Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted

December 17, 2010 (BOR) – Two women were killed as gunmen abduct three children in Jonglei state’s Bor county on Thursday, local authorities and a wounded surviver told the Sudan Tribune on Friday.

Amuor Ajith, who was wounded trying to prevent her son being abducted in Baidit, nurses her knee injured in Bor hospital, Jongeli state South Sudan. Dec. 17, 2010 (ST)
Amuor Ajith, who was wounded trying to prevent her son being abducted in Baidit, nurses her knee injured in Bor hospital, Jongeli state South Sudan. Dec. 17, 2010 (ST)
The incident occurred at Wun-akeei, a small village west of Baidit Payam at about 4pm on Thursday, said police officer Chol Achiek who the heads law enforcement agencies in Bor county.

Jonglei state assembly legislator, Kuol Bol Ayom, of Athoc North constituency where the incident occurred said the attack should be responded to by state authorities without delay.

“This is a barbaric attack and the state government should intervene fully to protect the innocent people as well as securing ground for the [south Sudan] referendum exercise,” said Kuol Bol.

Sudan’s south is due to vote on whether it wishes to secede from the north in a plebiscite agreed as part of a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of civil war.

“Such attacks block effort of reconciliation being undertaken by Jonglei state legislative assembly MPs [members of parliament] but we shall resist the criminals and their suppliers,” Bol said.

Nursing wound on her knee at Bor civil hospital, Amuor Ajith, who was injured in the attack that left her co-wife and a mother-in-law dead. Her son and two step sons were abducted.

“I tried to hold my child but they fired at me and pulled the boy away,” she said.

She described the abductors as people speaking a unique language.

Cattle rustling and child abduction are common in Jonglei state but in recent month, the scale of such attacks slowed.

In 2009, a significant number of people, estimated at over 2,000 by government officials, lost their lives in inter-tribal raiding and counter raiding. The state government denies that the clashes are tribal but rather due to limited resources and poverty.

Children abducted are rarely returned to their biological parents as government efforts to reach many areas is often futile partly due to poor roads.

Local police have indicated that the latest group of children abducted may not be reunited with their parents.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone today, Bor county director of police, Chol Achiek, said that it will not be easy to rescue the children due to logistical constraints. He declined to elaborate on efforts being exerted to try locating the abducted children.



  • Land-of-Cush

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    This is the news we don’t like to hear on this website. Why we fight about referendum if south government do not able to protect it citizens? The laws should abide this issue of killing and abduction and spread the punishment as promptly when ever it occurred. How many times do our government want as to send our Condolences to the family of victim and ask God to rise up their soul? Sorry might almighty God bring the right leader to serve these people in the right time!

  • Nhomlawda

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    Southern Sudanese

    It is completely barbaric to kill those innocent women and abduct their children. Murle cattle and child raiders do not even understand this critical time in which southerners can hardly afford these barbaric killings and displacement of people. I blame Murle leaders and their chiefs for doing nothing to educate their people to cease attacks and killings of innocent people at this critical time.
    President Kiir needs to address tribal attacks and hold all chiefs and leaders of those voletile communities responsible including hefty punishment for those leaders who adore this barbaric behavior. President Kiir should ensure that all citizens have enough protection and all villages in all conflict prone states are protected while the government collects all guns and seal off borders for illigal guns flow routes.
    The brainless Murle must be educated to stop valuing Dinka Bor children more than their own children. Dinka Bor children are just like their children and they should concentrate doing their women instead of raiding children from other communities.
    Ismail Konyi should not be allowed to enjoy in Konyo Konyo Market driving in a Hammer bought from looted cattle money while his illiterate backward people are killing people even during this critical time where everybody in South Sudan wants peace.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    The killing of innocent civilians is sad indeed. This act carried out by primitive and uncivilized people need more and severe punishment to set up examples to those primitive societies who are still in a dark stage of lives. Why abducting someone’s children instead of bring them on your own genes. Married and get your own children and get alive people! This civilization among primitive communities need serious law.

  • Mach

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    Governor Kuol should answer the pain of these innocents’ hearted people sharing negative part of his leadership at the hour. He must understand leading without a good effect of planning and implementation is a deadly governing continuity on those under his leadership. Indubitably, freedom isn’t just how to struggle for it as “he did” base on his current perception, but how to maintain it as well is part of fighting for freedom. Its ache when people who are trusted like him serve people as if he is heading a charity organisation running on taxation from prosperity of people he could not telephoned or go to their door for a visit.

    NB: warning…! (this is my soul opinion and not seeking an analysis of your own if you want to give a feedback on it) Because no Government should equip a military-base to be on watch and leaves some of its own equip military armed to loots and killed in a recycle occasions and says these are hooligans.


    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    This really not a good news as we are approaching Referendum, WOMEN are 60% , there are targeting them to affect our self separation , lets watch out, it is a sensitive time.

    Brothers holding cattles, lets address our common GOAL , leave cattles aside, I don’t know but i just advice any southner.


  • marie

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    The only way to stop all these barbaric acts is to deploy enough organized forces in these remote places instead of concentrating all the armed forces in Juba. You could see a lot of idle police, wildlife forces and army loitering in the town with nothing to do, while neglecting the places where they are mosted needed. Lack of planning.

  • Agutthon

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    I have said all along that the current Governor of this beleaguered state has failed and subsequently must go. We can go by statistics. surprisingly, if one asks this government about how many adults killed and how many children abducted since he took over Jonglei he will certainly give us none. He is busy “cleansing the payroll” and collecting “karsala”
    Shame shame for that administration.

    Its a clear vote of no confidence in the State government.
    People of this county have been suffering in silence but enough is enough!

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    This is a very sad news. My prayers go to the families of the deceased. I would urge the State governor launch massive patrol during this dry season by sending police forces out of Bor town, Bor capital to carry out security patrol in the villages. Those unknown gunmen will continue to execute their activities because they see lack of security present. How could gunmen went all the way to Wun-akeei to abduct children and kill their families. There is no enough security otherwise this pathetic attack would had been prevented.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Born to Lead
    Born to Lead

    Jonglei state: 2 women killed as 3 children are abducted
    It is absolutely devastated, sorrowful and painful to they relatives and some ordinary citizens of jonglei State.i do fulminate the current governor because he is not accountable for they citizens,i strongly believe Mr Kuol is lacking responsibility and management as well. i’m tired for his governorship and leadership in Jonglei State.Mr Kuol is really tremendous on money side. Shame on him..fuck fuck fuck and his damn supporters like Augustino.

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