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Sudan Tribune

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Minawi declares the death of Darfur Peace Agreement, seeks alternatives

December 12, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Minni Minnawi declared the death of Darfur Peace Agreement he signed in May 2006 with the Sudanese government, he also disclosed talks with Abdel Wahid Al-Nur about the reunification of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM).

Mazjoud Al-Khalifa (R), who was in charge of Darfur file exchanges the African Union Peace agreement for Darfur with Minni Minawi, in Abuja on May 5, 2006 (AFP)
Mazjoud Al-Khalifa (R), who was in charge of Darfur file exchanges the African Union Peace agreement for Darfur with Minni Minawi, in Abuja on May 5, 2006 (AFP)

The Sudanese army attacked on Friday and Saturday Minnawi troops in Khor Abeche village, located 80km northeast of Nyala, South Darfur. These attacks took place after statements by the Sudanese army describing the SLM-MM as legitimate target.

“The agreement with them does not hold anymore,” said Minnawi in an interview with the AFP on Sunday. He went further to say “I can say very clearly that whenever they target our forces we will also target their forces,” said Minnawi. “We will defend ourselves.”

Al-Sawarmi Khaled, Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) spokesperson said last week that Minnawi fighters moved with weapons and vehicles from the areas assigned to them towards southern Sudan where their leader is based.

Minnawi who was speaking from Juba stressed that as the Sudanese army consider his forces a target “That means they are pulling out of the DPA agreement”.

On Sunday, the hybrid peacekeeping mission said two civilians have died and 24 have been wounded following two attacks. UNAMID further said at least 300 of the affected civilians are camping in front of UNAMID’s team site in Khor Abeche where “the Mission is providing them with shelter, water, medical care and security”.

The US special envoy to Sudan discussed the ongoing efforts to end Darfur conflict in Doha with Vice-President Ali Osman Taha. Western sources said Gration is pushing to include Minnawi in the Doha peace process.

Minnawi who spilt from the SLM after Haskanita conference in November 2005 said today he is discussing with, the SLM historical leader Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur ways to reunite the group. .

“Abdel-Wahid and I never stop contact with each other,” he reaffirmed.

The former senior presidential assistant further expressed his readiness to rejoin Doha peace process if he is invited to take part.

Nur has long refused to take part in the peace process with the Khartoum government, and he has proposed convening the SLA for talks in Paris on the future of Darfur and Sudan.

“Abdel-Wahid and I never stop contact with each other,” said the rival SLA faction leader, adding that he was ready to attend the negotiations if invited to take part.

“Now we are talking about that,” he said.


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