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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes

November 29, 2010 (BOR/JUBA) — At least 8 people have been killed and 8 others were wounded in Akobo county in South Sudan’s Jonglei state following clashes between the southern army and civilians on Sunday, sources have told the Sudan Tribune.

Fighting broke out after the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) tried to disarm civilians at Dengjok in Akobo. Among those killed were five soldiers and three civilians. Seven soldiers were injured along with one injured.

Goi Jooyi Yol, the Akobo county Commissioner told Sudan Tribune by phone on Monday that last week’s incident, involved clashes between the police and army against armed groups of youth.

The incident, the Commissioner said, started when one Kor Jikiny Malual, son of the area sub-chief, Mr. Jikiny Malual, allegedly killed someone in the neighboring community, in what he described as a “revenge mission” before reportedly retreating back to his village.

Following the killing incident, Yol said, a combined force of the SPLA and the area Police pursued the alleged killer but fell into an ambush laid by a group of armed youth who attacked the organized forces.

“The sub-chief, upon hearing that his son was to be arrested by these law enforcement officers decided to mobilize a group of mainly youth armed with guns that laid a deadly ambush on the SPLA and killed 3 of them,” the Commissioner told Sudan Tribune by phone from Akobo.

Shortly afterwards, he added, another similar incident was reportedly laid at Wec Hoth village, where two more soldiers and three civilians were reportedly killed. Several casualties were reportedly rushed to a nearby health center for treatment.

“This is a very unfortunate incident especially at this time when people are actively involved in the ongoing registration for referendum process. It is [the clashes] likely to disrupt the otherwise peaceful exercise,” said the Commissioner.

Voter registration for Southern Sudan’s long-awaited self-determination referendum which started on November 15, officially ends on December 08. The vote is a key part of the country’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended over two-decades of a bloody civil war between north and south.

Jonglei’s State High Committee (SHC) for the south’s referendum on independence said that two voter registration centers have had to be closed.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune in Bor, the capital of Jonglei state, John Boloc, a member of SHC said that registration at two centers is halted since Sunday and today Monday.

He said it was possible that the centers in Dengjok “may not operate” on Tuesday he added.

John Luk Jok, the Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development minister in the southern government condemned the Akobo incident, which he largely attributed to failure by authorities to disarm local communities still in possession of small arms.

“Last week’s incident simply underlines the situation of small arms which are still in existing among the communities. In my view, if such situations are not controlled then we are likely to continue seeing more of such mishaps among community members,” Jok, a legislator from the area, said when reached on phone.

When contacted on Monday, Col. Phillip Aguer Panyang, the SPLA spokesman confirmed the Akobo incident but had a slightly different version of events.

“We have received information on what happened in Akobo. All we know is that it was a clash involving two communities fighting among themselves. But when the SPLA were called to intervene, they resisted and instead fought the army. Am yet to confirm the numbers of people killed or wounded in the clashes,” he told Sudan Tribune.

Such incidences, he added, though not the first in the county are usually escalated by “groups of gangsters” in the area.



  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    Sad news for Jonglei State and South Sudan. Just when things start getting better, like the sport of wrestling that has pickup Jonglei lately something horendous is lurking in the shadows like this primitive killing at this crucial time… I am speachless.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    The trouble some chief and his son must go to jail. It is the duty of all chiefs in South Sudan to work alongside State government in disarming their armed civilians. Unfortunately, Mr. Malual, the chief and his son must face justice for murder and abstructing disarment in the area.

    The incident has clearly indicated that, Mr. Malual and his Son did not only caused insecurity in the area but have also intended to disrupt the smooth progression of voters’ regitration.

    Young Nation is a BA student at the University of Queensland, Australia

  • DOOR

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    As usual our brothers of Akobo are undermining security.
    The chaoes deeply entrenched in Lou Nuer community can not be quell without strong use of force and law enforcement.

    Rest in peace dearest souls.

  • Atari _Omoni
    Atari _Omoni

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    south sudan has to stop disarming civilians at this moment while north sudan arming Janja weeds and messiriya.

  • Aleu

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    Sadness news for Jonglei State and Southern Sudan as a whole. It is bad when civilians are not respected their National Army such as they polices and regular soldiers. I think Southern Sudanese communities will have to learn more about the world civilization that, people have to face law if there is something wrong happening in the community, people did leave that case to the law to be follow, but in this situation like our none educated Southern Sudanese communities, they want to respones qucikly and negatively way and certainly, I do blame the absence of education in Southern Sudan since in 50 years until now, Southern Sudanese people have been practices killing eack other for whatever matter is and it is not merely lack of understanding among our communities themselves but also the lawless and for being unedcuated population it has remain to be seen. I think there is a lots of works needed to be done in Southern Sudan communities after passing the referendum election on January9,2011.

    Now they don’t even know that, they are not only losing their brothers who will be always defending them during the shortest of drakness days coming to them, but Southern Sudanese in general they are actually losing 8 votes now that, are suppose to be count this coming January9,2011. Unfortunately, the primitiveness of evil from our traditional people minds are telling them to kills each other while their main problems are waiting them this is more than a foolishness that, Southern Sudan communities must leave this bad behaviors and let everyone face law if individual being caught committed crimes the government will have to deal with that person this is the way of the world who understand how good the civilize is.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    My condolence to the family of the Victims its sad news to hear that such innocent life has taken away by fellow Southernners I personally strongly condemn that an accident, specially GOSS and the State Government should not come out with such disarmament policy in this crucial stage .
    I term it as accident of negligent from our Government both State and the GOSS levels ,
    people should focus in the mains objectives as Refenedum policies and external security threat as what happened in the North Bahr el Ghazal State ,
    By Diu Jieth Kuek

  • john

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    Disgusting, blamed it on the administration. Why disarmament is care out this time since everybody know tempetation is at the door?

  • Tribe

    Jonglei state: 8 killed in Akobo county clashes
    First of all , i am totally sadden and pained to hear our brothers are dying before they could attest the colossal phenomenon of our history and time—-the condolences and prays go to the parents of SPLA’s victims. Secondly,Luk Jok needs to stop this norm of blaming the SPLA for incomplete disarmament. He is now a head of policy-making body and it is upto him to shore up new policies if the old one did not work. the disarmament has default because the SPLAs and civilians are at an equal match when it comes to armamemt.they are both using the old Russian’s made AK-47. therefore, who is to look superior when both sides face off like what had just happen? the one who has devised the upright tactic, and the favor seems to lay in the path of the outlaw civilians.however,the superioty of the thugs civilian over the renown SPLA will still persist if the governing bodies do not captalize on fortifying the SPLA arsenals and as well as policies on how to approach the armed civilians.
    lastly,i do advocate the SPLA to halt the disarmament until the middle of next year so that our focus could solely get fix on the Referedum and anyone who would want to temper with it progress.

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