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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Vice President urges governors to maintain security during referendum

December 16, 2010 (JUBA) – A two-day conference on cross-border security involving Southern Sudan’s three neighboring states of Lakes, Unity and Warrap has ended with adopted joint Action Plan by the three state governments as the region’s Vice President urges for maintenance of security during the upcoming referendum.

Riek Machar (ST)
Riek Machar (ST)

In his closing remarks during the conference in the Lakes state capital, Rumbek, which he also chaired, the Government of Southern Sudan’s Vice President, Riek Machar, said security remains priority number one during the conduct of the referendum, assuring of his government’s determination and readiness to support its maintenance across the region.

Machar said the disarmament of the civil population was suspended until after the conduct of the referendum in order to avoid divergent of youth carrying arms from the exercise. He however urged the state governments through the support of Juba government to begin implementing other immediate tasks identified in the joint Action Plan.

The three bordering states have been experiencing cross-border raids, particularly on cattle rustling by youth groups or individual criminals from the three states identified as hot spots. This also includes Jonglei state, equally known for cattle rustling or communal conflicts.

Disarmament of the armed civilians has always been a big challenge to the states administrations as some collected weapons get their way back to the hands of the disarmed civilians. Some have also failed to disarm their respective civilian populations in the first place.

The three governors had friendly discussions on how to tackle the cross-border insecurity their state administrations had been facing. The governor of Unity state, Lt. Gen. Taban Deng Gai reported to the conference that his state had successfully done a lot in the area of disarmament though he admitted that there were still some small pockets which had remained uncompleted. Governor Deng also appreciated the effort exerted by Lakes state government to disarm its civil population. He however said Warrap state had remained heavily armed and not done enough to disarm; recommending that the next disarmament exercise should begin in Warrap state.

Lakes state governor, Engineer Chol Tong, expressed his support for continuous disarmament process while the deputy governor of Warrap state, Yel Mayar, who represented his governor, equally supported the disarmament process, but however suggested that the process would be handed over to the United Nations if it had proved difficult for the government. The conference reached the consensus that it will be the government to continue disarming its civil population.

Machar told the county commissioners from various counties in the three states, who were present in the conference with their respective area chiefs, to explain the content of the Action Plan in local languages to their respective populations so that they fully understand it. The document also reviewed the previously agreed upon similar documents such as on Wunlit Peace Conference of 1994 between Nuer and Dinka ethnic groups in Unity state and Bahr el Ghazal, and identified issues that were not implemented so that they are included for implementation.

In the Action Plan the three states have agreed to establish border courts and increase number of judges and lawyers. This shall include enactment of new laws to deal with emerging situations and training of new lawyers and judges so as to speed up court cases to minimize revenge attacks. Construction of prisons to detain criminals was also among the agreed actions to take.

The conference also spelled out the need to increase security forces along the borders such as the Southern Sudan Police Service (SSPS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA). Police border posts to be established to monitor movement of people and cattle and potential use of helicopters (such as that of UNMIS) to patrol border areas.

Also the need for construction of security roads at the border areas was seen as important for movement of organized forces. A comprehensive and simultaneous disarmament is also agreed to be carried out after the conduct of the referendum.

The conference also stressed on food security through promotion of agricultural activities and income generation activities for youth such as microcredit. It also encouraged increase of cross-border trade cooperation through trade, economic and social activities, among others.

The conference also urged the three state governments to enhance intra and inter states communications by encouraging frequent meetings of the three governors of Lakes, Warrap and Unity and also the commissioners as well as chiefs, youth, women and other civil society groups. It also stressed on promotion of peace through radio stations such as the available Bentiu Short Wave Radio in Unity state that can cover all the three states in local languages.

The Vice President urged the three governors of the bordering states to continue keeping the spirit of peace and security so that the conduct of the referendum is done in peaceful environment by their respective populations.



  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    South Sudan Vice President urges governors to maintain security during referendum
    Dr.Riek Machar

    Should take care of disarming the civilians with out disarmament they carryout cattle raiding during voting time.

    bor town the beginning of liberation struggle

  • Joseph

    South Sudan Vice President urges governors to maintain security during referendum
    Dear readers

    The problem of Riak Machar to Dinka Bor has become addicted even to their sperms.
    Riak Machar is VP of GOSS and Bor is within GOSS where will Bor peoples go if riak becomes president of south Sudan? We better to leave a side our past differences and move a head as late Garang said I will forgive those who rebelled against southerners but the history will not forgive them,
    The writer is a former guerilla of the SPLA

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