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Sudan Tribune

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Iran calls for more cooperation with Ethiopia on regional crises

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

December 29,2010 (ADDIS ABABA) – Acting Iranian foreign minister Ali-Akbar Salehi has called for more cooperation between Addis Ababa and Tehran in a bid to jointly resolve regional crises in what he said was using their strategic position in their respective regions, said a statement released by the Iranian foreign ministry.

The Iranian official made the remarks in Tehran on Tuesday during a meeting with Fisaheh Yemer, special advisor of the Ethiopian foreign minister, where both sides confer on bilateral, regional and International concerns as well as on current issues and problems in Africa.

Citing to Iran status in the Middle East and Ethiopia’s strategic position in East Africa, Salehi said the two countries close cooperation and continued consultation could be an important input to tackle regional crises.

The Ethiopian envoy who, noted the deep-rooted political relations between Tehran and Addis Ababa said the two sides have similar policies regarding regional and international issues, namely the cause of Palestine.

The two sides reiterated readiness to boost existing ties mainly on Political Cultural and economic areas.

Iran has increasingly strive to maximize Tehran’s relations its economic and political ties with the African states and the country is now considered as one of the African Union’s strategic partners.

It was noted that, Tehran’s efforts to boost ties and cooperation with Africa has led to its acceptance as an observing member of the African Union (AU), where it has shown an active presence in the AU summit meetings.



  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Iran calls for more cooperation with Ethiopia on regional crises
    Any cooperation in good faith and based on matual respect and understanding is highly welcomed in the region.


  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Iran calls for more cooperation with Ethiopia on regional crises
    Ethiopia needs to draw a lesson Gambia a largely islamic nation went through and proven when weapons were found by Nigerian authorities on the way to the mentioned country. We need to see a peaceful Ethiopia that has no troubles drawn from religious dogma.

  • Aleu

    Iran calls for more cooperation with Ethiopia on regional crises

    It is very hard for me to tell you how this Ethiopia nation will be look like in 10 years later on. Basically, I am not against Islamic but I just strongly disagree with those who always kills innocents people in the name of God which is wrong, there is no God will tell you to kill innocent so that, you will be accepted on heaven and that is why most Southern Sudanese people disagree with their Northern brothers because they are on the wrong side always.

    The Ethiopia nation use to be very strong tradition and mostly Christians people for many decades unforunately, the overthrowing Mengisu Hail Mariam has change the Ethiopia dynamic dramatically, because the richest man who have root on citizenship between Ethiopia as well as the Saudi Arabia citizen. I do not have to name that man you know and all Ethiopian people know him but this guy he had brought million and billion in Ethiopia to fool the Ethiopians people for making development meanwhile with the exchange of converting Ethiopian citizens in to Islam religion and I am really afraid that, for the long runs this Ethiopia nation will have same problems as the Sudanese people got when the Islamization have been influence in to African societies in Sudan and this is why the genocide happen in the Sudan, because the agendas of Islamsation is to buy you so that, you will go to their religion and after when you belief same then, they started discriminated you base on your race is. I think the Darfuri will be the good example.

    The more your president Mel will stay in power ruling Ethiopia nation maybe for 25 years the more converting Ethiopians citizens will go and belief me or not this is the fact. There are a population of Muslim growing up in Ethiopia very aggressively and there is also a coordinating Islamci organizations from Saudi Arabia nation through Ethiopia communities saying, they want to help the communities and the Idea is to make sure that, Ethiopia nation must be converted. People did term that money can telks if that is the case then, it seem to me that the president of Ethiopia have taken silence while he is himself a Christian belief but the richest businessman have giving him million dollars to keep him quite while the Saudi Arabia nation are playing a significently damage in converting his people therefore, he don’t care according to my view whether Ethiopia nation is going wrong direction or not he has to do what he will get to become rich man.

  • Tobiin

    Iran calls for more cooperation with Ethiopia on regional crises
    If Iran is to boost ties with Africa then it must stop supporting terrorist regime in Africa especially Sudan and the so called Alshabab, and Ethiopian government must watch this type of relation carefully!

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