Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government

November 27, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese presidential adviser accused on Thursday the southern Sudan ruling Party, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) of planning to topple the government of President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Abdallah Massar, told a meeting with local political leaderships held in Nyala, capital of South Darfur state that the SPLM plans to undertake a military action aiming to topple the Islamic regime in Khartoum.

According to the official SUNA, the Presidential adviser who leads a splinter faction of Party Umma said this hostile operation would start next March and with attacks from southern Blue Nile, Abyei and Nuba Mountains in southern Kordofan.

The SPLM is facing huge pressures from the National Congress Party (NCP), as different officials accused the southern Sudan party of supporting the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which clashed recently in Darfur and Kordofan with the government troops in Darfur.

Gahzi Salah Eddin, who is in charge of Darfur file urged the southern Sudan ruling party “to left her hand from Darfur conflict” saying that the role of the SPLM in Darfur was always negative since the start of the conflict.

Also the spokesperson of the Sudan Armed Forces said that the SPLM is harboring JEM troops. He added that such support violate the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the security arrangements specially.

Massar called on the NCP and the other political forces in the north to prepare to confront the military aggression planned by the SPLM.

In less than two months the Southern Sudanese will vote on self determination of the semi-autonomous region. The vote is widely expected to be in favor of secession.

Southern Sudan President said that he would not call for a reprisal attack against the northern army after an air strike in Northern Bhar el-Ghazal. Juba says injured six people on Wednesday but the Sudanese army dismissed the responsibility of the attack.



  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government

    You are damn likely right in this. After the South became an independent country January 2011, and your extremies dragging thier feet on the Abyei referendum what other option does SPLM have. Wait and see we will kick your asses to Saudia, or Yemen to practice your lame sharia there freely.

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Dear South Sudanese
    don’t be panic when NCP and arab leaders wake up the war between black of north and south in which they know where to go when it become a really war. No worry every things has been promised but you are not a losser.

  • Diro79

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Well Well Well if thats not a sound of a person how has lost it all. what did you think that the South was going to do when you were banging the drums of War. sit there and just ask you to continue with what you were doing and that we were enjoying it. trust me we will hang you when all once we get there. just like what happened to Sadaam. Remember

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Defeated dog always used to bark at the bin of the rubbish NCP as the Defeated party is blind seeking for a Samaritan to help them.With all their political leaders whom they mistreated by the NCP in the first again start to convienced by the Ruling Party the NCP to joint them while they will not rcoganise you all in vain in whatever the case.As the President advisor said in the previous article that SPLM are still young in politic.look the you in politic now becoming the winner of the politic.Hahahahaha you the Arabs are so stupid our God will give us our total independent on January 9 with all your evils deed you will fail.

  • Kirary

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Abdallah Massar need to learn on how to address public, because he can not address the public with opinionated news that do not have any substance. There is no evidence of the spla planning to attack the areas of which he mentioned in his communication in Nyala. What he said is only his fear and expectation which have no substance in any way. The Southern Sudanese are tired of deceiveful government in Khartoum, and they want to live alone and forget about Khartoum regime. That is why the probability of separation is higher than the unity, the Khartoum regime should educate about reality than trading of accusation. For example, you can not persuaded brother to live with you meanwhile you are complete evil brother who do not have any sense of kindness and honesty. It is an odd for persuasion to come true in such a situation. The experience of Southern Sudanese with Khartoum regime made it unusual to have unity in Sudan.

  • kaci-banno

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Haaaaaaaaaa, Abdallah Massar, first correct your name, because your two names are conflicting each other. If you don’t have anything to address Durfurain innocent, please stop making noise about something that you don’t know. Wait! fire is coming and durfurain decline to help you by this time to fight south.

    By Kaci-Ma-bano

  • Augustino

    Sudanese official accuse Juba of planning to topple Khartoum government
    Dear all,
    The mad massar is revealing their plan to attack South Sudanese people during the referrandum exercises, we can judge the Jallaba on their word. No point of South Sudan looking for independent south as a country yet planning war which is meaningless to us.

    we will conclude that it is God of southerners that is talking in massar to let us know of what they did planned against us in the south while we are waiting for our free future.

    This message is good signal to Commander James Oth May and commander Piang Deng Kuol and our nation as large. let stop division among us today as from the date of their message and mobilized our resources to be ready for what jallaba is bring to us.

    Augustino Makuc Deng in Twic mayardit County

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