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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign

December 5, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir should step down in light of the isolation imposed on him because of the charges leveled by the International Criminal Court (ICC), an Islamist political analyst said in an op-ed today.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir
Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir
The Sudanese leader is wanted Bashir is wanted by the ICC on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity he allegedly orchestrated in Darfur.

Al-Tayeb Zain al-Abdeen, who is a professor of Political Science at the University of Khartoum, was reacting to Bashir’s cancelled appearance at two events this week in Libya and the Central African Republic (CAR).

Libya asked Bashir to stay away from the 3rd Africa-European Union summit in Tripoli after the European bloc threatened a mass walkout should the Sudanese leader show up. The Sudanese government issued a strongly worded statement afterwards slamming the EU’s “hypocrisy” and implicitly criticizing Libya for succumbing to European pressure.

Khartoum boycotted the summit altogether at all levels and the Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti was instructed to return from Tripoli during a ministerial meeting he was attending.

Also on Wednesday, Bashir cancelled his trip to Bangui for CAR’s Golden Jubilee Independence Day celebrations after France pressed its former colony to rescind its invitation.

“My belief is that Libya did not err at all and adopted a wise political position that was to be taken by any country that wants to coexist with the major powers of our times and play a role in the international or regional arena. I do not think that there is one country in this world that wants to enter into a confrontation with the European Union of for the sake of Sudan,” al-Abdeen said in his Op-ed published in Sunday’s edition of the independent Al-Sahafa daily newspaper.

“What Libya has done was done before by Kenya when it declined to host the meeting of [Inter-Governmental Authority for Development] IGAD countries, in order to avoid inviting Bashir after being scolded [last August] by European countries for receiving al-Bashir in its celebration of the new Constitution and was moved to Addis Ababa. A few days ago the Central African Republic followed suit when it backed from inviting president Bashir to attend the celebration of National Day on the first of December after the arrival of Sudan’s advance team to organize the reception,” he added.

Al-Abdeen noted that Sudan itself has agreed to receive a delegation from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) last October despite public statements made by its members that they do not wish to meet with Bashir.

“It is better for the government of the Sudan to accustom itself with this bitter political reality which is that Western nations are determined to boycott President al-Bashir at all international forums and is capable of forcing most of the world nations to isolate al-Bashir out of these platforms. This is a fact which is harmful to Sudan’s political and economic interests,” he wrote in his daring assessment.

He called on Khartoum to seek a resolution of the Darfur war crimes issues by applying justice on suspects through the hybrid courts proposed by former South African president Thabo Mbeki or through truth and reconciliation commissions. The government should also work for a comprehensive resolution of the Darfur conflict with the participation of all political parties and civil society groups.

But the Sudanese president who held the post for over 21 years must take an extra step and call it quits for the sake of the country, al-Abdeen said.

“President Al-Bashir must sacrifice himself for the sake of the nation to save it from existing and projected sanctions by stepping down from power and to establish a national transitional situation before holding new elections in the North agreed upon between the political forces after a period of stabilized conditions” he concluded.

The statements by the veteran and widely respected Islamist figure will likely anger Bashir’s National Congress Party (NCP) which has asserted that they have no intention of letting their leader resign.

Al-Abdeen has long been critical of the Islamist movement particularly for carrying out the 1989 coup and oppressive measures they undertook since coming power. He was the head of the Islamic Shura Council for the National Islamic Front (NIF) which was the ideological mastermind behind the coup.

The Council was dissolved in 1990 after the NIF leader Hassan Al-Turabi believed there was no need for it after the group took control of the state.

Al-Abdeen still maintains personal relations with senior members of the government.



  • Timsah

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    To Mr.Bashir,

    The don has explicitly said it all and it is high time you step down from the realm of power, as ICC arrest warrant hanging on you, has rendered you ineffective head of state. It is however, absurd to call yourself the president of Sudan when you don’t take part in international forums that affect your country either directly or indirectly. Swallow your pride and step down and all the Sudanese political forces will organise an early election to elect a legitimate head of state without tainted past like you do. If you don’t organise an early election on time, then, let the First Vice President of Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit lead the country through this transition from authoritarianism to democracy.


  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Bashir should resign and go to Saudia Arabia where should give alms to Allah for his sins to be forgiven.

  • kaci-banno

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    it is up to Bashir to deal with ICC even though he resign or not he will face justice.

    By: Kaci-ma-banno.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Dear Abdeen

    Professor Zain al Abdeen of Khartoum department of Political Science has absolutely missed the point in his edition. It is Politically unwise to request for the resignation of Bashir as an individual. The root causes of Sudan’s problems do not come from Bashir as an individuals. The policies decended from the chain of command within the hierachy the Islamic Party as a political entity. Better look at the centre of the Islamic part as a whole rather than asking Bashir to resign.

    Realistically speaking, for Northern Sudan to be at peace with local, regional and international political actors, the people of Northern Sudan, and I mean those who are non-Islamists in their political thought must demand the resignation of NCP members starting from the head of state to the local watchman. This is the only way Northern Sudan might regain their long lost political dignity in the eyes of international actors and escape the current protracted political isolation

    Young Nation is a student of Inteional Relations at The University of Queensland, Australia

  • Aleu

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Islamist should have pressure Omar Hassan Ahmed al Bashir from the beginning to step down from being ahead of the State unfortunately, it did not happen that way because those people who are now calling themselve Islamist were they one rally behind Bashir. The Sudan country would have been better than now. I know there are million of Sudanese people that, do not want Omar al Bashir at all but they can not speak up because the title of the Sudan government is a Military dictatorship system however, the more times the Northern Sudanese want to backing president Bashir to stay in power the worst and continues with the bitterness of its relatioship to the world will unchangeable.

    Yes, I do support the Idea of telling president Omar al Bashir to step for now this was the first chance that, he missed in the last year when his indictment was announced, but look like he was thinking the fruad April election of the Sudanese general election will help him with his NCP to gained power as they did and everyone knows that, the law is law when your government and you as a leadr of the nation made a misconduct in what we all known as the war crimes,genocide and crime against humanity these things are more than Bashir leadership. The door for Omar al Bashir to show up in the ICC is still very open to go to the Court and say what he knows why human beings are losing in the Sudan nation for what reason.? The NCP must know that, the powerful Party of Adolf Hiler of Germany Military dictatorship is not longer on this earth, so failure to hand Omar al Bashir over to the ICC Judges will punishing the whole NCP in the Sudan and I think Sudan nation will be better off without NCP and president Omar al Bashir.

  • Thongjang Thongjang
    Thongjang Thongjang

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Even donkey Basher step down will help the Khartoum terrorist regime! Only solution is to report himself to ICC jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Rabbi Thongjang Thongjang.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Dear Prof

    Professor Al Tayeb Zain Abdeen your right to call for Mr President to resign and Vacant the seat of the Presidency for the sake of the Nation as more isolation been imposed on him by International communities ;Omer is wanted by ICC on charged of genocide,war crimes and crimes against humanity in Western Sudan Darfur Region which trifle him in the eyes of International comuunity.

    But Omer Hassan Al Bashir should not resign at the moment unitill date of 9/Jan/2011 conducted of Self-determination of Southern Sudan referendum thereafter will be your own problem.otherwise will cause political confusion in the Country if he do so.

    By Diu Jieth Kuek

  • Udukcana.J

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    yes, bashir should resign and surrender to ICC. khartoum always think the ICC warranty has no negative effect on them,but now what?Al Tayeb’s statement reflect the reality of the negative impact of ICC warrant on Khartoum.AS i used to expect, bashir at the end will be handed over to ICC by his own supporters.Nor more comfortable sleep for bashir.I think bashir is now bussy picturing himself infront of the ICC judges.

    yes, his world is shrinking like never before.

  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    islamist,you feel it now..
    “NO one escape the death”

  • Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu
    Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Your excellence president Bashir.

    Haha No condolence from ICC at any time any moment and at any place, you must leave powers and go to ICC either by peace or pieces. God/alaaha is tired of you in this world. you are not a patriotic leader but just a stupid murderer. To hell with you on your opened grave. You are piercing To reach “magaber“. Your piousness leadership is sanctimonious.

    Shame on you on your pending grave.


  • Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu
    Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Where is KIM DENG? his uncle is now on pressure to step down on powers, he must dieeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  • Ruach Jing
    Ruach Jing

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Bashir is not suppose to resign he better present him self to ICC if he is a man enough… there no need of hiding ur self like a thief…

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    oh would Bashir resign because of his people.Do not invite trouble before trouble, trouble u.
    Any way pride come be4 failure.
    U should carry your own cross.

  • majak mayen
    majak mayen

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Good call for Islamist in the North for Bashir to resign because the charges level against him are too servere and he is not a trusted man to run the country..


  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Mediocre Islamists!
    waiting till 25th hour and call for useless resignation?
    didn’t you know in advance that the fugitive Bashir will encounter such difficulties? You good for nothing reactionaries! let president Bashir enjoy his seat till death takes him!

  • Victory

    Sudanese Islamist calls on president Bashir to resign
    Please mr professor what goes around comes around,its up to el bashir to resign or to surrender him self to the ICC,south Sudan is going to be a differnt states in 9 jan/2011,therfor bashir resignation is not going to affect the southerns in any way or other.

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