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Sudan Tribune

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U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda

January 15, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The United States said that it has seen no evidence supporting allegations that the Sudanese government is still backing the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) that has launched two decade of rebellion in northern Uganda.

A file photo taken on November 12, 2006, shows the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Joseph Kony (AFP)
A file photo taken on November 12, 2006, shows the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Joseph Kony (AFP)
Led by Joseph Kony, the LRA took up arms in 1988 in northern Uganda, where they acquired a reputation for brutality. Since 2005, under pressure from the Ugandan army, the fighters pulled back from their bases in north Uganda to move into the far northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo, across the border from the CAR.

Last year, the Ugandan army and a number of groups including International Crisis Group (ICG) claimed that Kony has moved to the restive region of Darfur in Western Sudan. But Khartoum denied the presence of Kony in the country and dismissed accusations that it is maintaining contacts with LRA rebels.

Khartoum once backed Kony but severed the relationship in 2005, at the signing of a peace agreement between Sudan’s north and south. Southern Sudan on Saturday wrapped up a seven-day vote on an independence referendum likely to lead to the creation of the world’s newest country.

Karl Wycoff, the U.S. Deputy Assistance Secretary for African Affairs said Friday he has seen no evidence of support from Sudan to the LRA, though he said he was aware of the allegation.

“It’s something we closely monitor,” Wycoff said during a telephone conference with journalists according to the Associated Press.

Ugandan army spokesman Felix Kulayigye said Kony has left Darfur and crossed back into Congo. Kulayigye, who did not say when Kony crossed back over, also said Ugandan officials have no evidence of any support to Kony from Khartoum.

Kony, like Sudan’s president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Kony’s group has been accused of mass kidnappings, killings and other atrocities since it began its attacks in Uganda more than 20 years ago. Kony’s 2005 ICC warrant seeks him for crimes against humanity in his native Uganda.

In November the U.S. announced a new strategy to counter the LRA’s attacks on civilians. U.S. legislation passed last year called for the coordination of U.S. diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military efforts against the LRA.

The U.S., Wycoff said, has been working for years to a resolution of the LRA problem, including support of regional military efforts.

“We applaud the efforts to eliminate the threat posed by the Lord’s Resistance Army,” Wycoff said.

U.S. Gen. William Ward, the commander of the U.S. military’s Africa command, met with Ugandan military leaders last Sunday, during which they discussed the hunt for Kony, said Kulayigye.

In late 2008 the Ugandan government launched Operation Lighting Thunder, a hunt for Kony’s group that forced LRA fighters to scatter in small groups. Pockets of fighters are believed to be operating in Sudan, Congo, and Central African Republic.



  • Tambura

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    American if you has no evidence that LRA is getting support from Khartoum,
    Why not come to azande land to get some? Hypocrite we have been hearing you saying since Obama took office that you are going to help but many innocent people lost their lives under your watch. Ugandan Army are killing many innocent people in west Equtria by the name of LRA too. Traditionally Aznde people lives is to hunt animals fishing when Uganda army find villager whom went to force to hunt for living they kill them and say they were LRA my own uncle was killed at hand of Uganda army whom claim he was LRA, they don’t know Azande people like sleeping elephant soon and later they will turn on them if they don’t know they should be in force or border of Congo and RCA where LRA is abdicating Azande women and children, three days LRA rebels attack houses in small village 7 miles away from state house of Yambio where were Uganda army or SPLA? why they have to be in Nazara? We are waiting for referendum and an independent South Sudan to start rebellion because azande people in Congo Sudan RCA are the one paying for Uganda political problem under watch of our Army SPLA and Uganda army. LRA forgot what they started rebellion for, Kony were in Darfure not long ago did he went there for holidays you think, but the fact is he met Bashir men and come back with new guns, on their way back they were ambushed by arrow boys whom killed three of his rebels. What kind of evidence do you want American? Come to azande land where the problem is, you cannot just sit over there hypocrite waiting for evidence to reach you.

    Next president of South Sudan

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    who is landland?
    So called landlord is nothing but land-worm.
    What a despicable,loathsome,destestable,lowlife humanbeing
    you are.You’re awful,sickening and disgust.
    You’re a disgraceful,shameful and abominable.
    You brought a shame,disgrace and abomination to yourself,
    your family,your clan,and our lovely people in this precious
    Dear Good Lord,we pray unto Thee! protect us from the deadly
    missiles of Shamarat malicious plots from evil’s factory.
    Dear Beloved Good Lord,give us wisdom and strength,and grant
    us courage and endurance and the ability to stop these satanic attacks from the land-worm and his pals ,and their
    party United in evil(UE)under the banner of Lucifer.
    Dear good Lord ,we praise you,we adore you,and we thank you.
    Precious Lord,protect us from visible and invisible satanic
    missiles of Shamarat malicious and Fitna.
    > And everyone says Amen———– Amen

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    who is landland?
    I’ve done some research about landlord
    His real name:Mosquito Mondukuru Gasus Karero.
    Education: Master degree from the Academy of lucifer
    Shamarat-malicious-fitna Technologies
    Graduated 2006 with a Bachelor,major in malicious fabrication.
    Occupation: polical cadre,secret Agent.
    Polical party: United in Evil party (UEP)
    Mr. Mosquito Karero is the best polical cadre of UE party,
    and their intellectual elite.Their prime goal is to divide.
    To divide by all means.
    > The United in Evil party has given the assignment of dividing business to Mr.Mosquito for his talents and skills,
    the ability and creativity to create evil schemes for the purpose of dividing business.
    > Mr.Mosquito is a catastrophical schemmes specialist(CSS)
    > Mr.Mosquito Landlord -land-worm
    > What a lunatic schmuck he is ?
    > Shame on you,and don’t blame it on me, you blood-sucker

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    who is landland?
    Hallo everyone, we welcome you to our party.
    If you possess all these things below.
    > prode of your tribe and look down to others
    > fear ,anger ,and hate towards others
    > Zero moral values
    > zero forgiveness ,and no love to one another.
    > Unmerciful ,unforgiving ,unkind
    > hatred of freedom and liberty
    > zero dignity and low self-esteem
    > intoxicated with anger,revenge and hatred
    > cronic self-centred syndrome
    > faith in satanic doctrine.
    If you say yes to those mentioned above.
    Brothers you’re welcome to join our polical party.
    The United in Evil Party (UEP)
    > Thank you ,
    The landlord commander in schemes
    and secretary general of United in evil party.
    Malina city ,Central hell confederation

  • Tambura

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    American this is straight talking, you want to help us come and do it.You don’t want to do it for free good, but keep your month shut and leave our problems alone we will deal with it by our own way. If you care you should send people to Azande land where LRA are cutting lips ears children raps women kill and use all kind of brutal act in Rwandan’s style.
    History teaches us you never do anything in this world for free we are poor people without oil or anything interest. We know also your military are not good in juggle war according to what happened to you in Vietnam we don’t want you to send your military here to die or to destroy our land for something you will get nothing. We have our arrow boys fighting LRA for last 6 years with arrows, if you really want to help us why not just help us with guns? We cannot depend on GOSS whom most of them are interesting on our land also planing to put somebody in our land as governor who will make it easy for them to push Azande people out of their land.That will happen over our dead single body of every Azande people. The plan is after southern independent GOSS will call for new election we Azande people will not take part on it by all mean, that election will be the beginning of rebellion in Azande land, That time we are going to fight for Azande kingdom which will include all Azande tribes from Congo, and CAR. But if things went peaceful out of this crazy plan I will try to unite my people in south Sudan.

    Next president of South Sudan

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    Tambura!another misguided lost soul in collective dellusion
    of confusion.Citizen of Central hell confederation .
    Resident of Kukakuka Mega Moronic fitna neighbourhood of
    Dinosauric city of Malina.
    He disguises himself in a concealed dellusional identity of
    a tremendous confusion of mega-emptiness.
    He’s a member of United in evil party.
    Well, we know very well indeed who they are ,
    their identities ,and their names.
    Another hyena in a sheep’s clothing >Muarfayeen
    peck of monster hyenas in loose ,join in their favorite
    hymnal song, and they sing like this;tribe ,tribe ,tribe
    divide ,divide ,divide ,tribe,tribe,tribe,lies,lies,lies.
    tribes divided when we’re creating lies
    anger comes up when we’re creating lies
    hate follows when we’re creating lies
    fire breaks when we’re creating lies
    truth disappers when we’r creating lies
    we’re hyenas ,members of United in evil party
    And the song goes on and on.

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    Tamubura next president of south sudan?
    waite a second, we go a job to suit you.
    How bout Tamubura ,the next hobo bobo homeless,
    sending you to beloved choatic bubble shelter down town Malina city.

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    Tamubura next president of south sudan?
    waite a second, we got a job to suit you.
    How bout Tamubura ,the next hobo bobo homeless,
    sending you to beloved choatic bubble shelter down town Malina city.

  • Tambura

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    What is wrong with you Kual? Are sick in your head or something? Are you American? I was talking to American or anybody in American who said they don’t have evidence that Kony is getting support from Khartoum. Why you guys always have to jump on something big for your mind to handle? I just told you I will be your next president who will teach you what is call unity among yourself, if things will go peaceful in south Sudan or next rebel leader. You think I am joking ah? If I was you I will just remember the name Tambura with respect and if you are lack of it shut up and go for some displan courses

    Next president of South Sudan


  • Tambura

    U.S. says it has no evidence Sudan supporting LRA rebels in Uganda
    They say action speak louder,
    I cannot sit here chatting with low level with that small brian with that attitude.
    I asked you simple questions you can’t answer just coming up with threat.
    What can I call you? Idiot or fool? Waist of time to rely you even.

    Next President of South Sudan

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