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Sudan Tribune

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Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations

By Manyang Mayom

January 4, 2011 (RUMBEK) – A 13-year old girl from Adual in Rumbek East County of Lakes State died on Sunday after being tortured, for allegedly being pregnant.

Her brother is accused of torturing her until she became unconscious and eventually died with several wounds to her body according to the Commissioner of Rumbek East County, David Marial Gumke.

Six young men have are being held in Rumbek Central prison accused of involvement in the girl’s death and are awaiting charges, while an investigation is conducted.

Marial said that deceased girl had pleaded her innocence to her mother before her brother took her out of the house and tortured her to death. He reported that the girl said:

“I think what happen[ed is], a young man has killed his sister. He accused his sister of being pregnant. She was beaten until she died, [despite the] girl having denied being pregnant,” said the commissioner.

He reported that the girl said to her mother before she died: “If I die, I’d need the general community and the public to know that this young man killed me innocently.”

Her claims were corroborated by a post-mortem, which showed that she was not pregnant the commissioner said.

Events of this nature are caused by the reliance some families have on the dowries they receive from female family members Marial said.

The commissioner said that southern government was trying to counter this by advocating respect for young girls.

This is not the first time the rights of young girls have been violated in Lakes state over pregnancy allegations. In 2010 a female student at belonging to Atiaba Secondary School in Rumbek East County was beaten to death by her parents over pregnancy allegations.

Another girl from in Wulu County committed suicide in order to avoid being forced to marry a much older man.

Marial said that “the idea which cause this is that young man own girl as their wealth – we have capture six men and they are now arrested in Rumbek main prison – I need to ensured young men that your sister is not a moving wealth, they should be treated as part of our society – girl are human being like you and they are not store of wealth”.

The Lakes state assistant secretary for popular and syndicated organizations in the SPLM the south’s ruling party, Rebecca Enock Macuoc, condemned that killing of the girl urging all youth to observe international law and to respect the value of women as human beings.

Macuoc said that “this incident happened again in Rumbek East County is not something new, this act is made by unwise man – girls are not dictated for cows and getting wealth only without people to observed their rights – girls are also human being they have value like men – we must to respect our norm – this is unfair and I need each everyone to send her daughter to school to get more wealth that aimed – if your girl is impregnated, it does not mean that you kills her, take your girl and give her to another man who may love her instead to kill”.

Lakes state parliament had passed a customary to regulate earlier pregnancy of school girls as well earlier age girls but youth objected this law saying that the law is unjust and was destroying their future. The youth also demanded that high pride prices be reduced so that ordinary men would be able to pay and discourage families from seeing their girls as potential profit.

A Dinka dowry is now between 200 and 300 cows to be paid by bridegroom’s family. The Lake state parliament has declined demands by youth groups that the law should be changed.



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    May her soul rests in peace!

    Now, who will take avenge her! Who will fight for a property which value worths cows! Who serve justice on her behave! Won’t her just be like the case of her sister who was pulled out of school and force to marry a man twenty years older than her! I wonder, law makers in Rumbek penalized youngmen up ten years in prison for impregnating girls, what will punishment be for the youngmen who took her life? How strong did these six youngmen deemed the girl to be! I think the really intended to kill her, for one of them could have acted responsibly. They all should be condemned to death!

    Over many years, it had been said that government have long arms! Now, let’s wait and see, how long can Lakes State government reach!

    This sad news broke our hearts. It’s pathetic! It’s barbaric! It is evil!

    Wal Peter Muoranyar Biet

  • Thyinka

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    Punitive justice will never right this wrong. Killing her brother or sentencing him to life imprisonment will deter future murderers but will worsen the lose for this family, whatever it is.

    Sometimes, a well-meaning custom which is mean to show appreciation can be taken to the extreme by the proud and those hungry for wealth. They should just ban this dowry thing and let girls choose their partners and live their lives as they want.May God rest her soul in peace.

  • Chuker

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    why our people are doing this horrible act? Umm, please check this link:

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    To lake state laws makers we are wondering how you going to protect young girls from brutality inflicting to them by their sibling as the way to deter them from being pregnany in order to get dowry this is really very despise culture which needs to be extreminate as possible as soon. Kur william

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    we as southerners, we are strongly condemn this inhuman act against the teenagers in Rumbek east county.
    No one is suppose to take or terminated someone life without God permission.
    The brother has to be charge with the first degree murder,maiming, and torturing,as a result of that he is going to spend mandatory life in prision.
    I need all the young girls across the ten states to turnout and protest against this brutally targeting teenagers.

    Sister R.I.P,we will remember you for being murdered inoncently.
    God be with you.
    Atari Omoni,Natinga,s.sudan

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    That is too pathetic. Killing of pregnant girl is not condoned in Dinka traditions and customs. It is a crime against humanity. It is very rare practice in Dinka culture. Justice should prevail. The Lakes State Government needs to be very clear about girls’ education, early marriage and pregnancy laws.

    Please repeal this new introduced customary laws. It is encouraging criminals to take laws in to their hands!


  • Maker Costa
    Maker Costa

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    Thanks Manyang Mayom for exposing these crimes against our women.

    Maker Costa

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over after pregnancy allegations
    That is reflection of the state new constitution that was wide denied in the state but still SLA having interest i keeping applying thedenied law.
    I do n`t see any much mistake from the girl`s brother,but the state MP plus the state governor aproved.
    Shame on the Lake state mp.

  • Chanson

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    R.I.P Junior.Life meant stand by but it,s pain so bad sametime time when your life is puted off by somebody for no good thing that I want to ask from my fellows Rumbek guys.Especially those who used to practice such an evil acts.for how long will you keep doing that to your sisters? It is really outdated practice.Amercy on them oh lord.Give us wisdom to admits the fact and give us the wisdom to accept the changes because it,s now a changes period.
    Rest in peace.

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    Agar People need to be civilized.

    These people, the Agar of Rumbek are the most uncivilized people on the face of the earth leave alone south sudan. Shame on them for there glorified atrocities against girl1 I have no more to say!


  • Kuer

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    OMG! A thirteen year old girl tortured to death by her angry brother (and possibly, cousins) for alleged pregnancy, an accusation that`s not even true? What a terrible tragedy and human/women abuse! Although fingerpointing is not helping here, I think the people of Rumbek, Agar community in this case (and of course, other communities) must take a serious note on this horrible occurence.

    This is unbelievable. Whether or not girls are deemed wealth comodities, notwithstanding; killing them over being impregnated (not even true in this case) is not the best “punishment”! Before they are sentence to…………if not…………., I urge the authorities concerned that these guys must answer the question if what they did was the “best” option to deal with their sister`s “mistake”.

    On a serious warning, impregnated or not, NEVER should a girl be TOUCHED leave alone TORTURING. This is coming bizarre! I am condemning ALL who participate in this inhumane act regardless of where they come from. It has to made clear to them “the male relatives” out there that this practice is not condoned any longer. Let this incident be the last, you either learn from this or face ultimate penalty.

    May God rest her poor soul in peace. God`s wrath and shame on them those who took her innocent and precious life.


  • James Mangula
    James Mangula

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    Indeed, everybody would agree that the unfortunate death of 13 year old girl was a barbaric and dehumanish act, which deserves strongest condmnations possible. However, that does not warrant unscrupulous and myopic individuals who seemed motivated by tribal hatred to generalise Agar community as uncivilised. Having lived and worked in Rumbek for four years does not qualify a layman to make any informed judgement. Having examined your language and how you have structured your argument, I was left with no doubt, but convinced that you are just a mere layperson trying to perfect his English. I pity you very much. Remain richly blessed.

  • Mading

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    Sister, you are the hero of your right though you died a painful death. God will also reward them with something more painful than yours.May loving father rest you in eternal peace AMEN

  • Mangol-kot

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    Stupid Rumbek East communities. Why did you bother to give birth to her if you did not want her to live and enjoy the world. And you her brother, you are found of confusing girls of other people and do not allow your own sister to do that.

    I remember one big person said in his speech saying “I wish I was created a dog in America than being created as human being in Sudan and Lakes State in particular” People were annoyed with his statement but I have seen today how meaningful it is. I love the look of the people of Rumbek East but I heat the way our people are changing in the following ways:

    1.Making girls more resourceful that is now endangering their lives

    2.Encouraging a lot of conflicts between clans living there

    3.Cattle theft among the clans living there

    4.Lots of divisions that do not allow inter-clan communal dances, meetings and so on

    I advice you to leave those bad doings and unite, speak one voice and your county will not degrade.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Girl, 13, tortured to death in Rumbek over pregnancy allegations
    I am sorry to heard that old ugly Idea still running ours community. Girls still being beaten to death due to pregenancy.

    We need memorial to be set up for her name;and others girls that die for the same cause. To be Remember alway, ecourage to beat our sisters to death, for old discriminate practice. I remember one time, my sister was near to death of being beaten for similar cause. That left her with pain upto now a day. we these young generation should not support this ugly practice of beating now aday. Our sisters have things to do than those cattle fool time of a day. It is so very sad to heard those torure still running against girls of being beaten to death.

    How he going to get sister belove sister they murders again. Is better to have sister that have a baby than having to kill her. What the old loser costumer family going to get while their Laughter died, they will be remain shameful of murder their daughter.

    Sorrow for the Young girl thatlost her life. She could have been ours future woman; that could birth and creation the Nation . One woman can creation the Nation. Not to happen again in south sudan. I we do not stop these,we will be loser community for all. Let stopped this now! Stopped! it stopped it! in south suadan!

    let be create Awareness by her Name to protect others Girls

    to be remember by all

    too painfully


    Tones of liberators

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