Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP refuses to reincorporate its JIU’s back into SAF

November 22, 2010 (JUBA) – The ruling political party in the North, the National Congress Party (NCP), has refused to reincorporate its component of the Joint Integrated Units (JIUs), which have been deployed in the South since 2005 back into the northern army, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), should the South vote for secession.

FILE - In this photo released by the United Nations Mission In Sudan (UNMIS) on Wednesday, June 18, 2008, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) soldiers prepare to board an UNMIS plane to fly from Juba to Wau enroute to Abyei, in Juba, Sudan, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 (AP)
FILE – In this photo released by the United Nations Mission In Sudan (UNMIS) on Wednesday, June 18, 2008, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs) soldiers prepare to board an UNMIS plane to fly from Juba to Wau enroute to Abyei, in Juba, Sudan, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 (AP)
The two partners to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the NCP and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) have been negotiating on the post-referendum arrangements. One of the issues to be tackled is security including the future of the JIUs; a force created by the peace deal to serve as the nucleus for a future national army should the South vote for unity of the country.

In case of secession from the North, the agreement stipulates that the JIUs forces shall disintegrate into their mother armies, with SAF component reincorporated into the northern army while the component of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) reincorporated into the southern army (SPLA).

Currently, SAF has an estimated force of 12,000 in the South in its JIUs component per the security protocol agreement in the CPA. Most of the force comprises of southerners who were either originally from SAF or from the Other Armed Groups (OAGs) but incorporated into SAF after 2005 peace deal.

However in a briefing to the Southern Sudan Referendum Taskforce meeting chaired by the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the South Sudan ministers in the negotiating team said it appeared that the NCP had been reluctant to accept back into the northern army its JIUs force in the South should the country split.

The NCP also warned against northerners residing in the South who are eligible to register and vote in the referendum law, saying they would to lose their northern citizenship if they voted.

The referendum law allows northerners who have been living in the South since before 1956, or live in the north but trace their ancestry back to the South to vote inside Southern Sudan.

The two parties have also been discussing the status of citizenship of southerners residing in the North in case of separation. While the SPLM negotiators want a transitional period during which southerners keep their citizenship in the continuing state in the North before they could make up their minds after declaration of results for secession, the NCP negotiators have not yet agreed on such a transitional period or how long it should be if acceptable to them.

The NCP’s earlier position called for immediate loss of citizenship by southerners residing in the North should the vote result to independence of the currently semi-autonomous region.

As the registration continues till December 1, before the vote on January 9, both parties, NCP and SPLM have traded accusations. The NCP accuses the SPLM of discouraging southerners in the North not to register and the SPLM accuses the NCP of intimidating southerners in the North to go to centers and register against their free will.

The people of Southern Sudan are expected to overwhelmingly vote for independence in the exercise of self-determination scheduled to take place in 46 days from now.



  • Anyang

    NCP refuses to reincorporate its JIU’s back into SAF
    That’s what, the SPLM/SPLA or GOSS always tell the NCP’s diehard not to be used like tools in time of need and abandon when things are getting murky for the regime.So, to you those who are being isolated,now is the right time to chose wisely for your own future and betterment and that future is rightly attainable with the splm/goss.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    NCP refuses to reincorporate its JIU’s back into SAF
    Dear Southerners in North Sudan’s political and military orbit!

    The hostile behaviors of Northern Sudan under the leadership of NCP towards the question of Southern Sudanese citizenship is very negative indeed. According to NCP, Southerners residing in Khartoum and Northern Sudan as whole are not welcome and do not therefore feel at home as citizens. This is a major insult to our people particularly those Southerners who associate or identify themselves with NCP’s political party and North Sudan army. What shame on earth is equal to living in somebody’s house when that person do not recognizes your hospitality? The Southern Sudanese whom I would term as political slaves like Riak Gai, Gordon Kong, and other countless individuals must think of their residency in the North before the North shame them come 2011.

    The same thing could be said of Southerners serving as Bashir’s troops within the so called Joint Integrated Units (Northern portion). The future of there slave brothers is clearly sealed by NCP’s relunctant to identify them with Northern Sudan should South Sudan become an independent State in 2011. The reasons I say these to our slave-hearted politicians and soldiers serving in Bashir’s political party and amry is such that they liberated and redeemed themselves from horrible shame.

    Young Nation is a Student of International Relations at The University of Queensland, Australia

  • Aleu

    NCP refuses to reincorporate its JIU’s back into SAF
    The NCP are refusing for two reason. The first reason is that, they have already reaching numbers of voilation reports the CPA rules therefore, they have also a plan to destructed referendum election in the short coming time and this is why they don’t want to have a joint unit with either Southern Sudan SPLA nor U.N. Unit.

    The second reason is that, most Northern politicians even their SAF have understand fully that, Southern Sudanese people are gone for good and that is something really very truly one. Well, who care if the NCP decides to withdraw their Troop from the CPA agreement on joint unit which was set to prevent another New war between North Sudan and Southern Sudan. The SPLM and the SPLA Cdrs must also bringing their SPLA back from Khartoum to Southern Kordufan and Southern Blue Nile. The North Sudan led by Omar Hassan al Bashir government have made a lots of violation since the signing peace agreement until now but the Southern Sudan was trting to show to the world that, this Sudan government would never do any thing peaceful but they will never never get it what they are thinking for.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    NCP refuses to reincorporate its JIU’s back into SAF
    You know why they refuse because all Southern sudanese plus other marginalized people like Nuba, Darfurian and Southern Blue Nile people are the majority in that JIU of north and they are not arab, they are afraid that if they reincorparate again in the north will be threat to them in the north because they are not arab and may one time turn against them.

    That mean the real color of arab is emerging now which Sudan black African who where serving arab in vain should realise from now that the north ncp/nif want to form small palestine state in the north part of sudan excluding black majority African tribes.

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