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Sudan Tribune

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Obama hails peaceful referendum process, Sudan hoping for speedy normalization with U.S.

January 16, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The U.S. president Barack Obama on Sunday lauded the conclusion of the referendum process for Southern Sudan describing it as an “inspiration to the world”.

U.S.  President Barack Obama (AFP)
U.S. President Barack Obama (AFP)
“The sight of so many Sudanese casting their votes in a peaceful and orderly fashion was an inspiration to the world and a tribute to the determination of the people and leaders of south Sudan to forge a better future,” Obama said.

“The past week has given the world renewed faith in the prospect of a peaceful, prosperous future for all of the Sudanese people — a future that the American people long to see in Sudan,” he added.

The independence vote caps the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended decades of civil war between the mostly Muslim north and the south, where most follow Christianity and traditional beliefs.

The results while far from complete appear to suggest an overwhelming vote in favor of secession rather than unity which comes to nobody’s surprise inside Sudan and across the globe.

“The referendum now moves into another phase, and while official results will not be available for some time, independent observers have been extremely encouraged by the credibility of the process to date,” Obama said.

“We urge all parties to continue to urge calm and show restraint as the parties work to complete implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement,” he added.

Separately the U.S. special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration met with foreign minister Ali Karti in Khartoum to discuss with him the future of bilateral relations following the referendum conclusion.

Washington promised removal of Sudan from list of terrorism sponsoring countries by July if it recognizes the outcome of the vote.

Karti told reporters afterwards that there are encouraging positive signs from U.S. officials particularly their commending of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir’s speech in Juba earlier this month.

He said that he discussed with Gration issues relating to debt relief, bilateral ties, upgrading diplomatic representation and unilateral sanctions.

The top Sudanese diplomat said he hoped for more dialogue on normalizing ties and follow-up with agreed timetable to fulfill U.S. promises to Sudan revealing a meeting in mid-February to continue relevant discussion.

However, he warned that putting any new conditions on normalizing ties to include Darfur conflict resolution “would not be suitable”.



  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Obama hails peaceful referendum process, Sudan hoping for speedy normalization with U.S.
    The American people will not be forgotten by any southerners,for all the effort America play right from 2005 CPA sign under their pressure upto day 2011 following the peaceful Referendum voting. But what remaining is, we south Sudanese to keep the same standard after getting our independent as civilized people for fast development of this country, south Sudan


  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Obama hails peaceful referendum process, Sudan hoping for speedy normalization with U.S.

    SSRC; Referendum Final Outcome Will be declared on 31st January

    Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) said it will declare final outcome of referendum for self determination in south by 31st of the current month. SSRC spokeswoman Suad Ibrahim Ahmed told (smc) that vote operation was conducted in orderly atmosphere both in north and south. “Referendum early result in kassala state records 41.9 percent as vote favoring secession and 28.5% for unity. The proportion of participation records70.4% from the targeted eligible voters in the state,” SSRC told (smc).

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