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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei

December 5, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese presidency will meet on Monday to discuss the future of the central Sudan disputed region of Abyei as the referendum on southern Sudan independence will take place within a month.

In this meeting repeatedly postponed during the past weeks, the two peace partners are supposed to determine their position from a number of proposals submitted by the head of the African Union High Level Panel on Sudan Thabo Mbeki.

The presidency meeting that takes place on Monday in the presence of the high level African panel will consider proposals on the issue of Abyei, said Ibrahim Gandour Political Secretary of the National Congress Party (NCP).

Last November the United States which brokered the peace deal and continues to play crucial role to ensure its implementation, admitted it might not be possible to organize the referendum in January as scheduled.

Yet “we recognize that given that there is not agreement between north and south on the details of that referendum, if they, you know, are able to arrive at a different course of action, that is up to them, but it has to be a mutually agreeable alternative,” State Department spokesman Philip Crowley on 9 November.

The meeting of the Sudanese presidency will decide over a number of propositions formulated initially by the US envoy to Sudan. Among others, the presidency might agree on alternatives to the referendum.

“We in the National Congress do not need someone to give us a deadline when it comes to implementing the peace agreement which we are keen to realize,” he said commenting on statements by Dinka Ngok saying deadline given to the NCP and SPLM is over.

The Dinka Ngok in Khartoum staged a protest in Khartoum against statements by President Omer Al-Bashir before the NCP consultative council saying no referendum in Abyei without the participation of Misseriya.

The two peace signatories of 2005 deal have failed to agree on the eligibility of Abyei voters in a referendum supposed to be conducted simultaneously with the southern Sudan vote on independence next January.

The Southern Sudan ruling party says only Dinka Ngok and other permanent residents have the right to vote in Abyei Referendum. The SPLM position is based on the decision of arbitration tribunal which stated that the region belongs to the nine Dinka Ngok chiefdoms.

On the other hand, the NCP leadership says the decision of The Hague court confirms the Misseriya grazing rights in the region. President Bashir said the right over the land does not exclude the cattle herders from taking part in the referenda.

Abyei population has to vote on 9 January 2011 to decide whether they want to remain part of southern Kordofan state or join southern Sudan which is expected to vote for independence on the same day.



  • Thongjang Thongjang
    Thongjang Thongjang

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    The Monday meeting will make progress only on condition Abyei belong to Dinka/Kush South period !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rabbi Thongjang Thongjang.

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    Dears my people
    even so Omer and Mbeki talk, talk, and talk about Abyei issue, nothing to be achieve atall. I just need my black people of Abyei to raise up a very strong strategies to the worlds I hope your brother will give you hand with a very clean heart. God help my peopl!

    Remember that we live in South Sudan from 1956 with out getting any support from government of Sudan , no health, education, roads, building, business, and no intermarried as a one nation. Even our second capital city Juba was very poorer then any village in north Sudan.

    Secession is an option

  • Deng Alier
    Deng Alier

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    Abyei problem will be resolves peaceful as presidency meeting today progressing and God will be the bridge between two partners of CPA ,Mbeki have proposed unprofitable proposals which dose not favor South Sudan and Abyei people and favoring Arabs of North Sudan

    Alier son in South Sudan

  • Machine

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    President Bashir should not bring problems in the Monday anticipated meeting because he knows that Abyei belongs to the Southern Sudan and they will not be pools enough to choose the Northern lunatics and the ullugancy of their baseless government.

  • Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu
    Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    dears brothers

    we are closing holes one-by-one, nothing we can leave unsolve in this country; Abyei,Nuba and Darfurian are our brothhers though they reacted against us during 21 year back God knows.


  • majak mayen
    majak mayen

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei

    President Bashir should focus on Abyei clearly not to intermidate the right of Abyei people in the upcoming referendum. The history of Abyei is very clear in Sudan. Abyei is part of South.It’s upto Abyei people to decide which part of sudan the belong to However, history speak itslef for Abyei…


  • AdierCien

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    What SHOULD THE Sudanese presidency gonna discuss again since we have one option in our mind that ABYEI have to vote for their choice that is independent or unity from Northern government and that is what we are waiting for,the solution for ABYEI is only vote and I’m calling upon my fellow compatriots of Southern Sudan to be very vigilant in this referendum THANK YOU.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    WHAT NEXT???????
    What NCP is planning for is clearer that they(NCP) are blocking our Independence on 9th Jan.2011.
    Since the nominated they person they truth(Khalil)to head the referundom. Which become the headache to us all these times. What next? is is Messirya Issues. What next is referunda delayers, what next? is the cheating of writing ghost names and manipulation of figures in Khartoum and Arabs world e.g Egypt and many others. What next? Is the boycoting of referunda results. What next? inviting the terrorist/ Jihad to crash down all the Southerners and take the land which they (NCP) is always dreaming at. What next? So on and so forth. But the fact remains that we will and never listen to them but go to promise land i.e Independent Country of Southern Sudanese for EVER AND EVER.
    God Almighty, help us from evils (Arabs)we don’t want anything from them but our freedom AMEN!!!!!!!

  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    It is waste of time to keep talking about Abyei issue.
    Abyei problem is the center for doing business not solving the sensitive problem that we all see gonna be result in lose of life,if not taken seriously.

    who are we going to blame on this coming war?
    Dinka Ngok are responsible for their own problem.Please,please,Let Dinka Ngok go to North,AND no one was forced then to go to north sudan in 1905,that is long time, and a century . I dont care whether they participated or contributed alot during the south and north war.Even Nubia,blue Nile and south kodurfan they partcipated too.
    Dink Ngok are not special,further more,they are converted into muslim in which i do reject them to enter south sudan,and they might come to introduce their dirty culture to our future generations.
    They went there voluntarily without any condtions put on the table,so what are we talking about now?
    President Salvatore Kiir,get the hell out of Abyei problem and do some postive for the people of south sudan.

    Atari Omoni,

  • Lokeji

    Sudanese presidency to discuss Monday propositions on Abyei
    The Abyei issue has become the only card at the disposal of NCP to fulfilled his evil desires and they will do their best to twist the hands of SPLM to get what they want.But the crystal question is, what does the NCP want? let no one mistake that, the NCP is concern about Abyei and the interest of Misseriya tribe but rather they are utterly concern for the oil in the region and this can be testified by their reaction to secretary pagan Amun proposal.Secretary Pagan is the only SPLM cadre who knows how to twish the minds of NCP.Secondly if we are to assumed that the NCP is concern about the interest of the misseriya tribe, why should they not accept the final ruling of the arbitration tribunal court of Hague that above all grands the misseriya the right of grazing their cattles? hence the misseriya have to take precuations regarding their future in the presence of the on going political turmoil, because NCP is not there for them but rather for their personal interest.
    Finally am not always confortable with this presidency meetings, because it’s out comes are not in our favour but rather in the favour of NCP.The NCP is using this tactical meetings (presidency meetings) to isolate our president (Salva Kiir)from his southern cabinets in order to pressure him on many unresolved issues,at the end they come out to say this is the decision of the presidency while our president is not in it’s favour.In this particular issue, Mr president have to resist any decision that will affect the ownership of Ngok dinker to their mother land, and if it demands the SPLM/A and NCP/SAF to enter into political or military bailatia, We are ready.

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