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Sudan Tribune

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NCP blames SPLM and referendum commission for low turnout in north Sudan

November 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The governing National Congress Party (NCP) has once again blamed its peace partner, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), for the low turnout of voters in northern states for south Sudan vote on independence.

Officers wait inside a registration center during the third day of registration to vote in an upcoming referendum at a registration point in Khartoum November 17, 2010 (Reuters Pictures)
Officers wait inside a registration center during the third day of registration to vote in an upcoming referendum at a registration point in Khartoum November 17, 2010 (Reuters Pictures)
Furthermore, the party has expressed dissatisfaction with the performance of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC), the body organizing the process, saying it has allowed SPLM members to control voter-registration centers in north Sudan whereas the south is left fully controlled by intelligence agents of the SPLA, the military wing of the SPLM.

Voter-registration for the politically sensitive plebiscite on South Sudan’s independence commenced domestically and in eight countries abroad on November 15 amid reports of high turnout in the south and low in the north.

The referendum, which is scheduled to take place on January 2011, is expected to see south Sudan breaking away from the north to form an independent state. The vote marks the culmination of the 2005’s peace deal that ended decades of civil war between north and south Sudan.

Registration was initially scheduled to end on December 01, but that deadline has been extended until December 8.

“This process has unfortunately been riddled flawed in which the commission was involved,” the NCP said about the registration in a statement published on Sunday by the official news agency SUNA.

The NCP said that its members had been in a state of “constant meetings” with SSRC officials in order to find solutions to the “irregularities that marred the beginning of the process.”

“However,” the statement added, “the SPLM has managed through its members to paralyze the will of the commission and dominate decision-making, thus derailing all the solutions reached by repealing the administrative order that helped to raise the number of registrants in the north.”

“Meanwhile, the south has been completely dominated by SPLA intelligence,” it said.

The NCP alleged that the commission had caused registeration centers in the north to be controlled by the SPLM, saying that this was a “major factor” in obstructing the registration process.

According to the NCP, 32% of southerners who reached registration centers in the north had been sent back to the south by the SPLM under “flimsy excuses.”

The party demanded that the SSRC “intervenes strongly in order to correct the mistakes that marred the beginning of the process.”

The NCP went on to condemn what it termed as “steps taken by the SPLM to prevent southern citizens from expressing their opinions freely through acts of intimidation and terrorization.”

Last week, the NCP submitted a complaint to the SSRC against what it said were “several irregularities occurring inside and outside registration centers.”

The party alleged that the SPLM was blocking people with mixed south-north parents from registering amid other anomalies.

On the other hand, the SPLM accuses the NCP of intimidating southerners to vote in favor of unity, for which the NCP is campaigning.

Senior SPLM member Atim Garang said earlier this month that southerners were facing an intimidation campaign to vote for unity.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    NCP blames SPLM, referendum commission for low turnout in north Sudan
    Talking will never offer you thugs with upper hand to control the referendum process. Failure in your devious plans to derail or manipulate the referendum process does not mean the SPLM or GOSS has control the referendum. Mr Khalil, the so called Chairman of SSRC has appeared un-helpful to NCP that is why NCP is raoring and accusing Mr. Khalil and his entire team of which more than 90% comes from the South or SPLM.

    My message to NCP is; cool down your irretative bahaviour and prapare to mourn the lost of SOuth Sudan from the rest of your portion.

    Young Nation is a BA student at UQ, Australia

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    NCP blames SPLM, referendum commission for low turnout in north Sudan
    Since the commencement of Referendum registration the NCP keep blaming in SPLM for the low turnout of voters in North ,nothing do with the SPLM ,otherwise the citizens of South in the North by themselves are realizing that why the NCP is so worries for their votes ,
    and the language term of intimidation and terrorization no such behavior from SPLM and the GOSS ,
    The language itself use by NCP showing its total failure NCP remain with one plan to force the Chairman of SSRC Mr Khalil to step down that may happen on the mid of December but we are aware for that ,if occur the Deputy of the Chairman of the SSRC automatically will be person in charge for Referendum process ,SPLM and International Community are so alert ,job will get done .

    Diu Jieth Kuek

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    NCP blames SPLM, referendum commission for low turnout in north Sudan
    Woooooooo a lot of people queue to register to vote in the forth coming referendum for south Sudan self determination in the North.

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