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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable

By Ngor Arol Garang

December 23, 2010 (ABYEI) – With less than two weeks before the people of south Sudan to go the polls to decide whether they will split from the north, Reverend Gabriel Roric, a bishop of Rumbek Diocese for reform Episcopal Church of Sudan turned politician after splitting from the Episcopal church of Sudan said calls for secession are antiquated and unacceptable in his church and Sudan as a whole.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Thursday from Khartoum, Roric a member of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party, appealed to Southern Sudanese to give the central government in Khartoum time to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) instead of what he termed as “emotional and rushed voting” to secede from the north.

The CPA, signed in 2005 by former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the NCP, granted the south the right to secede in a referendum. It is widely expected that the south will chose to separate and form a new state in the vote due to take place on January 9 2011.

Roric said: “I think it is important that the central government be give enough time to fully implement some of the remaining issues in the comprehensive peace agreement instead of backtracking with campaigns for separation. If President Bashir and the leadership of the national congress party are committed to implementing why not give chance.

“How can there be two countries whose boundaries have not been drawn. How can there be two countries yet discussions over post referendum arrangements have not been settled. How can there be two countries yet discussions over citizenship, money and wealth sharing have not been resolved,” asked Roric.

He chastised violent agitators of secession who are using the agreement, describing them as nothing but a bunch of reactionaries who should not be supported.

“Those calling for secession now were the same people who supported the idea of New Sudan,” he said.

The concept of New Sudan was developed by the SPLM’s former leader the late John Garang, who advocated a secular and federal Sudan which recognized the religious and cultural diversity of Africa’s largest country.

The reverend implied that is was hypocritical for members of the SPLM said that previously campaigned for this vision before the CPA to now endorse separation from the north.

“When majority of the south Sudanese in eighties were talking about separation from the north, some of the senior members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, the SPLM, who are today talking about separation were fighting for new Sudan and when we South Sudanese accepted to follow them and be part of the new Sudan, they jump out again from the unity campaign and supports separation.”

“What is this political confusion? Why are individuals creating confusion? They say one thing as unionists in Khartoum and another as separatists in Juba why,” asked Roric saying that Sudan belongs to all Sudanese regardless of their tribe or origin.

He said secession is not part of Sudanese history.

“Our history is unique and unifying history. It talks about different tribes as of part of Sudan and that no single region would mean anything to itself without the other.” He said those campaigning on the basis of region and religions are only bent on dividing the country which has been a unitary state since independence.

“Do I need to tell you what some of the senior SPLM leaders have been saying about you? Let’s remain united as Sudanese. Using regionalism to divide us is antiquated and unacceptable. I cannot say I should just belong to the South or lakes stake because what is region without the support of other region?”

Roric is one of the few prominent Southern Sudanese figures who have repeatedly opposed the secession of the south from the north. He said Sudanese should never seek to divide the country on regional or tribal lines because that is not in anyone’s interest.

He was one of the politicians who repeatedly opposed to the conduct of the referendum during the All South Sudanese Political Parties’ Conference held in Juba in October.

Calling on political leaders to start working on providing leadership to unite the country because most of the prominent freedom fighters came from the region, he said names and tribes only add to the identity of the country.

Sudan is too good to be subjected to calls for secession, he said.

The bishop said some of the shining political stars who attracted him to politics included Garang, who died in a helicopter crash shortly after becoming the President of the newly autonomous Southern government and First Vice President of Sudan in the Government of National Unity as part of the peace deal.

“One of the few Sudanese who attracted me to politics included late John Garang. John was a shining star because he had unitary vision,” Roric said.

“He had the vision to unite Sudan and Africa as continent. His position on unity was a great position and helped very much to keep the movement. He had support of the whole world including the Arab league,” he said.

Roric urged Sudanese to desist from blowing issues out of proportion as in his analysis the situation on the ground does not reflect what is being reported in some sections of the media.

“I am from the south and have been to the south on several occasions to see the real situation on the ground. In the south, people are one. They see themselves as Sudanese. The separation talks are not heard from ordinary people. They are heard from politicians, particularly members of the SPLM.

“We also hear more about this in the newspapers. You know sometimes people can exaggerate issues. People there (south Sudan) are not for that kind of thing,” he claimed.

“So, allow us time to study this matter. We don’t want to rush things,” he said.

The senior member of the NCP for the southern sector said the political situation in most southern states is not as bad as it is being reported in the press because he saw the calm atmosphere for himself.

He accused other northern political parties, who he did not name of becoming jealous and feel hurt by the economic successes of the NCP, who have ruled Sudan since 1989.

Roric claimed that opposition parties were using every tactic to get votes from the people of the Sudan to topple the NCP after the south Sudan secedes.

He said he will campaign for unity of Sudan until the last moment.

“The unity of Sudan cannot be compromised. It has to be preached because God gave us this country which we should be proud of and struggle to remain one. Sudan was born as a result of the sacrifice of some parents from various region not one region or individuals, so everyone holds something special about Sudan,” said Roric.

The modern borders of Sudan were established by colonial power Britain who establish an Anglo-Egyptian condominium after Mahdist rule was defeated in 1899.

Reacting to Roric’s remarks, Deng Thiep Akok, a senior member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Juba, said he has a lot of love for the people of South Sudan because from the time the SPLM was formed, they have remained faithful to the party.

He said Southern Sudanese, like Roric, whi campaign for unity were in the pocket of the NCP’s Khartoum government.

“Our people should remain loyal to the SPLM because is the capable party which will make [the] choice of our people becomes the real dream. Those calling for unity are bought individuals. They do not consider suffering faced by many south Sudanese either in the internally displaced camps in Khartoum or refugees camps in the neighboring countries because they feeding on the blood of their people. Let them talk but time will proof wrong,” said Akok.

Akok, a former member of the Juba based South Sudan Legislative Assembly who also served as Aweil north county commissioner in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, said SPLM members and their supporters should remain united and strong ahead for the January 2011 referendum result.

The senior member of the SPLM, the south’s ruling party since the 2005 CPA, said his movement was the only party that has the ability to frustrate reactionary activities and fight for the development of the country but admitted that there are still challenges ahead of the vote.

“The task ahead is enormous. We should be holding ourselves as party members and south Sudanese, looking forward to strengthening our unity as we near 2011. SPLM is the only party with a national character. It is the party that can unite the people and the party that will frustrate reactionary activities in the country,” explained Akok.

Biar Atem, a senior member of the Sudan People’ Liberation Movement with regional government of South Sudan also said he was not surprised by Roric’s remarks.

“I am not surprised to hear or read such statement coming out from Roric because Roric is a person who minds less about the suffering of the other people. He only minds about himself. If he has never done anything worth appreciation in his life time I do not think he can do it now at his old age. People should not be disturbed by his remark. Let him and his group vote for unity and let those who want to relieve the south from bondage of slavery vote for separation,” said Atem.



  • Jayo

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    The so-called Bishop Roric has a right to express his opinion whcih is contrary to that of the majority of South Sudan.However Mr Roric should know that our people are too knowledgeable to be deceived.

    He can compaign and vote for slavery if he desires but our people will never vote to return to slavery when their brothers,sisters ,sons,daughters,mothers and fathers gave their lives for freedom.

    May God bless our people and lead them to their peaceful,united and viable nation after 9th January 2011.

    About two weeks from now!!!!!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear Gabriel Roric,

    Roric should now listen to some songs from Akut Kuei before talking on behalf of Omer Bashier or NCP as his party. After the independent of South Sudan,none of you will not talk about favoring Bashier or his party because that will be very dirty and the victims are going to be your likes. This guys might have been drunk or these words on the web might have been put in his mouth. You have nothing to argue about the secession of South Sudan from the North.Please, take your money quietly and stop talking nonsense.

  • kaci-banno

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear Bishop Gabriel

    I feel very shame to read your statements over referendum agenda. Is better for you to go back and study theology very carefully because in the Bible God said He is against the injustice and oppression. The scripture gives us good examples about separation:
    1- God used Moses to liberate his people Israel from the bondage of Egyptians.
    2- God allowed Abraham to separate himself from Lot.
    3- God allowed Jacob to separated himself from his brother Esau.
    4- After king Solomon ruled, God allowed Israel to divide in to two kingdoms North and South.
    As a bishop suppose you to be the first person to call for separation because Church in Sudan has been groaning for so many years about freedom of worship and relieve from the persecution. God given us this chance to use it wisely otherwise we be a slave for ever under our brothers in the north.
    May God bless people of South Sudan and give them wisdom to vote for separation.
    I recommend Bishop Gabriel to read the book of Exodus careful and see how God encouraged Moses to liberate his people from the hand of Egyptians dictatorship government.

    By kaci-Ma-banno

  • john

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    No doubt he did, he is a confused Bishop. No body going to listen to him because religions and politics never go together. He is a spoiled Bishop. He failed in delivered the words of God that why he jumped to politics and took a big chucks of money from ncp party. Go ahead and preach like you preaching the words of God but nobody enough going to judge you but God. And you going to see if you confused God children.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    It should be no surprise that it is Roric saying nosense. As a bishop of Episcopal church of Sudan he broke some of the ten commandments. He was involved in the sale of All saints cathedral to Islamists. On several times he lied to the world that human rights of Southerners was not being abused during the war time. He is an ostracized church man who might a moslem by now. To him material things are better than spiritual things. What a lost christian!! More he calls himself a Bishop, what a shock!!

  • Muorter Majok
    Muorter Majok

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    That is treason.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    I know Roric, he had always been misguided and he is an individual who became a bishop in a wrong way in 1990s. I thought he was dead. I blame people who go to his church. He is supposed to be working for Bashir. He is an Islamic fundamentalist whom Bashir planted in the church. Yes session is acceptable and you should leave the church to Christians and I advise to take your rightful place as imam Abdalla Roric. Bashir a place for jou after 01/09/11 when South says bye bye.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Roric in Dinka means jungle or forest and he is lost in Roric. Sometimes Dinka name children after observation and Roric was rightfully named

  • tomm

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Shame on you father
    Why do you appear now Reverend Gabriel Roric
    You don’t look like church Leader, but Taliban
    You are a big Wolf in a shoe of a sheep.
    “So, allow us time to study this matter. We don’t want to rush things,” you said
    Do you feel those last five years were 5 day and want to replace them by Fifty years of slavery???

    Shame on you Roric!!!

  • Joseph

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear readers
    Bishop Roric is playing a tactics to get a big position after South Sudan secedes from the North. Because SPLM party usually use to accommodate those who opposed and rebelled against it. Next year in Feb. 2011 Roric will be appointed head of south Sudan churches.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Not Gabriel himself to blame but his gene that let him to behave in that way and comment in that way.
    Does the bishop ever pray for peace in sudan as other priest do? shame on you and source of your gene.
    Injustic,mad and war beneficiary.

  • John Ruei
    John Ruei

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear Southerners
    Roric Jur will not be blame because his stomach is full with Bashir leftover, he doesn,t khow the suffering how his brothers and sisters suffered during 28 years.
    He has been in Bashir room for whole day and night waiting for Bashir to eat his meal and if there is leftover later he will eat them.

    What I would like to tell you about Roric is, he is worse than Judas scariot who betrayed Jesus with 30 coins only.
    Can I ask you these questions do Roric think that if he eat the remain food of Bashir,do everybody will like this behavoirs?. But he called himself bishop of Rumbek, what kind of bishop is he? does he know Rumbek? what are the people who are living in Rumbek since 1983 upto now? does he know how antinop bombed that church which he said that he is a bishop to?.

    Many people from world wide will supprise with Roric statment but let me aware you about Roric Jur. He is call Roric becauese of his character. Roric in Dinka mean the middle of forest and his family supprised about his characteristics when he was a child and they said he will be called Roric because he will do nothing to his parents and that is why to day he said these worse thing, Oh God can you records these bad things which bishop are talking about to his final list and family line.

    I want to ask Bishop Roric are you bishop to betray your people because of food like Easu who sold his right as the first son of his family to his younger brother because of food? , are you a bishop of muslim? are you bishop of Bashir who always ordered his wife to prpared big food so that you will eat leftover to full your devil stomach. You want to betray your land to arabs who know how to decieved people and make you to say this word?.

    your word is so painful to me and whole world, even some arabs who know the right of the people of Southern Sudan.
    The right of the people of Southern Sudan started since 1953 where first National assembly was formed in Sudan with 75 members and only 13 out of 75 were given to south and this was where Southerners started their struggle on that day upto today. Did Mr bishop actually read Sudan history one day and if he read it why do you mentioned something about Sudan history, what good thing you get whhile your uncles and brothers are suffering in Yirol East and Southern Sudan as whole because there is no clean water and medicines, thousand of youth had never attend any school, hundred thousand had never been at town and more than thousand youth were not been accepted to high schools.

    I hope mr Roric your mind is runout of trust. What you are saying is not true if you want to please Bashir so that to let him order his wife to get cooks for enough food for you and him then don,t involve innocents people in the South.
    Please make repent about what you have said either the whole world will pray so that the spirit and life of 2.5 million people who died because of this land which you abused by saying such a thing will be on you.

    Oh almighty God led the blood of 2.5 million people who died because of this sepapation which Roric wants to sale away because of Bashir leftover be on Roric Neck
    and his family.

  • Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu
    Kijana Bol Detion-Alier-Abiu

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear bishop

    With your labyrinth and peashooter, This is not a matter of worshiping and wearing white clothes but a matter of human right in the south if it is not with that fukin Northern’s government , who was not there when Jalaba (Arab) use southerners as their pébrine of killing their own brothers? Stop saying nonsense against south’s right.

    How did you came to be a bishop minus human right? Pliz stop joking with our referendum, your speeches are escalate, this referendum is erythropoiesis to all southerner. You are peculium from north.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    The only word for such people is simple stupidity. Why don’t you just leave South and join your criminal Bashir in north.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Mr. Roric,
    You late sir,where have you been since the beginning of the Liberation movement in south sudan? you have been sleeping too much with money given by NCP.It is time for you to wake up and your eyes and mind too, instead of becoming moron infront of our beloved people of south sudan.
    It is only unacceptable to you not to all southerners.

  • Cholmaduk

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear Bishop Roric.
    if you support the unity, please vote for it. donot ask sensless questions about secession. it is up to you who doesnot understand how the southerners are suffering in many forms of discrimination under the NCP since 1956. I though that you should be the first person to call for separation because all chirstain churches are prevented and burned down by the NCP in the late 1990s. Mr. Roris, there is no confusion at all on this process of referendum.Maybe you are confused between being southerner and notherner.

  • Aleu

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Gabriel Roric, the Bishop of reform Episcopal.

    This is amazing that, even Bishop have been bribe in Sudan to support the criminals party. A shame on you such a people like you have no feeling about why we have 2.5 million people losts their lives under this Omar al Bashir’s government in the Sudan. You are wrong to take bribe money from wrong government in the wrong time at the wrong place of Northern Sudan.

    I do not undertsand what time do you want to keep this dictatorship ruling Sudan and continues killing innocents people.? It is clear that, the money you have taken from Omar al Bashir had let you deny yourself to get your religious freedom which you claim to be Bishop, but your statement it will not affect some million Southern Sudanese who will be going to polling to votes on separation.

  • Muor-cinkok Tungawan
    Muor-cinkok Tungawan

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Dear southern Sudanese who have read Roric personal expression on secession, Hornbill pain is Hornbill (Book, read with us)
    Don’t worries or comment negatively, just take it simple because we are in the queue voting for separation of southern Sudan on 9 Jan 2011 which Roric has no power interrupted it. These are last resort of the enemies but they have no harm on our way or progress. We have many experiences, when we were in the bush walking at the enemy’s line to attack or planning attack, we don’t respond to the barking bogs special when we close to the town attacking the enemies. Roric is an enemy and a bog barking at the people passing nearby his territory. Runagate Roric is fighting for his own survival otherwise he is blind and mad bog who is barking in dark at the corner. Roric is not heavy weight than those we conquered to sit silently; he is only suspicious figure who is wondering about his life in the days to come because his life was based on selling southern Sudan. Now he is remaining wait and crying to appease the NCP to be still paid for time being untill he will make finally decision. Runagate Roric is foolish Politian I ever heard since the creation because you can not a Politian without constituency or people support you and you still claiming being politian.In my understanding Roric is struggling in frustration and stress on our rapid progress which is now happening in southern Sudan. He will died in heart attack special he heard our results in January 2011 which we will be fully independence nation in his abesent.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    The so called Bishop, You wanted people of Southern Sudan to give a chance to the NCP to implement CPA. Did you give a chance to the Sudanese Episcopal church when you splited from them? What a hypocracy?


  • david mabior deng
    david mabior deng

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Mr bishop i don’t really blame you neither do i blame your greediness and love for money but all my blames befall your brain advice to you though i may not be a political scientist is that don’t step your foot in south sudan on consolation that you may get any political post through your negative publicity and betrayal of your people.Any normal human being does need a degree in political science to predict your political fate,not only am i talking about you only but all other southerners calling for unity at this critical time that south sudan needs her citizens most.May God almighty bring them back the money-blinded flocks like bishop Roric and the rest who have been lured by arabs to loss their life’s bearing.

    David mabior deng
    a high school student in kenya

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    NCP official from the south says secession unacceptable
    Bishop Gabriel Roric,sound good as the servant of God but today i came to realised that however,the Bible said when you are appointed by the people as a leader on this earth the heavenly bodies has also given you that title but for the Gabriel came true before the southerners eyes that he was chosen by the devil to betrayed his own fellow brothers,sisters,mothers,fathers and the children of southern Sudan to the hand of the enemy the so called immigrant in Sudan.why not you to keep on preaching the words of God as my challeque has mentioned in the above comment because He has given to you the title.I know you splited away from the Episcopal Church because you are not doing what God’s people need you to do in order to lead the believers toward the Judgment day.As the day for casting ballet papers is approaching we asked all the religious leaders to praying to the almighty God to give you the consequence of committing sin as it’s written in the gospel according to Paul to the people’s of Rome 6:23 which says for the waged of sin is death but the give of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ.Our God will lead us on January 9 to choose our destiny as He promised for His Southern Sudan.In conclusion Mr.Gabriel whether you and your evil deed group we will secede.However,you talked in such un naked word we will still forgive you 77 times because Southern Sudan are God loving People.BY OBOL SAM KING COLLEGE OLNDON

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