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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal gets humanitarian assistance for victims of air attacks

By Ngor Arol Garang

December 8, 2010 (JUBA)- Authorities from the southern state of northern Bahr el Ghazal on Wednesday received humanitarian assistance for the victims of air attack allegedly carried out by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Gokmachar, Kuol Athuai Hal, commissioner of Aweil North County said some relief organizations in the area are providing medical care to thousands of the recently internally displaced persons, who fled air bombardments in the area.

He said a quick assessment conducted in the area following attack has found out that the initial figure of 3,500 of internally displaced people has increased.

“The initial figure which was 3,500 has increased. The house to house assessment conducted jointly with international relief organizations, after the attack on Kiir Adem has found out that a lot of people have left their homes. The entire village and her surrounding have been deserted.”

“5,820 people are confirmed to have been displaced. This I morning received a report from South Sudan Relief and rehabilitation commission that 5,820 have been displaced,” said Athuai.

“They have moved out of their original homes. Some of them are here in Gokmachar. Others have gone to Aweil and the rest are with relatives in other neighboring villages.”

He said the state government with the help of international organizations is mobilizing resources, while encouraging the population to return to their respective areas.

“The government is mobilizing resources to ensure that people are returned. The security situation has returned to normal. There is no more problem. Adequate security will be provided and they will be protected. They need to go back to their areas so that they are able to vote in centres where they registered during voter registration,” said commissioner Athuai.

Athuai said the affected groups are primarily women and children. “Most of the people who have been displaced from their homes are mostly women and children. The rest are elderly people and vulnerable group. Men remained behind to protect their properties. In our culture, men do not run away together with women. They are always to the last people to leave.”

He named International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Concern International as some of the international organizations in the area offering humanitarian assistances.

“Currently, we have IRC offering medical care to the victims at Jaac. Jaac is a village located at the extreme north of Gokmachar along the border lines. They go to Jaac. This is where IRC operates a primary health care unit. There are free outpatient services there. The IRC was part of the quick assessment conducted in the area agreed to offer medical care service without paying charges. They are giving immunization program and vaccinations against polio, diphtheria, TB and measles,” he explained.

He also expressed his concern that the population could be at high risk of infectious disease saying diarrhoea is one of the problems he thinks the IRC should soon attend to it because local people drink dirty water as they walk the journey of 80-120 km to Jaac.



  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal gets humanitarian assistance for victims of air attacks
    Arab league says if isreal bombed Plastinian,southern sudan gonna smell smoke from Arabs too.
    It is all about the capability of the government of south sudan,
    we have strong people who can able to defend this nation, but we lack millitary equipment.
    we need north sudan to feel us like we feel them.
    Omoni Atari, Natinga,south sudan

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