Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM starts campaign to prevent reprisal attacks against southerners in north Sudan if south seceded

November 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The SPLM branch in north Sudan has launched a campaign to promote values of coexistence and prevent reprisal attacks against southern citizens if their region decided to split in 2011.

Yasir Arman during his electoral campaign for the Sudanese presidency last April (ST)
Yasir Arman during his electoral campaign for the Sudanese presidency last April (ST)

A host of SPLM supporters and leaders of civil society groups gathered on Sunday at the SPLM’s headquarters in Al-Mugran area in Khartoum to attend the inauguration of the campaign, which is dubbed “the campaign for coexistence and peace.”

The inauguration of the campaign was attended by the SPLM’s deputy secretary-general Yasir Arman.

The head of the campaign’s organizing committee and member of the SPLM’s parliamentary bloc in the federal government, Gorge Andrea, told Sudan Tribune that the campaign aims to prevent possible violence during and after the referendum period by promoting values of coexistence and social peace.

Andrea blamed NCP officials for causing southern citizens to flee north Sudan in large numbers because of their assertions that southerners in the north would lose citizenship rights if the region decided to split from the north.

Concern has been growing over the status of southern citizens in the north if the south decided to break away in a referendum vote set to take place in January 2011.

The independence vote is the final stipulation of the 2005’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended decades of civil war between the Muslim-Arab north and the Christian-African south.



  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    SPLM starts campaign to prevent reprisal attacks against southerners in north Sudan if south seceded
    Is there possiblility of Sudan remainig a one country? If southerners in the north are killed because of Sudan may split into two states, then there is no option further.

    I only urge those sourtheners to immediately come home before danger. It’s not enough the launching compaign to pevent reprisal attacks against Southerners in the north sudan.

    There’re many dark corners in which southerners may be killed in the north without the knowledge of concerned authority.

    The only way out of danger is to pack your things and come out of khartoum.

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