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Sudan Tribune

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Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved

By Julius N. Uma

January 12, 2011 (JUBA) – A senior official from the south’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has said the 60% voter-turnout required by law for the self-determination referendum to be considered valid has already been achieved, after just three days into the one week exercise.

Anne Itto Leonardo, the SPLM deputy Secretary General (southern sector) addressing the media in Juba. Jan 12, 2011 (Photo: Waake Simon Wudu)
Anne Itto Leonardo, the SPLM deputy Secretary General (southern sector) addressing the media in Juba. Jan 12, 2011 (Photo: Waake Simon Wudu)
Anne Itto Leonardo, the deputy Secretary General for the party’s southern sector, quoting preliminary figures, said the achievement was a clear indication that southerners have fully understood the key referendum message.

Voting for Sudan’s long awaited referendum officially kicked off on January 9 and ends on January 15. The vote is a key part of Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended over two decades of a bloody civil war fought between north and south.

Itto told journalists during Wednesday’s press briefing at the party’s offices in Juba that initial reports indicate that the quorum of 60% of registered voters needed to make the vote valid has been reached with four days of voting left.

“According to reports from our team in all the 10 states of Southern Sudan, voting has been peaceful with large turnouts. A total of 2,253,308 voters had already cast their votes within the last three days of polling. This surpasses the 60% threshold as required by law,” Itto said.

The SPLM’s aim, she reiterated, is to try to obtain a turnout close to 100%, saying that the 60% threshold is only meant to ensure that the process is not repeated. Final results are expected in mid-February according to the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC).

In Khartoum, Suad Ibrahim Issa, a member of the referendum commission, said the figures given by the SPLM were possible. She went further to say that final percentage would certainly exceed this percentage.

The total number of registrants according to the statics put out by the SSRC is 3,932,588 persons, with only 116857 in northern Sudan and 60219 abroad.


In the first three days of voting, according to the SPLM’s preliminary figures, Munuki Payam has recorded 37,990 voters out of 52,900; Juba Payam 37,450 out of 53,234; Nimule payam 13,707 out of 16,660; Pageri payam 9,152 out 10,992; Mugali payam 17,338 out of 18,395; Home and Away 4,754 out of 6,221 and Sadaka center recorded 2,496 out of 3,440 registered voters.

Itto, who is also the Agriculture and Forestry Minister in the southern government further downplayed insecurity fears among the population, but condemned the series of attacks on innocent civilians in separate incidences in Abyei and Southern Kordonfan states.

On Abyei referendum issue, she appealed to members of the Khartoum-based National Congress Party (NCP) to join its partner, the SPLM in the ongoing negotiations to resolve the matter amicably.

Voting is also underway in north Sudan as well as seven other countries with substantial southern Sudanese populations: Australia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States.

On Tuesday Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, the head of the Government of southern Sudan Mission to the US said the 60% voter threshold had also been reached.
“The turnout of the South Sudanese in the USA has reached 74% in the third day of the voting process”, he said.

He echoed Itto’s aim to try and achieve a near 100% turnout.

“We in the government of Southern Sudan Mission to USA and UN are in all the 8 centers to make sure that we complete 100% turnout and to monitor the process so that all is done credibly, free, fair and transparent”

Gatkuoth said that the “process so far has been so free, fair, credible and transparent and we commend the staff of the IOM and those who are observing”.



  • Victory

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Thanks be to God,the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessd us with 60% voices for our freedom.

  • Matot de Akech Matot
    Matot de Akech Matot

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Thanks senior offical Anne Itto that what we all knowning south sudanese people are ready to vote for separation the 60% threshold is already been achived by us here we people living in aboard, and i know people in the south sudan shall achieved 100% voter . I could say SPLM party shall wins this Referendum , let our nicely figers across holding on together.God bless. SPLM Oyee with long life vision .

  • mass

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Finally mission accomplished!
    Great gratitude goes to every southern Sudanese who had regiestered and voted wisely to realized their own destiny and also to every actor who had a positve contribution towwards southern Sudan autonomy.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Thank you all the people of south sudan for making this incredible and historical time to happened.
    And i would like to thank GOSS and NCP for playing very important role to a chieve this long lasting peace.

    And readers, 60% has not been yet reached,dont get more excited and the end you will be didappointed, because we did not know how many people are for unity and separation.
    The reporter is just only saying number of people vote, and he did not specify where and how 60% voted.
    Let us wait patiently,
    ” Together we can achieve”

  • ayor

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    My thank goes to all the liberation initiatives, starting from (ANYA ONE) to the current movement the (SPLA)of which we are right now and the entire JUNUBEEN @ large for their edurace as well as their commitement efforts for making it a positive outcome…..God bless you with all our leaders who had vigorously and tirelessly offered themselves for the common interest of our people and the nationwide at large.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Our people ability to exercise this process at highest standard has proved beyond reasonable doubt their political consciousness. This wake up national call should continue beyond Referendum. Well done and congrats to all our people in the South.

    Gone the days of our peolple ignorance.


  • Denganekbiok

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Absolutely 60 percent voters turnout is achieved only that we remain with 50+1. You can observe personally the way people of south sudan have voted, you know, most of voters slept in the voting centers the first day and in the morning they casted thier votes with excitement and ululations more especially women. Let wait for 50+1 requirement only.

  • Chanson

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Congrats,to all Southerners(Mapuruk alekum/Mapurukatt alekum Junubin).This is to shows that South have breaken the dignify silence suffering for all this times thru,this long awaited moment.This 60% is agood start by all of us.No matter what Saban John wrotes.That guy I told you, is not saying the truth but he,s just wanting to play people mind and he is true separatist I know.Believe me!
    Good job my people keep the spirit of the strong hearted people.

    My message to others who never go to the poll and cast their votes pliz go and do like the rest.coz your vote never know, your vote will make the different.

    Jah bless S.Sudan.
    Separation oyeeeeeeee.
    Junub Sudan oyeeeeeee.
    Youths for separation oyeeee.

    I salute to all of you….

    Thanks .

  • Joseph

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Dear readers
    Special thanks go to Dr John Garang De Mabior and former members of political military high command dead or alive and all SPLA forces that scarifies their lives for the sake of our beloved south Sudan
    Thank also goes to Betrayers who fought against southerners for so long time and at the end they rejoined their brothers to cast their vote for independents of south Sudan even if they killed thousands lives of innocent peoples. God will judge
    Strong message to current leadership of the SPLM, please if you want SPLM to be in power,
    Remember all those SPLA officers NCOS and men who stood behind the
    Movement from 1983 up to 2005.or otherwise things will fall apart

  • Nhomlawda

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved

    I would like to caution each other from premature celebration like what those anyagats did on the first day of voting to be later on the evening of that same day surpirised by some of their colleagues who wanted to spoil the speration they claimed to have worked whole heartedly for. 60% turnout is nothing when 50% of those are to vote for separation if separation is to be valid. We need to know the margin of error first. 60% is still less for us to be sure of the outcome. We need instead to encourage our people who had not yet voted to go to polling stations and vote in large numbers so that we reach 80 to 90%. Within 80 to 90% minus 10% margin of error we will be left with 70% to 80% valid votes for which 65 to 75% might be for separation. Therefore, let us do more before celebrating. There are spoilers among us and we should be cautious about them.
    God bless us.
    Republic of Kush oyee

  • Justice

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Our matyrs have not scarificed thier life in vain. Our indepence in South Sudan is the only price.Although the final threshold is yet unknown, I am very optimistic that the overall turnout will far exceed that 60% requried by the law. However, I do encourage everyone not to start celeberating until the finall results are made known, because the enemy of peace in Southern Sudan is not sleeping until the last day.

  • makuei

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    ?60% already reached before the voting days end, giving an impression that a 100% result is in the offing.

  • Cholmaduk

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    Thanks you all Southern Sudanese,civilians,Anya nya One war’s Vets and the current SPLM/A for driving to the right path. you are all “freedom riders.”

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Referendum: SPLM says 60% threshold already achieved
    The South Sudanese in Brooks, Alberta stands with the following position:

    I. South Sudanese in Brooks Alberta unanimously agree to
    not register and vote.

    II. If an individual feel strongly to register, the community should respect his/her decision and that person should be encouraged to return and vote.

    III. South Sudanese in Brooks should remain united and
    work together to help support the referendum activities in
    South Sudan by contributing affordable amount.

    IV. The Civil Society shall establish communication
    mechanism with their counterparts in Calgary, Alberta
    area, and South Sudan.

    The South Sudanese Civil Society of Brooks Alberta would like to thank the Civil Society leaders in Calgary. We would like to express our support to our people in South Sudan and call for unity of South Sudanese people worldwide
    so we can work together and get ready to build our new nation on horizon.

    Yours sincerely,

    Manas Kenyi

    South Sudanese Civil Society Organizing Committee for Referendum 2011
    Brooks, Alberta Canada.

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