Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?

By James Okuk

January 17, 2011 — It shall be H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit to lower the Sudan flag and raise high our flag of the Republic of South Sudan on 9thJuly, 2011 at the Presidential Republican Palace in Juba since he is going to be the first President of the Republic of South Sudan as already agreed by the political parties of Southern Sudan. It shall be the very GoSS and SPLM/A Flag which is being used now. Dr. Mayardit shall lift up this flag with honour on that greatest First Independent Day of South Sudan.

We shall have the ‘Buffalo’ as the “Coat of Arms (Emblem)” for South Sudan, and with “Motto” under its design written: ‘Peace and Prosperity’. The current proposed “National Anthem” shall be amended to remove irrelevant attributes like the Land of Cush, Milk and Black Warriors. We shall get our ordinary “Black Passport” of the Republic of South Sudan, save for the diplomatic ones which should be red. Our “Nationality” shall be ‘South Sudanese’. We shall have ‘South Sudanese Pound’ as our “Currency”.

These are just some of my proposals with hope that most of them will be accepted and adopted sooner in the Countdown for South Sudan Independence in the remaining six months of the CPA interim period as we count-up from the fulfilled referendum exercise.

But when I was scrolling in the www.sudantribune.com I came across an article written by former Sudan Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Steven Wöndu, on January 15, 2011 and titled “Lend Me Your Ears.” I thought it was a good article but to my disappointment it wasn’t.

I think Ambassador Steven Wöndu should not mix his own tiny family and Embassy problem/troubles they had with US and UK immigration departments or banks with the right name of biggest South Sudan. Even Nigerians, Iranians, Syrians, South Koreans, Somalis etc., including their Ambassadors and Ministers face the same immigration problems in visa offices and airports of US, UK and other countries. This has nothing to do with the nomenclature of their countries, but the manner these countries govern themselves either in accordance with the civilized standards of respect for the dignity of human persons or in oppressive terroristic manner.

Likewise, the so-called Nile Republic of Ambassador Wöndu supported by his dear wife could also face the same problems/troubles if its leaders mess up with human rights civilization and invite sanctions upon themselves and their citizens in future. Ambassador Wöndu could still be prevented to wire money to US or UK or get a gratis visa when sitting in his office in his Nile Republic Embassy any where. This is a fact for a fiction.

What I would like to kindly remind Steven Wöndu is that the name South Sudan is historical. It did not begin with the NIF/NCP regime who invited the US, UK and others’ sanctions and alerts on the citizens of the Sudan. South Sudan was there even before the Sudan was still a sweetheart to US, UK and other countries. South Sudan was already there during the European scramble for Africa in Berlin. South Sudan was also there during the British Colonialists “Closed District Ordinance.” South Sudan was there in the historical 1947 Juba Conference. South Sudan was there in the historical 1955 Torit mutiny and rebellion. South Sudan was there during 1965 Round-table Conference. South Sudan was there during the initial historical 1982-1983 rebellions even when the vague “New Sudan” ideology was imposed later on our liberation strugglers by late Dr. John Garang de Mabior and his friends. South Sudan was there during 1991 SPLM/A split into Torit and Nasir factions with the resultant tactic of peace from within with Khartoum. South Sudan was there during 1992 Frankford Agreement on Self-determination for the people of Southern Sudan. South Sudan was there during the 1994 Chukudum SPLM/A First Convention. South Sudan was there during the 1994 IGADD Declaration of Principles. South Sudan was there during 1994 Asmara Declaration on Self-determination for the people of Southern Sudan. South Sudan was there during 1997 Khartoum and Fachoda Peace agreements, which constitutionalized for the first time in the history of the independent Sudan the right of self-determination for the people of Southern Sudan. South Sudan was there in the 2005 CPA and its implementation (including wealth and power sharing that gave way for Steven to become a Sudan Ambassador in Japan), which has landed the people of Southern Sudan into the land of long-awaited independence.

All along the history of the struggle for the freedom and independence of South Sudan there was nothing called Nile Republic. Let any body who wants to temper with the historical name of South Sudan keep any wrongly suggested names to himself before the blood of its unforgettable martyrs pour out from the graves to curse him/her forever.

I have no doubt that the secession and independence of South Sudan could be a blessing to the lifting of sanctions in the Sudan and for a better relation with it as a good unavoidable neighbor. We should even work hard for these sanctions to be lifted quickly because of some interests we have with the Sudan regarding the agreement on four freedoms for our citizens there and vise versa: the right to work, reside, own and move freely between the two countries. Other rights could be agreed and granted too, who knows.

The hatred attitude Mr. Ambassador Wöndu wants to implant between the South Sudan and the Sudan after the secession is officially declared and recognized worldwide, is undesirable and unacceptable by all measures. The name of the separated Southern Sudan from Northern Sudan should be the Republic of South Sudan for history sake and for the honor of the 4 million lives and blood spilled to achieve its independence and dignity.

Dr. James Okuk is reachable at [email protected]


  • gramdiet

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    I think the flag should be raise by a little girl and a little boy as they are our future. Just sayin

  • Abuoi Jook
    Abuoi Jook

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    Dear Dr Okuk,
    Your article is well stated with clear suggestions and condemnation to so-called Ambassador Steven Wondu. The Amendment of the Anthem is correct to things like Black Warriors, and land of milk and honey..but i may disagree with you on the removal of “land of Kush” because south Sudan can be called land of Kush or Sudd when one needs to describe it but not using them as national names….hope you would agree with me!

    Again, i am against the proposed Enblem of South Sudan under the”Bufallo” with alleged moto ‘peace and prosperity”,Bufallo is not a peaceful animal in that matter to rheme well with your suggested enblem.

    Lastly, you spared Mr Wondu by not having touched anything regarding his diplomatic intellect he employed to analyse naming of South Sudan using his so-called negative aspects by international community that resulted from bad governance or system/policies and not country’s name.
    by the way are likes of Mr Wondu qualified Ambassadors of South Sudan in the first place?

  • maroof

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    Hello Dr. Okuk,
    I agree with you that hatred should not be invoked into the nature of relations between South Sudan and all countries not only the north because there is no better friend and there is no worse enemy, the world is dynamic. However, as Southern Sudanese time has come for us to discuss important issues such as how should our fledgling country be governed. I know I am not an expert, but for South Sudan to succeed it has to choose one successful country as a model for governance. The most important thing is obviously eradication of corruption then establishment of a good tax system. In addition, GoSS should privatize everything in order to establish a market economy. Market economy creates jobs, helps in uprooting corruption and bring prosperity. For anyone who wants to prove that look at the US, south east Asia and South Africa.

  • Garang Ajak
    Garang Ajak

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    Welcome back brother Okuk, I really like your article, I very much enjoyed the first paragraph. It would have been even better if you had not attack Ambassador Wondu and fault him of implanting hatred against our brothers in northern Sudan. There is no doubt we are going to need their cooperation in the strategic planting our economy in the coming days of our beloved independent republic of South Sudan.

    God is great, people do change after all. It wasn’t too long ago that you had no confident whatsoever in southerners achieving the 60% threshold needed to validate the referendum process. I can now see that you are praising the process and very confident of our independent. We should all be proud of ourselves. Hopefully, the results favor our long waited aspiration of self-governing.

  • Lokorai

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?

    Don’t buy anything from Dr. Traitor Junior; I read a mischief on his question as to who should raise our flag…

    He has also telling indirectly that Kiir will be an interim president within a broad based coalition until election.

    This boy will never learn anything national but parochialism, hate and plot.

    I’m afraid he never voted, and if he did he had wasted it on unity. His party generally did the same

    Look, he hasn’t done with the SPLM and everything SPLM; his insinuation he has just made about the flag of the people of Southern Sudan show it all.

    Dr. Traitor, we have made it 99% without your support!

    On your bogus article, how does your topic relates to Mr. Wondu’s ideas about naming? The two issues are two worlds apart.

    Don’t you care that you have gone personal and Wondu can take you court. Steve, are you there?

    Southerners, the naming of our new republic is at a mature stage; Nile Republic has gained ground, and our Parliament will consummated soon!!


  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    The theme of this article has lost it flavor because it has been composed under serious flaws.

    As usual, that writer is always impatience in everything that he wrote in his articles. He is now talking about who will rise up our flag for our new nation.

    Please, you should be patience because there people other than you who really know who will rise our flag.

    In fact, I thought it’s your none of your business in UK. We have heroes and heroins in the South who had endure the war for decades. Take time my dear before wasting your time with something that we all know.

    I don,t think a president can rise the flag of his nation and this point i conclude that you missed some crucial point that could make your article rich.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    correction!President can’t rise a flag.

  • Nyieth-Aguthon

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?

    “Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic”?
    And many flag-bearer does South Sudan currently have?
    The South Sudan has one flag-bearer and one legitimate president of the country, Kiir.

    Dr, your question is the inquiry of the time because there is a power struggle in the party (SPLM) since 2005. Some people have already staged a scare campaign to frighten others but that would not work.

    South Sudan is a country to every South Sudanese, therefore can be ruled by any Southern regardless of his or her ethnicity. But if some people wanted to get power by force, then they should also count the consequences of robbing power.

    Let them fear those who do not know them very well, but not people whom they shared war strategy. The bones and bled blood of our brothers and sisters who lost their lives for the causes are not yet cleared on the land and people are nagging for power, how stupid is that?

  • Njara Ndarago
    Njara Ndarago

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    Mr. James or what so ever you call yourself, your article is an absolute disgusting, sickening and boring one I have ever read. Besides, who are you to open your flighty mouth to challenge Mr. Wöndu? Or when has Salva become a Doctor as you have stated. You know, when you writing an article, know where to start and know how to make a smart conclusion in order to win the affections of the readers. Let me tell you, Mr. Wöndus’s article and his proposals therein are by far a welcoming idea. You make to hate this great web. [email protected].

    Intelligent Lavrick.

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    Dr. James Okuk,

    Respectfully, I want you to answer one question for me and many people of Southern Sudan.

    What is the position of the SPLM-DC as a party on the two options during the referendum? Unity, Secession or Indifferent?

    This is a honest question that deserves a honest answer. I have heard a lot your party but I take them as propaganda.

    I am one of the very few or vocal few within our Southern Sudan intelligence units that do not accept usage of SPLM-DC or any opposition party including independent candidates as scape goats by an failed politician.

    If you don’t know as an active member of the party then ask someone who knows the answer.

    Thank you

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Who will raise the flag of South Sudan Republic?
    “Nile Republic” Means “Kiir Republic” in Shilluk and Dinka Langues: It is becoming clear that the more we propose a name to change the historic known name of South Sudan, the more some complications pope up. For example, the Nile River in my indigenous Collo (Shilluk) Language is called “Kiir” and we share this name with some Dinka group as well.

    Now, if I come up and say the new republic should be called “Kiir Republic”, surely dust will be raised up in the middle of water by those who connect this name to that of H.E. Salva Kiir Myardit, our Joshua President who stood strong to cross us safely to the “Promise Land”. President Kiir is our hero now, isn’t he.

    Ok, if people are finding something wrong with the great name of South Sudan in this last hour of our history, let them call it “Kiir Republic” in order to avoid the colonialist English term of “Nile Republic.” Ambassador Steven Wondu and those who love the Nile (Kiir), are you there?

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