Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says

By Julius N. Uma

November 24, 2010 (JUBA) — Four Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLA) soldiers and two civilians were critically injured when three helicopter gunships allegedly bombed an army base at Kiir Adem, an area located 45 miles away from Aweil North County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state of Southern Sudan.

Kuol Athuai Hal, Aweil North Commissioner told Sudan Tribune by phone that Wednesday’s strike, which occurred at about mid-day, involved two jet fighter planes and anti-aircraft allegedly belonging to north-based Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

“The two military aircrafts of the Sudan Armed Forces bombarded us again today in rotational shift. They were rotating bombardments. When one was bombing another was flying about in the sky waiting the other one to finish. They started at 10am till 12pm,” commissioner Hal told Sudan Tribune.

Southern Sudan is due to hold a referendum on self-determination on January 09, 2011 as part of the 2005 CPA; the accord that brokered a peace deal between former rebels in the south and forces loyal the northern government.

Another referendum is also due in the oil-producing Abyei region where residents will be required to vote on whether to become part of the south or not.

The impromptu attack, Hal said, was a ploy by northern Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to disrupt the ongoing voters’ registration for Southern Sudan referendum, due in January next year.

“The NCP’s intentions are well known to the people of Southern Sudan. It has always been part of their mandate to sabotage the registration process in Southern Sudan on hearing that it is peacefully being conducted. But their mission will fail if they think war is the best option for our people,” Athuai told Sudan Tribune by phone from North Aweil.

Those injured, he further noted, were rushed to the county hospital and were reportedly getting immediate medical attention.

This air attack, if proven, will be the second after a similar strike on 13 November when SAF warplanes dropped bombs on southern territory in the state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal. No death causalities have been reported at the time but 8 civilians have sustained serious injuries.

Speaking to the official Sudan neSUNA, the spokesperson of the Sudan Armed Forces, Al-Sawarmi Khaled renewed Wednesday his accusations against the SPLA of supporting Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). He further said that harboring Darfur rebels is a clear violation to the security arrangement in the CPA which provides the parties shall comply with the cessation of hostilities.

He also denied to Reuters today’s attack.

“This is absolutely not true. We have not attacked anywhere near the border,” Al-Sawarmi said.

However, Col. Phillip Panyang, the SPLA spokesperson confirmed the Wednesday incident, saying the area sources were closely monitoring the area situation, while the military sources remain in full alert.

Panyang also re-echoed the Aweil North Commissioner’s earlier remarks, largely blaming the NCP of creating situations likely to drag this country back to the war days.

“Khartoum cannot claim to be using SAF under the pretext of searching for Darfur rebel leaders whom they alleged are hiding in the south. We have nothing to do with them. All we know is that SAF is trying to create a janja weed situation in Southern Sudan, but they will never succeed,” the SPLA spokesperson said.

He appealed to members of the international community, especially the UN, to intervene into the matter by pressuring the Khartoum regime into accepting to participate in the full implementation of the CPA.

An estimated 2.5 million people, according to UN estimates, are believed to have died and about 4 million displaced during what was described as Africa’s longest civil war.

Deng Lual, an official from the area of Aweil North County expressed from Juba his disappointment saying such behavior disturbs stability of the area. He called on the SPLA to not allow the SAF to attack them in their positions and civilians without attempting to use antiaircraft weapon.

“There is a weakness on the side of our forces here. Why allowing the armed forces to bomb them twice. Why allowed them to kill our innocent civilian. What is the mandate of the SPLA if they cannot protect civilians,” asked Lual in a war like tone



  • Anyang

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Hi Folks,

    It’s look like the NCP and its SAF are really longing for the doomdays to take its course instead of peaceful resolution the SPLM/SPLA has been advocating for,since the signing of CPA and if that really resonated well with them,than I do urge the SPLM to show them a little bit of their strength if this provocation continues.Otherwise It would be wise and also good for the NCP and its forceses to stop this kind of action and be ready to fully embrace the peace “CPA” for the good of the country.

  • marie

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    This is a clear violation of the security arrangement provision in the CPA by SAF to attack the SPLA bases. The NCP is trying hard to derail the peace and return people to square one as was warned by the NCP youth chair yesterday on Sudan TV. It is time to involve the international community and show to the world who is violating the peace agreement. GOSS on its side should try to capture all images of the carnage and the destruction trail left by the bombings and broadcast it to the whole world to see. ALJAZIRA kept repeating the news but with no footage. It is time, we show the world our side of the story.

    SPLA should be on full alert since it is obvious that Khartoum wants to drag the country back to war. Our airforce should be ready to counter-attack next time such violation is witnessed.

    As Khartoum continues with this kind of aggression, our parliament should be in position to declear unilateral independent of South Sudan as NCP is not interested in the conduct of the referendum exercise. It is time to act tough and we are behind you Salva Kiir 100%.

  • Atari _Omoni
    Atari _Omoni

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    This is very disturbing news in southern sudan,
    Where are so called SPLA defence forces? how come SPLA allowed three aircrafts to bombed their mallitary base? This is show the weakness and cowardness of the current SPLA commanders.Even JEM Rebells are stronger than those cowards. last month, JEM rebells were able to bring down to two gunships.
    I totally agree with Deng Lual who said that why the SPLA not used anti-aircrafts to knock and destroy down their planes.
    How long are we gonna keep on say”we are peace lovers”?

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Well these sons of mamaliks are trying their best to anger SPLA and Southern Sudanese in general to retaliate so that they will put blame on the SPLA but their stupid tactics are not only known to Southerners but the International Community. The stupid NCP and their Al Qida armies will fail and the South Sudan will go no matter what. This is a kicking of a dying bull and when the soul goes out, it will stop kicking.

  • john

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    That is sad when attacking keep repeating. When it going to stop.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Never play with fire!

    There is no doubt from the look of things that the partient of SPLA-SPLM is being translated by both NCP-SAF as weakness on the side of the SOuth. This is not the case. The is a patriotic move meant to preseve the the precious lives of both armed and un-armed Sudanese in the South and North of the counry. This is a SPLA-SPLM policy toward our country collectively.

    The SPLA-SPLM will soon abandon this peaceful approach because of the NCP-SAF violent attitude toward CPA implimentation. The SPLA forces stationed on various border posts will soon react wild if their positions are repeatedly by the NCP’s SAF forces. Please reverse this hostile attitude or else North/South full will resume.

    Young Nation is a Student of International Relations at The University, Australia.

  • kinagonago

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Regardless of bombardment and terrorizing, the people of South Sudan will vote for separation than unity.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    NCP is acting desperately. They will not last in power and that is true. This regime will perish. NCP thinks that it will unite the country by bombing civilians and waging war, this will instead increase hatred among southerners toward northerners. They are too slow to learn from their past, they want to repeat what they did in past in the south and this will not help them in anyway.
    Khartoum will eventually burn to ashes.

  • toposaboy

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    most southerners have now understood referendum is not solution to free them from Arab north

    war is the only language to free our people

    once and for-all

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    What A HAPPEN TO OUR SIDE DAMN SHIT TO BLOODY LIAR OF SUDAN ARMY FORCES. They attention of this people to dismantle the registration process, however, we should bear the pain and solve it amicable manner . SPLA should maintained their mandate meanwhile the international community will judge please negotiate and remember” no smoke with out fire”

  • Biliu

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Bombing South twice, that’s really disturbing, is there any way those allegations can be confirm or deny, is SPLA is really harboring Darfur rebels … if true…What’s the crime behind that… Darfur freedom fighters are Sudanese and have a full right to move around all over Sudan, South should not punish for that, I think the case is more than such lame allegations, what the NCP behind is Southerners vote registration process, Darfurian existence in the South is a pretext to destabilize peace in the South, something SPLM/A should prevent from happening again.

  • AAMA

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    First of all, you cannot guarantee any promise from the NCP because in its philosophy (the war demands to be tricky and they are at war with everyone that is not with them including the normal people and traditional political forces of the north, let alone the christian and amnest south which is not muslim anyways). They can agree on anything and back off from it without any moral commitment.

    The main mistake that the SPLM made when signing the CPA is that it didn’t create the necessary safety measures needed to deal with the NCP(having an army is not enough because war is not the solution). To make the safety measures necessary with the NCP, they need to be wining something all the time (you cannot negotiate to eat all the cake with them because they will agree at the beginning to stop the problem and back off whenever they feel they are not benefiting anymore from the situation). No sane government or person from the north in the past, now or in the future would allow the a right of south self determination in a negotiation, this is simply the blunt truth (they can negotiate anything but not the unity of the country). The only people who can do that are those Muslim brotherhood people because simply, it’s not abiding for them in their philosophy and if this trick is no more beneficial for them, they will simply scrap it.

    Now, all of these skirmishes are intended to reach the win win situation for the NCP and that is (south get separation = south win) and (north gets a big share of the south oil (without sharing the north oil off course) + Abyei + the US sanctions = north win). So, from an NCP perspective the SPLM has to do the math and give them the oil money they want, that’s the simple reality, because, with no oil money (which is used to bribe the deliberately impoverished nation and political forces in order to survive by submitting to them), they will be gone with the wind very soon because there are just too many national and international forces who would love to see them gone.


  • Gatwech

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Signs of imminent war!

    The final war between North and South is coming step by step as predicted by Prophet Ngundeng. We will never avoid it. The north will keep on provoking us until we strike back, and that will be the beginning of an all-out war.

    But don’t worry, Ngundeng predicted their final defeat in all directions of the North-South borders. We will control all our borders. But this needs unity among our people, forces and political parties.

    This is why I appreciate the wise strategy of GOSS leadership of Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar by bringing together all the political parties. Now those political parties will be moving on the ground to mobilize their supporters in every county and Payam. The GOSS leadership has given them money to facilitate their work so that they don’t use lack of resources as an excuse for not going for mobilization.

    This referendum is the last and final chance for our people which we should by all means make successful. Even if we spend billions to facilitate it, we can do it. If GOSS failed to develop the South for the last six years despite those billions of dollars, then it is now time to use the money for referendum mobilization by all the political parties. Any body who doesn’t understand the importance of this period, doesn’t understand his own future!

  • jalabi

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says

    We told you don’t play with the fire and you didn’t listen??!!

    By gathering Darfourians rebels and providing all kinds of support to them is clearly war declaration against north, remember south is still part of Sudan until this moment and SAF have all the right to invade Juba and capture all bad guys including SPLA.

    It is you who breached CPA and declared the war against us, now it is time to harvest all the ugly act you plant.

    Why should we let the south go while we are very sure it is going to harbour all the rebels and instable the north and do what ever they could to destroy the north!!!!! if worse comes to worse then it is time to remind you who we are! you got the CPA after 50 years of fighting and this time you need to fight another 100 years to get new CPA (referendum will not be included at that time)!

    Enough is enough No referendum, you want to fight.. okay then come forward and show your braveness!

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

  • Aleu

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    This Is The Message To The SPLA / SPLM In GOSS.

    I would like to express my view base on such a proof of violation of the CPA Implementation peace agreement. First of all I would like to see Juba administration is calling the world which were witness during the peace talks and signing in Kenya, Juba must call them to come to Southern Sudan and showing these repeatedly violation that, have left many people got injuries in their home. This is the first step the SPLM must do without any delayment.

    Secondly, there is no room on the side of the SPLA to take a silence nor there are no excuses to this repeating violation when the Khartoum government are making such a provocative act in the eyes of the worldwide, this is clearly a well plan made by the NCP of Khartoum and his SAF and must not be allow in our generation’s faces. The Idea from the Khartoum to says, they are hunting Darfur Rebel is a way of invaison the Southern Sudan while GOSS and the SPLA are become a police who want peace and keep order for citizens in the nation and I think this is very unfortunately, one side only can not and will not keep the peace and orders if the side are just making destruction in every single day. I wanted to see all SPLA Cdrs including those recently become a governors must retuns to the SPLA Uints without delay and they must do what it take to protected our people in Southern Sudan and beyond.

    Thirdly, the SPLA must redeploying the anti war airplane in all a cross Southern Sudan Borders, cities and the SPLA Units. In many years people fights for rights until we just realizing that, Sudan nation have lost these big numbers 2.5 million lives in the Sudan but still North Sudan led by Khartoum government are repeated over and over again these people in charge at the Khartoum government are indeed stupidity people, they are just thinking that, war will keep them ruling Sudan nation and this is not going to happen the new war is going to mark the end of NCP in the Sudan. They don’t know if Southern Sudanese people are returning to another new war the whole Sudan government will fall even if they thoughts they are equips in term of Military or whatsoever, the Khartoum government will eventual fallen and those people who have been suffering in Sudan for long time they will rise up just like what happen in Germany. The good news will be if North Sudan attampt to forcing Southern Sudan for another new war then, the civilians of Northern Sudan are going to shares the most disasters ever seen at this time, because the war was end it in South part however, this time around the SPLA will go to North Sudan by all mean and the Northern civilians are going to hear it some guns sounds or they will see something which they have never seen before in their life time.

    Fourth, all optionals are there on the Table. Southern Sudan can get independence by either peaceful referendum election or by automatic untlateral without any question because there are many countries have done it before. South Korean did it, Ethiopian did it with their Northern Ethiopia so there is nothing Southern Sudanese people should worry about Northern Sudan on who will recognized Southern Sudan as a nation. Those things and many others, the SPLA/SPLM must do everything they can to protect land and its peopleand that is all my message to the SPLA/SPLM in GOSS.

  • Bol Garang Deng
    Bol Garang Deng

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    By Boldit

    I’m really up to the government of Sudan. Omer el Bashir and his muslim groups.You want to interrupt our registration. you will not, we are getting our independent by own means even though you are bombing us. South Sudan we are understand what Sudan Air Force but they still didn’t understand us. Get ready SPLA this is how those stupid started their fighting.

  • Barabo Mike
    Barabo Mike

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    We South Sudan we need salf defends. We need to protect our civilians from enemies. Arabs alway bomb us this days you will see. Don’t think you interrupted our registration we are registering for our new nation South Sudan. Forget about bombimg, Arabs you alway used bomb one day the will return to you in Khartoum.

  • Amon Amon
    Amon Amon

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    I don’t blame Arabs they are like pig. they fogot what they did last twenty two years And the repeat again to day you Arabs you will get yourself in Suadi Arabia. if not you will all died here in Sudan. South Sudan is independent Nation otherwise you Arabs you are in trouble.
    Maaaar Kooon Amooon Arabs.

  • The Southern Guy
    The Southern Guy

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    This is the begining of the War.
    But the SPLM should not be fool enough to be use by the Darfurians, what will South Sudan benefit from coming of Abdul Ohid Nur to Juba ????

    The NCP may invest this mistake to pull away from CPA. let the Darfurians fight their war away from us, they are the one who killed us in Southern Sudan during the war.

  • makuei

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Is it time to declare CPA dead? Or does Bashir want to say that CPA is neither Koran nor Bible as Nimeiri lamented about one of the past peace agreements?

    Raphael Makuei

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    All this game being play by the NCP and Their SAF will not stop the southerners from registration because it’s the old tactic normally they used to act.I believe with once of my challeque which gave the comment in the above it’s true that these immigrants their future is doom and doom without light.And let me assured you my fellow southerners there is no worry about the SPLA to defense our nation New Sudan,let us finish first what is ahead of us then we will see what is coming next,it doesn’t mean that the SPLA are cowards to retaliate time is almost to retaliate to this evils dours and they will learn to do good after spoilling all the relationship with Southern Sudan and will be late from now.To me the NCP is going to expired and it will be a great history in Sudan since 1819 all the Sudanese presidents ruled and go without making the country to aplit into two but came to the time of the NCP due to their injustice regime on the Sudanese natives and they claim to be the first class citizen in Sudan while they themselves do notknow where they come from.anyway with hope i say bye bye to northerners whether you like it or not the cuase is the NCP blame them.we will meet at the from line in Khartoum.

  • Waldit

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    It is good that Southerners are wise enough, this is a second time of violent attempt by Northerners and their army force. Anyway we have to keep up with this spirit for sake of referendum execise & for sure international community is record all step taken by NCP

  • Waldit

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    It is good that Southerners are wise enough, this is a second time of violent attempt by Northerners and their army force. Anyway we have to keep up with this spirit for sake of referendum execise & for sure international community is recording all step taken by NCP

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Iam extremely upset with the way the Government of Southern Sudan has responsed to this dangerous and life-threatening situation. This is the second time that the criminal armed forces have bombed the North Bhar- el-Ghazal state of Aweil.

    Folks, we should not allow the criminal armed forces to continue to bomb our civilians and our army’s military barack. These aerial attacks by the Criminal armed forces should not go un answered.

    Our army should response to these aerial attacks with heavy artillery bombardments of the North cities.
    May almighty God creator of heaven and earth bless the long-suffering, abused and long-forgotten people of Southern Sudan who have graciously endured all manner of physical indignities, humiliations, exploitations, and killings inflicted on them by various brutal, murderous and fatalistic Islamic regimes that have come and gone in Khartoum.
    The writer of this comment is John Atem. He is the orphaned son of late freedom figher who wishes the people of Southern Sudan credible, transparent and fraud-free Upcoming Self-determination Referendum. He has successfully completed Certificates in Agriculture, Peace Education and Diploma in Criminal Justice.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Iam extremely upset with the way the Government of Southern Sudan has responsed to this dangerous and life-threatening situation. This is the second time that the criminal armed forces have bombed the North Bhar- el-Ghazal state of Aweil.

    Folks, we should not allow the criminal armed forces to continue to bomb our civilians and our army’s military barack. These aerial attacks by the Criminal armed forces should not go un answered.

    Our army should response to these aerial attacks with heavy artillery bombardments of the North cities.
    May almighty God creator of heaven and earth bless the long-suffering, abused and long-forgotten people of Southern Sudan who have graciously endured all manner of physical indignities, humiliations, exploitations, and killings inflicted on them by various brutal, murderous and fatalistic Islamic regimes that have come and gone in Khartoum.
    The writer of this comment is John Atem. He is the orphaned son of late freedom fighter who wishes the people of Southern Sudan credible, transparent and fraud-free Upcoming Self-determination Referendum. He has successfully completed Certificates in Agriculture, Peace Education and Diploma in Criminal Justice.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    The failure of Government of Southern Sudan to response to the aerial Bombardments of the Northern Bhar-el-Ghazal state of Aweil twice with in this year is a cowardic acts on the part of our leadership. We should not sit idly by while our innocent and peace-loving civilians are being bombed by the National Congress Party’s criminal armed forces.
    The people of Northern Bhar el-Ghazal state of Aweil have contributed significantly to our tedious liberation.
    And we should not sit idly by and watch them being bombed by the National Congress Party’s criminal armed forces.

    The Government of Southern Sudan should response to these outright cowardic attacks with barrages of artillery bombardments of the Northern cities. This is the language that these criminal armed forces will attentatively understand.
    We should not allow the National Congress Party’s Criminal armed forces to test their newly-purchased weapons on our innocent and peace-loving civilians. Folks, I have said it many times and I want to say it once again, let us stop preaching down-market, diversionary and outdated primitive stone age period politics that have reduced us into the lowest common denominator in the scale of contemporary human beings. Let us encourage, promote, and emphasis our shared commonality and de-emphasis our long-standing political differences aside for the greater good of our peace-loving, liberty-seeking and splendid people.
    Finally and last,but not certainly the least, May almighty God creator of heaven and Earth bless the long-suffering, abused and long-forgotten people of Southern Sudan who have graciously suffered and long-endured all manner of humiliations, exploitations, physical indignities and killings inflicted on them by various brutal, murderous and fatalistic Islamic that have come and gone in Khartoum.
    The writer of this comment is John Atem. He is the orphaned son of late freedom fighter. He has successfully completed Certificates in Agriculture, Peace Education and Diploma in Criminal Justice.

  • Joseph

    North warplanes raid South Sudan, SPLA says
    Dear readers
    To avoid unnecessary lost of lives lets them do what ever they wan to do and it will be witnesses by international community. SPLA is respecting CPA only nothing hard for the SPLA to make retaliation.
    For those who are betting a drum of war, war is better to hear it but difficult to face it lets us be very careful and wait for its time.
    The writer is an SPLA officer who faced too many fronts in 1985-2004 one SAF forces two SSIM forces three EDF and finally Arab nomads

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