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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum rejects unity

November 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum on Sunday rejected voting for unity in the south’s self determination referendum in January.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from the regional capital of Juba on Sunday, Benjamin Bol Mel, chairperson of the South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum said voter registration, which begins on Monday 15 Nov. will mark an importance era in the history of south Sudan. He said that the region had never enjoyed peace and development.

“Our people will on Monday start voter registration. This will be the start of important era in their history. It will be the important day because it will be the day on which they will register for the forthcoming vote on the self determination for them,” said Mel.

Mel said south Sudanese who will have an opportunity to register for the forthcoming vote should ensure they vote for separation on polling day.

“Our people have seen us calling and holding rallies to enlighten them on the importance of separation option. They have been attending in big numbers and this is the time to translate their commitments by turning out for registration and vote without waiving .This is because we have living experiences from unity. The unity has killed many of our people and displaced many others to different parts of the world. This is why we reject it because we have tried it twice. Our people must, therefore, register and vote for separation,” explained Mel.

SSYFR is a body composed of senior government officials and members of southern political parties that conduct regular processions across the region against voting for unity.

Mel, whose staff members organized a procession against unity on Tuesday 9 November in Aweil town, capital of northern Bahr el Ghazal State, said that secession from the north was “imminent” going by the numbers who attend the pro-separation rallies in the south.

“Such high turning out shows that referendum for our people means freedom and access to equal rights without considering certain circles or cliques being more equal than the others as repeatedly appears to be the case with successive Khartoum based governments,” he said.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Aweil town, Bona Makuac Mawien, minister of information and communications said the gathering on Tuesday was the largest he had witnessed in the town.

“It was every big rally as civil society organizations in coordination with churches, schools and community activists marched through corridors of Aweil town campaigning for the independence of southern Sudan before congregating at freedom square where by Governor and other high level profiles,” Mawien said.

South Sudan is widely expected to vote for separation in the referendum which was agreed as part of a 2005 north-south peace deal.

Delays to voter registration and other preparations for the vote have increased tension ahead of the poll. Talks to agree on future relations between the two regions in case of either unity or separation have so far failed.



  • Ito

    South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum rejects unity
    Dear South Sudanese Youth:

    First, I would like to pass my heartfelt congratulations to you for such a heroic move on the issue of unity and separation. Yes, It is very important to unveil your position for the world to know rather than playing flip- flap game. I strongly urge all of you to encourage unity in south sudan and to continue to work for the success of the two referenda i.e the Abyei and that of South sudan.

    Both referenda should be held concurrently as agreed in the hard-won Comprehensive Peace agreement. The said voter registration will smoothly take place as agreed without any interruption; anyone who tries to hinder such historic and inalienable right will be responsible for whatever will subside.

    Continue to fight for your rights for the sake of our beloved land.

    Thank you.

  • Antipas Gorom
    Antipas Gorom

    South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum rejects unity
    “Sudan will never be thesame again” this my version in this plebiscite slatede Jan 9th. it is true that youth are the agents of changed and this is highly enshrined in the youth of South- Sudan who have forgone studies for the sake of this day Jan 9th.Bol has been doing terific on mobilisation and civic education that has disilluted our populace.

    Sudan will soon have a new nation because youth have now accepted as they did during armed struggle. Today we arethe Youth of “Ballots not Bullets” let not forget that we are all youth of this nation regardless of religion, political affiliation race or any other affinity. There we are brothers lets aim at forming South- sudan youth league (SSYL) lets not policise things that are for the welfare of common person. that is Referendum!


  • Marial Mangar Akol
    Marial Mangar Akol

    South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum rejects unity
    Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom Because you are in control of your country. Don’t ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made.We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!.Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it.. You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
    Moreover, Our Youth of Southern Sudan are more and more prepared for the separation of Southern Sudan.
    Patterning your life around other’s opinions is nothing more than slavery.

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