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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields

December 6, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan Armed forces (SAF) and the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) on Monday signed a framework agreement on securing oilfields and related infrastructure in the South.

The accord states that the Joint Integrated Units (JIU) will continue their in accordance with the current security arrangements for the purposes of protecting the oilfields, companies and their employees as well as boosting the security situation in the region before and after the South Sudan referendum scheduled for early next month.

JIU will be joined by the security forces from the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) as well as South Sudan police.

The upcoming vote is part of a peace agreement that ended decades of civil war between the North and South and is widely expected to create the world’s newest state.

About 75 per cent of Sudan’s proven reserves of 6.3bn barrels are in the south but the pipeline that carries the oil to export terminals and refineries runs through the north. The south needs Khartoum’s co-operation to sell its oil; the north needs revenues from its neighbor’s resources.

Today’s agreement was signed by the Sudanese minister of defense Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein and the SPLA affairs minister Nihal Deng in Falluj town in the Upper Nile State.

The ceremony was attended by Sudan’s 2nd Vice president Ali Osman Taha and South Sudan Vice president Riek Machar.

The agreement states that should the need arises JIU enforcements from other regions will be sent to the Unity and Upper Nile states. The term of the accord is good until July 9, 2011 based on the political directives of the partners after the referendum results are announced.

The two parties agreed on establishing a mechanism chaired by senior officials on both sides to observe implementation of the security plan and immediately intervene to contain any emergency incidents.

VP Taha said that the agreement underscores the intention of the Sudanese peoples to maintain durable peace in accordance with the directives of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and his First Vice President Salva Kiir who is also President of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS).

He said that the flow of oil represents the foundation of the Sudanese economy now and in the future, whatever be the outcome of the referendum might be.

The separation of Sudan into a two states will deny the North billions of dollars in revenue generating from vast oilfields in the south of the country. Currently the North and the South are splitting the proceeds of crude in accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005.



  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    Bravo both SAF and SPLA for having signed a contempoary accord to ease deteriorating condtions of innocent Sudansese on both sides of the coountry.

    It’s going to be enjoyable for a moment though this agreement won’t last longer.

    Whatever is discussed at the table produces a positive result and also enhances relationship even if the Country will split into two States.

    Let’s maintain peace by not conquering and looting people’s property as they are vulnerable to resist possesion of their belongings.

  • Thongjang Thongjang
    Thongjang Thongjang

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    This agreement it’s the stupid thing SPLM/A ever sign! Why they allowed the enemy to continuing milking Southerners economy? My god! Rabbi Thongjang Thongjang.


    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    Dr. Riek Machar & Nhial Deng Nhial are all confused element leaders who don’t even know what they are doing. How can you signed an agreement for securing oilfields? Why SPLA not securing it? If they afraid to confront the Arabs, then why they don’t leave the offices and hand them to other people who are ready to confront Arabs face to face? Riek Machar Teny was already a rebel and he can do whatever he wanted to do as Nhial Deng Nhial was a “semi” rebel too.

    Money have blind fooled the Southern Sudanese leader that they don’t even have an access to elaborate their right.
    Shame on them.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Santino Nuan
    Santino Nuan

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    Thanks to both GOSS and NCP government for this agreement. I was personally worried that NCP will deceive SPLM/A in this bleak situation to propose the re-deployment of its occupant forces called Sudan Armed Forces in Oil Fields especially in our area of Paloich, Melut County.

    My message to NCP is that we Southerners are very peacefull than your northerners in the north. Look since the beginning of Oil operation, there was no single incident ever happened against Oil workers. Our people are very peaceful beyond description. Big trucks transport materials from Port Sudan to Melut County every day on the roads and no one has robbed any single driver or Oil wokers on the way. So, it is rediculous to talk about security while the Oil fields were already under the protection of South Sudan army (SPLA) for more than five years. Thanks to God that the Oil fields are not in the northern Sudan territories. If Oil was in the north, I think terrorists would have interrupted its smooth exploitation.

    Let us not be deceived again by NCP who of think of bad which they do but we don’t do. SPLA is capable to secure and protect Oil fields during upcoming referendum than the proposed joint integrated Units. Paloich or Melut County’s people in particular are peaceful and we don’t need any deployment of JIU. The philosophy of security says that any security or insecurity is always lies in the hnads and behaviour of ordinary citizens and not government. If people are peaceful than the whole situation will remain calm and secure regardless of deployment of army or not and but if people are argon or trouble makers, then the security situation always remains taught and insecure no matter how many soldiers are deployed in that particular area.

    Secondly, why is only addressing security of companies but what about the basic services in the areas where Oil is being excavated? Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the Vice President of GOSS and H.E Simon Kun Pouch, the governor of Upper Nile State have both addressed public in Melut town on Sunday, 5, December. They were given number of complaints by the citizens about the lack of basic services in Oil rich area of Melut. Are these demands of basic services promptly addressed by two Vices President in this meeting? Dr Riek promised or assured people during his speech that he will address installation of water, electricty and road. If I were Dr. Riek, I must refuse to return back to Juba unless one of the mentioned basic services installed before my departure. By doing that the people of Melut cannot forget Dr. Riek Machar whatever the situation would be. We are tired of empty promises. Thanks

    Santino Nuan Kur

  • Victory

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    how trustful is niss?

  • Victory

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    point of correction(i mean SAF)why can the SPLM/A protect the oilfield by them self?and as for NCP ,how many agreements have you singed and did not put them into action or implementation?Abyei issue is what matter now in this crucial time not the oilfields….PLEASE SPLM do not allow to be foold by NCP.

  • majak mayen
    majak mayen

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields

    I don’t agree with the deal sign by SPLA & NCP to put joint integrated units(JIU)into the oilfield. I don’t understand the reason behind the deal since SPLA have enough resources to proctect the oilfield without SAF intervention.

    i real don’t….
    i real don’t….
    i real don’t….


  • marko malou
    marko malou

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    SPLM/A leadership need to be very careful,this is a plan B!!!!!.

  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    This is what i have been talking,northerners think that they are smarter than us.
    How come for olifields protection agreement to be signed for less than minute,and Abyei,border demarcations take years? so if we talk about anything that related to economy and is lying in south sudan,so is very easy for Arabs to inked.If all oilfields are located in northern sudan we would have been separated long time ago.
    Atari Omoni.

  • kaci-banno

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    SPLM should avoid such a nonsense agreements, wasting time,papers and ink for no reason. From the day that CPA was signed until now NCP is the only beneficiary of the oil,Why we need agreement. Even the JIU is not considered by NCP. Some time I feel regretted to hear Dr. Reik to be a witness of oil areas agreement because he was the one who given chance for NCP to use oil fields in Unity state and Upper Nile when he signed agreement with Khartoum 1991.

    By: kaci-Ma-banno

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Sudan’s North & South sign agreement on securing oilfields
    Security cooperation with the North at this stage is highly needed. It is practically hard for our gallant forces(SPLA) to control all pipe lines heading northward upto Port Sudan after separation. If it happens, that would be a clear violation of the neighbour’s sovereignty. Another econoic strategy is to be in place before getting rid of the North!! I personally applaud SPLA military strategy in this regard. That is professionalism.


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