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Sudan Tribune

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NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration

November 21, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in north Sudan has submitted a complaint to the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) against what it termed as irregularities and anomalies marring the ongoing registration of voters for south Sudan’s upcoming referendum on independence.

The entrance of a registration center of South Sudan's independence referendum in Wau town of Baher Al Gazal State in South Sudan November 20, 2010 (Reuters)
The entrance of a registration center of South Sudan’s independence referendum in Wau town of Baher Al Gazal State in South Sudan November 20, 2010 (Reuters)
Voter-registration for the politically sensitive plebiscite on south Sudan’s full independence from the north commenced domestically and in eight countries abroad on November 15 amid reports of high-turnout in the south and low in the north.

The registration is due to end on December 1, only five weeks before the start of the actual vote on 1 January 2011.

Sudan’s official news agency SUNA reported on Sunday that the NCP had submitted a memorandum to the SSRC, which oversees the exercise, against “several irregularities occurring inside and outside registration centers.”

Those include, according to the text of the memo, blocking people with mixed south-north parents from registering, delaying registration procedures, early closure of registration centers and the existence of registration officials who are less than 40 years old.

The NCP urged the commission to redress those “irregularities,” saying they constitute a breach of several articles in the Referendum Act.

North and south Sudan have been trading accusations of intimidating voters in order to influence the outcome of the vote.

Atim Garang, a senior member of the south’s ruling party SPLM, told a news conference in the capital Khartoum on Saturday that southerners were facing an intimidation campaign to vote for unity.

He accused NCP affiliates of gathering phone numbers of southerners who registered as voters in order to force them to vote for unity.

On the other hand, the NCP’s senior figure Mandur al-Mahdi told AFP that the SPLM was discouraging southerners in the north from registering because it fears they would vote for unity.

The NCP threatened on Sunday not to recognize the outcome of the referendum, saying that violations committed by the SPLM are undermining the credibility of the process.

The ethnically distinct north and south Sudan fought decades of civil war which ended in 2005 with the signing of a peace deal known as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The referendum on south Sudan’s self-determination is the final phase of the CPA.



  • Covert

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    The NCP don’t like the notion that South is breaking away from the north in the first place; they’ll say anything to cry fault against anything the referendum commission does no matter what.

    They have the right to say anything, but they don’t have the right to twist anyone will to go the way they favored.

    Even if they have, the ways and techniques to change Juba’s mind are now beyond NCP pay grade.

  • Abuoi Jook
    Abuoi Jook

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    Dear NCP Crooks,
    You are badly addicted to too much control of every system and when things go against your will you always make loud noise. Please be abide by ethics and code of conduct like other political parties that respect the norms and valuaes of every system.
    You cry loud about turning away of prospective voters mixed north-south parents without elaborating their identifiable documents. what identfy them as mixed south-north people?
    Also it’s the work of SSRC to close earlier if the centres are not well attended as mentioned since day one on 15th. What can they wait for when people are not there to register.

  • Anyang

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    Hi all,

    This dirty tactics are aimed to foils the referendum out come and I therefore urge the SPLM/GOSS to vigorously counter them so quickly to cleared the air.

    Moreover,there’s a need for OUR government to be keenly remained alertful a round the clocks as the registeration process proceeded. Otherwise I personally appreciated them for their consistancies with good temperment.

  • makuei

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    Too early to fright and submit complaints. We will show what we have decided come January 9th, 2011.

    NCP claims to be adhering to the Referendum Act yet thay themselves are doing the contrary. They have started restricting the planes that come to the South, purposely to make difficult the coming home of Southerners who are in the North.

    Raphael Makuei

  • emadven

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    maybe war is a solution in this case..

  • paweetdit

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    Am sorry to inform our counterpart NCP that, its too late for you to make alot of noise on referendum issues.
    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH NCP MOST GO! I wishes all my fellow southerners to turn up for registeration and never listen to those lame accusation from survivors. Actually, cracking of a frogs doesn’t prevent a cow to drink water when really thirsty.

  • Gatwech

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    5 million southerners eligible to register for the referendum when the whole population, with children majority, is only 8 million according to the population census???

    It very wrong to give unsubstantiated figure of 5 million southerners eligible to register?

    How do the editors come up with such wrong figure which has no source?

    How can one estimate eligibility of unregistered voter before he or she registers? And how can you determine how many will be registered when you don’t know yet how many of them will be eligible and accepted to register according to the set criteria?

    This is not like in the elections in which every South Sudanese citizen of 18 years and above can vote. In the referendum there are strict criteria to follow.

    You may not be accepted to register for the referendum even if you are a South Sudanese citizen or voted in the elections. The referendum is about indigenous southerners not every South Sudanese citizen. So how did the people come up with 5 million eligible to register before they could be examined? This is misleading!

    May be somebody is trying to come up with an issue later on if southerners registered do not reach 5 million.

    Any way, not every body is forced to register even if he or she is eligible to register. This is a conduct on free and fair process.

    Only 1 million southerners may register to vote while the rest may decide not to register and that is their right.

  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    NCP Naivity is back again!!!!

    NCP is out of ways and actions to stopping the South Sudan referendum process, despite their pocketed blockage placed herein since 2007 thus, they have resorted to their rhetorics of intimidations and went ahead to saying this and that.

    Went furthest to saying that they will not recognize the referendum outcome comes January 2011. Is NCP and anyone in Khartoum not playing with fire!!!!???

    NCP should know that this referendum (CPA last phase) is and was the life of 2.5 millions lives lost including late Dr. John Garang de Mabior – may his soul – R.I.P during protracted civil war for 21 years. Southerners won’t accept anything less than independence for your information and acknowledgement!!!

    Was it not NCP Ministers (Obeid & Mohamed Atta) and Advisors such as Nafi Ali Nafi who told Southerners in Khartoum that they will not be treated in Hospitals; not even a needle will be given to Southerners there for treatment once referendum results will be independence of this great country to be called South Sudan of a secular state without religion mixed in state affairs.

    Now NCP is crying fault that Southerners are not registering in big numbers and accusing SPLM of intimidations (instructing Southerners not to register in Khartoum.

    What a false accusation!

    How can Southerners register to vote there when they know they will be detained, denied even needle in Hospitals on the day of results which will be in favour of a Separate State of South Sudan comes January 2011!!!???

    How can Southerners register to vote in northern Sudan where they will not be given citizenship rights!!!???

    How can Southerners register to vote in northern Sudan where they will be brutally killed without mercy during January 2011 vote period if they vote for Separation!!!??

    How can Southerners register to vote in northern Sudan where they will be denied their fundamental freedoms (in a chronic social disrimination and segregation)!!!!???

    How can Southerners register to vote in northern Sudan where they will be second class citizens in this so-called one country united Sudan on falsehood!!!???

    This list can go and on…..

    Khartoum should be prepared for better relationship modalities with already founded South Sudan Nation — in the list of African states.
    In which country of this world that you have two separate official armies, two separate flags flying up, two functioning Governments independently , etc and still claim UNITY!!??

    A DEADLY UNITY!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

    Akolde, Rumbek; South Sudan

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    NCP submits complaint against “irregularities” of referendum registration
    Young Nation and many other peace-loving people,
    I want to thank all of you for many of your outstanding and well-though out comments that you guys have posted on this website. I am truly proud to have read many of your comments. Indeed, as we are approaching this important and defining moment in our country’s history it is critically important that we preach the gospels of brotherhood, peace, unity, and solidarity amongst our people. Let us encourage, promote and emphasis our unbreakable shared commonality and de-emphasis our personal and old-fashioned long-standing political differences for the greater good of our peace-loving, liberty-seeking and splendid people of Southern Sudan.
    Finally, may almighty God creator of heaven and earth bless the long-suffering, abused and long-forgotten people of Southern Sudan who have suffered all manner of humiliations, physical indignities, exploitations and killings and guided them into glorious promised land of freedom should they choose to become a viable political state comes January, 9, 2010.
    In conclusion, let us extert more pressures on the National Congress Party to implement all important aspects of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
    Thank you all very much. And you have a wonderful and colourful day!.

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