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Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace

December 25, 2010 (JUBA) — Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the semi autonomous government of south Sudan praised the role played by Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir to sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005.

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir prays during the Christmas mass in St. Teresa's Cathedral in Juba, December 25, 2010. (Reuters)
South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir prays during the Christmas mass in St. Teresa’s Cathedral in Juba, December 25, 2010. (Reuters)

The CPA granted Southern Sudanese the right to self determination which will be expressed in vote that will take place within two weeks. Salva Kiir and his party, SPLM, have called Southerners to cast their ballots in favor of the independence.

In a Christmas message broadcasted by the South Sudan Television and Radio from Juba on Saturday Kiir has called for peaceful celebrations throughout the Christmas holidays in the region.

He further urged to spend Christmas season with families and friends in a tranquil manner.

“I urge you all to spend this Christmas season with your families and friends in a tranquil manner. Remember that the greatest wish of every South Sudanese is to wake up in that morning of January 9th, 2011 to fulfill the dream of our forefathers in the casting of that ballot which will determine the future of the coming generations”.

“Moreover this historic exercise is a hard-won gain whose ultimate price has been the blood of our martyrs. It is therefore incumbent upon us all to honor our heroes and heroines in the referendum vote as a significant testimony that they did not die in vain,” Kiir further said.

He said Christmas for this year is very special in many ways to the people of the Sudan and to South Sudanese in particular, because in about two week’s time, Sudan as a country will experience a significant event in its history.

“This Christmas is very special in many ways to the people of South Sudan, because on January 9th, 2011, over three and half million people of our people throughout the country and some parts of the world who registered will express their wish in a vote to choose either to maintain the unity of the country or opt to become a new entity. Therefore, the destiny of this nation will be decided in the forthcoming referendum exercise which our people have been yearning for many years,” explained president Kiir.

Kiir also recognized role played by the National Congress Party to reach peace and thanked President Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir for courageous role he played in the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my very best wishes to our President, Field Marshal Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and the National Congress Party (NCP), our partner in peace and the Sudanese people. On behalf of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the government and people of Southern Sudan and on my own behalf, I wish to sincerely acknowledge the role our President and the NCP have played in order for the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to be signed.

“That brave move will forever be remembered by peace loving Sudanese and particularly Southern Sudanese who will be voting on January 9th, 2011. This is a historic credit to President Bashir and the NCP and I further urge him to continue working hand in hand with us to consolidate peace and prosperity for all irrespective of what the referendum holds in store for Sudan,” said Kiir who doubles as First Vice president to President Bashir.



  • john

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    That is well done Mr. President Kiir. I wise you talk like this on daily bases. May be God gave you those words to spoke them out. Congratulations keep praying so that God give you strength to lead his choosen people.

  • LongTweng

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    Millions Salutes to you President Kiir Mayardit, you have been a full time dedicate driver for our freedom far long even before I was born. Next year on exactly by Christmas time, I like to be smiling with joy of freedom out to the world.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    Thank you Mr. President Kiir Mayardit and to all SPLA/M both Southern and Northern Sectors for your sacrifies. I also thank NCP for taking hard line which makes it easy for us to choose separation over unity. It would have been very hard for us have they work for unity right the CPA was signed but than God they did not try anyhow. Thank you Omar Hassan Al Bashir and to your NCP.

  • Justice

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    Well done your excellency Salva Kir Maradit. May God continously fill you with his wisdom so that you can successfully leads the children of South Sudan to the promise land.
    Mwalimu Kuol

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    Thank you Kiir most and SPLM for the peace agreement. Also NCP takes a share of thanks while USA must take the greatest thanks to urge the former belligerents to come to a table and make this agreement a reality. What about our brothers Ugandans and Kenyans who stood with us in the time of our agony. We thank you whole-heartedly.

  • australian

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    I would save the thankyous for later. Let’s see how the referendum goes before we thank anybody.

  • Lokorai

    Salva Kiir praises Bashir for his role in South Sudan peace
    Dear President Kiir,

    I’m deeply touch by your spread hands to Almighty God, the very hands that some leaders think it is not fair for a leader to humble himself before his Maker.

    I know now that your throne will not be shaken after you anchored it through Great God in heaven. The Lord will not leave you, but sustain you and give you more wisdom and long time to rule his people.

    Please don’t leave the presence of his Almighty, with Him there is always a way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On Al Bashir you did very well and this shows your maturity and sense of leadership; without the NCP and President Al Bashir will in the process of CPA Implementation you won’t have reached thus far. After all saying is true: “give Caesar what belongs to him”.


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