discuss conditions under which it can resume negotiations.

Ahmed Hussein Adam (photo HD Centre)
Ahmed Hussein Adam (photo HD Centre)
A five-member delegation led by Mohamed Bahr Hamadein, JEM deputy chairman is expected in Doha on Saturday. The other members of the rebel delegation are Gibriel Bilal, deputy political secretary, Bushara Suleiman, economic adviser, Ahmed Tugud, chief negotiator and JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam.

Last month, the Joint Chief Mediator, Djibril Bassole, met with the rebel movement in London and the two parties agreed to continue their discussion in Doha. The mediator and officials from the host country, Qatar, had also met with Khalil Ibrahim several times in Tripoli where he is.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from London before to travel to Doha, Ahmed Hussein Adam said they will meet on Saturday with Bassole and the Qatari state minister for foreign affairs, Ahmed bins Abdullah Al-Mahmoud.

“We are going to Doha with an open mind as the political solution remains always our strategic option,” Ahmed said. “We are going to see with the mediation ways to reform the venue in a way to realize the aspirations of Darfurians for peace, security and development,” he added.

He further said they want to discuss ways to “avoid harmful interferences by people like (the head of the African Union panel for Sudan) Thabo Mbeki who represents a real obstacle for peace”.

“Also we need to secure safe passage for our leadership between the venue of the talks and the field where our troops are,” he said alluding to the situation of JEM chairman Khalil Ibrahim who is Libya since May after being barred by the Chadian authorities from crossing to Darfur.

Khartoum refused this summer a request by the mediator who asked to allow Ibrahim’s return to Darfur for a meeting with him. The Sudanese authorities said he has to sign a ceasefire agreement before to grant the freedom of movement between Doha and Darfur to the rebel leader. But Ahmed stressed that international law grants them this right as rebel group participating in a peace process.

JEM walked out of the negotiating table in Doha saying that the Sudanese army breached a cessation of hostilities agreement signed in February. The rebel group also blamed the mediation for organizing parallel talks between the government and another rebel group, Liberation and Justice Movemen.

The restive region of Darfur witnessed recently different clashes between the government troops and JEM fighters. The mounting tension was accompanied by several accusations from Khartoum in direction of Juba which is charged of supporting Darfur rebel group.

“The government is the problem not JEM because Khartoum seeks as always to end the conflict militarily but this time under the cover of what they call “Misk al-Khitam” or The Perfect Ending, he said.

Ahmed slammed the presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Eddin who is in charge of Darfur file. He regretted that the latter has successfully lured the international community with the “new strategy” for Darfur.

“Gahazi is a radical who will not deliver anything to facilitate a peaceful solution,” he said. “He is one of those hardliners who refuse to make any concession for Darfur people saying (Vice President) Ali Osman had made much of concessions to the SPLM in the CPA and they do not want to repeat it.”

“He wants to prove he can resolve the conflict in Darfur without behaving like Ali Osman,” he stressed.

A rebel chief said today his group soon in coordination with other rebel groups will form a broad alliance before to negotiate with the government in Doha.

In statements sent to Sudan Tribune, Mahgoub Hussein, former leading member in the rebel Liberation and Justice Movement said his faction and other rebel groups including JEM will complete the formation of the alliance soon.

He also reaffirmed his “unwavering commitment” to the Doha process for peace in Darfur underlining the need to undertake serious reforms in the process before the arrival of the alliance members there.

JEM spokesperson confirmed Mahgoub’s statements saying they are coordinating with him and other leading rebels as Abdallah Yahiya of SLM-Unity and Khamis Abakar, former SLM vice-president.

Sudanese government repeatedly said it will no longer accept to negotiate with the rebel movements after the end of this year as it intends to close this file before the southern Sudan referendum.

However, the perspective of resumption of peace talks implies a series of preparations before the direct negotiations between the two parties.

Darfur rebels accuse the international community of adopting a compromising attitude towards the refusal of Sudanese government to offer some concessions to the rebel groups on the establishment of one region in Darfur, vice presidency, individual compensations.


1 Comment

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    JEM rebels head to Doha for talks on Darfur peace process
    Dear Darfurians.

    You should learnt from Minawi before you deepen your feet into fire with National Criminal Party.Otherwise the peace talk you are running after in later time will not bear any fruit.National Criminal Party are very quick in accepting things without implementation,it is better for the Darfurians people to unite as one big block with one objective first and face the National Criminal party, otherwise the NCP will bring all of you in one by one,lastly they will confuse every things without any peace result.God Help Darfurians people


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