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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP, SPLM close to resolving differences on outstanding CPA issues: Mbeki

November 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The head of an African Union (AU) panel declared today that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) are inching closer to resolving outstanding items of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) as the country walks steadily towards the likely breakup of the country.

Former South African president Thabo Mbeki (AFP)
Former South African president Thabo Mbeki (AFP)
The AU High Level Panel on Sudan led by Thabo Mbeki told reporters on Sunday that both sides are working on a framework agreement detailing resolution to issues such as border demarcation, security, post-referendum arrangements and Abyei.

The former South African President made the announcement following his meeting with Sudanese First Vice-President Salva Kiir and 2nd Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha.

Mbeki said that the NCP and SPLM are currently negotiating the terms of the accord and will be completed as early as Sunday. He further said that the Abyei issue will be referred to the presidency.

“It has been agreed that the Abyei file be referred to the Presidency. We at the AU panel will immediately meet with the Presidency after President al-Bashir returns from Saudi Arabia [from pilgrimage],” he said.

“The [Sudanese] leaders are very sensitive and committed to the fact that indeed all interests and aspirations of the people of Abyei are addressed. So we would really like to assure the people of Abyei that even as the process of voter registration for the south referendum takes place, that indeed the matter of the people of Abyei is being attended to and will be attended to,” he added.

The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the NCP and SPLM stipulates that two simultaneous self-determination referendum should be held in South Sudan and Abyei so that its residents should decide their fate. While Southern Sudan will have the option to establish their own state, the people of Abyei are to vote on whether they want to stay with the North or join an independent South.

Sudanese officials have already announced publicly that the Abyei referendum cannot be held as scheduled because of disagreements over who is eligible to vote. U.S. brokered talks in Ethiopia on the issue have failed to bridge differences over the composition of Abyei’s electoral commission and the demarcation of the region’s borders have yet to start.

The borders of Abyei were redrawn by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) after the NCP & SPLM agreed to refer the matter to it last year. However, the technical commission mandated with demarcating the borders on the ground have yet to start the process because of threats leveled by the Arab Misseriya tribe who objected to the PCA ruling.

The SPLM in control of the South has interpreted the ruling as meaning that the cattle-herding Misseriya tribe have no right to vote in areas assigned by the PCA to the Dinka Ngok. However, the Misseriya vowed not to allow the vote to take place even if they have to resort to force unless they are allowed to participate.

The Abyei referendum commission, which has yet to be formed, will have the final word on who is eligible to vote.



  • mikes

    NCP, SPLM close to resolving differences on outstanding CPA issues: Mbeki
    I would like to directed my advice to president Kiir;;please be careful on this guide, so called Ali Taha”is like a fox”He may trick you in other ways around,I hope no post_refendum at this time ,it will be after south sudan independence southern sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,and I would like to advice Mbeki not to sale our right away to north sudan,please remember what happen to south Africa during their freedom strungling,therefore suffering is not different,don’t do your own interest do the right thing exactly what southerns want not north sudan interest,now north sudan is looking for any way to delay south sudan Referendum so that there will be no independent,or right of southerners>.

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    NCP, SPLM close to resolving differences on outstanding CPA issues: Mbeki
    I am very annoyed by the stupid Messirya Arabs. It does not matter to stop you from voting in Abyei referendum. What does it mean Abyei in your language?
    God will punish you like those who murdered Israelites in Egypt those days. They managed to cross Red sea by the power of God. Likewise, Dinka Ngok will be rescued from you by the will God too.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    NCP, SPLM close to resolving differences on outstanding CPA issues: Mbeki
    What a true believer!

    Bashir going to Hajj in Mecca? What a hypocrite? No wonder why non Muslims in the Sudan and others outside Sudan view the Islamic religion through negativeo lenses. North Sudan head of State, (Bahsir) to the so-called Islam’s holy city of Mecca adds salt to an injury to an already tanished reputation of Islam. True religious holy venues (if Mecca is really one of them) as not places visit by mass murderes, racists and greedy individuals like Bashir the the rest of NCP official ought to visit.

    Young Nation is a student of International Relations at The University Of Queensland, Australia

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