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Sudan Tribune

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Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends

December 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The South Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) announced today that voter registration for Southerners is closed as of today, a milestone towards the plebiscite scheduled to be held in 30 days.

A Southern Sudan voter displays his voter registration card at the John Garang de Mabior mausoleum in Juba, December 6, 2010 (Reuters)
A Southern Sudan voter displays his voter registration card at the John Garang de Mabior mausoleum in Juba, December 6, 2010 (Reuters)
The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the North and South stipulates that two simultaneous self-determination referendum should be held in South Sudan and Abyei so that its residents should decide their fate. While Southern Sudan will have the option to establish their own state, the people of Abyei are to vote on whether they want to stay with the North or join an independent South.

The Abyei referendum is on hold pending agreement between the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the North and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) in the South. The voter eligibility is the key hurdle in the Abyei referendum.

“The registration process has been a success and has been peaceful,” said Aleu Garang Aleu, spokesman for the Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau.

“A great number of people have turned out, close to three million people in the south,” he added. “The exact figures will be calculated in coming days since reports are still being gathered from some centers.”

The registration process was launched on November 15 for a two-week period but extended by one week due to high demand in the south and to encourage a bigger turnout by southerners living in northern Sudan.

The referendum commission has estimated that around 5.5 million southerners may be eligible to vote, including 500,000 in the north and half a million abroad.

Those eligible to vote in the referendum include permanent residents of south Sudan since 1956, when the country gained independence from Britain, and those who can trace their ancestry to an established south Sudan tribe.

The final electoral list is due to be published on January 5, four days before the vote.

Meanwhile, local media in Khartoum reported that SSRC chief asked the NCP and the SPLM to delay the referendum by at least a week.

Southern leaders have up to now refused to accept any delay to the vote on whether they should secede or stay part of Sudan, a plebiscite promised to them in a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of north-south civil war.



  • Victory

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    That is good,we are through with part one of our independence, lets focus on part two ‘9/jan/2011’ & please i aurge all those who registerd to remin committed to their vow by casting their votes in the due time …. independance oyyee.

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    Bye bye to injustice as 3million have ready registered and they will also vote in voting exercise on 09 of 1/2011

    bye bye to arabs

    bor town the beginning of struggle

  • AdierCien

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    I and those who were with me in the bush brought to you a PEACE in a Golden flat. It is now your turn to decide whether to remain a second class citizen or first class citizen in your country said Doctor John Garang de Mabior. This is the fist step of what late Doctor John Garang was talking about and I have to say keep it up the spirit of our destiny that is South Sudan.
    A DierCienDit.

  • majak mayen
    majak mayen

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends

    Let go for it Southerners, It’s our time, It’s our land. One more step to make history of our nation in our time..


  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    We all need to gather our resources to start advocating for separation.

    I am already prepared spychologically to vote for separation. I respect those with different opinion( I meant unionists). But, separation has become more attractive than unity. It is justifiable.


  • Justice

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    Southern Sudanese United Oyee!
    Dear brothers and sisters we should be proud of making the voters registration a success. The first step is always the hardest step and now we have completed the hardest of very many.I argue to every registered voter to cast his/her vote when the day arrived. This is our golden plate brought forth to us by our fallen comrades so we can’t affort it to be stollen in our watch. I encourage all the Southerns to fight this fight united with one purpose, one aim and one destination. Independence Oyee!

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    A lot OF thank to the southern Sudan referendum commission(SSRM)for worked the had done successfully. May we thank God for that, let open new chapter .MAY GOD BLESS SOUTHERN SUDAN.

  • Den bungdit
    Den bungdit

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    Am now happy to ear that three(3)Million have register in the south of which am reguesting you all brothers and sisters let’s vote for separation through referendum.And I would like to inform SSRC chair that my friend we have finish phase one and final stage you have no right to suguest for us that leave us alone to decide what to do please and for your infromation that we will not skip even one second for date 9th/January/2011.
    independ southern Sudan Oyeeee.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    Voter registration for South Sudan referendum ends
    I want to thank three millions people who have registered so far to vote in the Upcoming South Sudan’s Self-determination Referendum. I hope that you will turn up in your overwhelming turn out to vote in the Upcoming Self-determination Referendum. You have greatly suffered in the hands of various brutal, murderous and fatalistic Islamic regimes that have come and gone in the lunatic asylum capital Khartoum. Now the time for you to be freed people is soon coming.

    It is critically important that you do turn up to vote.
    Folks, as we are approaching this critical and defining moment in our country’s history, it is critically important that we stop writing rubbish nonsense that will help our enemies of peace to derail the voting exercise that is due to take place on January,9, 2011.

    Finally and last, but not certainly the least, May almighty God bless you and sustain you so that you will vote in the Upcoming Self-determination Referendum.

    The writer of this comment is John Atem. He is a orphaned son of late freedom fighter who wishes three millions Southern Sudanese who have registered to vote in the Upcoming Self-determination Referendum a credible, transparent and successful Referendum’s outcome. Furthermore, he has successfully completed Certificates in Agriculture, Peace Education and Diploma in Criminal Justice Program.

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