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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese police clash with Umma party supporters in Omdurman

December 24, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Umma party appears to have went into a collision course with the government after Sudanese police used tear gas and batons to disperse a gathering at the headquarters of the opposition party in the twin capital city of Omdurman.

Umma Party members in front of the party's HQ Friday December 24, 2010 (Umma.Org website)
Umma Party members in front of the party’s HQ Friday December 24, 2010 (Umma.Org website)
Sources at the party told Sudan Tribune on Friday that a meeting was held at the party’s HQ to discuss the upcoming South Sudan referendum which included leading figures from all over the country.

They had planned to join Friday prayers in Wad-Nubawi mosque that was to be led by the former Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi who is also the party’s president.

Police cars surrounded the HQ and as they headed out to attend the prayers when authorities started beating them and used tear gas to break them up.

An unspecified number of people were injured including Al-Mahdi’s daughter Mariam and was hospitalized in Omdurman hospital as a result, party sources said.

But Sudanese police issued a statement disputing the story saying that the party members blocked the street of Al-Mawrida and refused to clear it.

Afterwards the Umma party gathering started throwing stones, the police said. The anti-riot police intervened which led to injuring five from the Umma party and one from the police.

The statement said the party’s Secretary General convinced the members “not to disrupt public safety” after which they peacefully disbanded.

The clashes came few days after Al-Mahdi threatened to join the ranks of those wanting to change the regime if government don’t meet a set of demands by January 26.

He called for an interim government that would write a new constitution, conduct new general elections that are fair and free, resolve the Darfur conflict, craft a brotherhood agreement with the south should it opt for independence in next month’s referendum, allowing for unrestricted political, tackling economic crisis an dealing with the International Criminal Court (ICC) row.

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) dismissed Al-Mahdi’s call saying “There is no room for a national government”.

Since a brief easing of restrictions during elections last April, Sudan has cracked down on the press and rights activists, and refuses permission for any protest opposing government policies.

Analysts say the government is feeling vulnerable ahead of the referendum, which is expected result in south Sudan seceding against the wishes of Khartoum.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Sudanese police clash with Umma party supporters in Omdurman
    The departure of South Sudan and the beginning of North/North civil war.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Sudanese police clash with Umma party supporters in Omdurman
    This NCP has been imposing unnecessary threat to the South Sudanese and now it’s their turn against those who support him during the South-North war.Dr John Garang undertood root cause of conflict in Sudan,but the entire North Sudanese were fool that the problem if Sudan was among Muslim and Christian. NCP is not a party,it’s a criminal party headed by some who is already suffering from major issues. He was wanted by ICC because he ordered genocide to Darfurian had been their in his army against the South.

    Those police are claiming that they were dispersing the crowd because they block the road. It they block the road,then they should be allowed to used side walk instead of harming them because of hatred. I am a south Sudanese and this kind of attitudes are the one which encouraged us to let you Northerners understand the problem in Sudan.
    Now, this problem( suppression) is not going to be a matter of South or North,it’s going to be your own because we are tired of imposing islamic laws against the South.

    This is a time for Jaffar Nimerie, Swar-Eldaap, Sadiq El Mahdi, and the entire Arabs who were against the South during the war to understand the intention of their brothers against humanity. By now, those who have been fool against the South will believed the South Sudanese.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    Sudanese police clash with Umma party supporters in Omdurman
    Let them disagree over this referandum event otherwise we the southerners are not part of it.that is becuase of our right that let to clash and disagreement. Islam will finish the muslims.

  • Jada Lotole
    Jada Lotole

    Sudanese police clash with Umma party supporters in Omdurman
    I’m happier that Khartoum and Omdurman will sooner get gutted down by fire Not ignited by the South but by the northereners and we shall soon demarcate some bear land for thoes refugees who will flee the northern furnace and the camp shall be called ” Fadiya Le intum” meaning “Shame on you” As for Umma party, you had had a plenty of time to get rid of bashir’s dictatorial reign but you never made use of it as you were busy scheming to uproot,islamise, demonise, demaen , marginalise and extinct the REAL Indigins of the Sudan ! I dont think umma party shall survive the terrible jaws of the oppressive ncp.

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