Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei state: voter turnout reaches 70%

January 13, 2010 (BOR) – Jonglei State High Committee (SHC) for the referendum says at least 76% of expected voters have cast their votes in the first four days.

Souther Sudan Referndum (AFP)
Souther Sudan Referndum (AFP)
Southern Sudanese citizens have been voting, in accordance with the signing of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, in which the south and north of Sudan laid down arms after over twenty years of conflict, on whether they would like Southern Sudan to become an independent country, or remain united with the north.

In Jonglei state 429,735 voters registered for 9 – 15 January polling for the south’s self-determination. By Wednesday 329,739 voters cast their votes, according to data released by John Boloc, the SHC public outreach officer here.

“We are progressing very well and I hope it will be a success,” said Boloc.

Figures released indicated that voters in Twic East county voted massively – 96.30%, whereas Fangak county reports only 36.6%.

Other counties reported that voter turn-out is above the 60% required by the South Sudan Referendum Actn (SSRA): Pibor – 75.30%, Duk – 89.90%, Urol – 90.0%, Bor – 88.10%, Nyirol – 68.6%, Akobo – 90.0%, Pochala – 75.30%, Ayod – 58.8% and Pigi – 68.80%.

The SSRA also stipulates that secession is achieved if 50%+1 vote in favour.

The SHC official says that the overall voter turn-out is high in the whole state but low figures reported from Fangak are due to poor communication with polling centres.

The southern Sudan Referendum Act requires that at least 60% of registered voters should cast their votes for the exercise to be valid. At 50+1% of the voters have to prefect secession or unity of the country the Sudan for the results to hold.

Several opinion polls indicate that southerners will choose to form their own nation.



  • Beny

    Jonglei state: voter turnout reaches 70%
    Good Job Jonglei especially Akobo county and others who reached 90%. This is a chance not to miss and you did well.

  • Peter Majok Chiengan
    Peter Majok Chiengan

    Jonglei state: voter turnout reaches 70%
    Well done the people of jongle state,This time we need to adress all people over the world that we as the people of southern sudan can make a change by demogratic operation in amazing work with free & fiar voting so keep going.

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