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Sudan Tribune

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NCP official warns south against manipulation by northern opposition

January 22, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A high ranking member of north Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has cautioned south Sudan against plans by the northern opposition to stir up troubles ahead of the near-certain declaration of the region’s independence.

NCP vice-president Nafi Ali Nafi (ST)
NCP vice-president Nafi Ali Nafi (ST)
Addressing a gathering of youth in Sudan’s central state of Al-Gezira on Saturday, Presidential Assistant and NCP deputy chairman Nafie Ali Nafie warned the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which controls south Sudan, against plans by the northern opposition to use the outcome of the referendum or pending issues between the north and the south to score “short-sighted political goals.”

Nafie said that the SPLM must realize that the best interest of Sudan and the south lies in preventing the opposition from “fishing in troubled water.”

South Sudan is waiting to be proclaimed an independent state as a result of last week’s referendum which witnessed a landslide vote in favor of secession. South Sudan secession will deny the north billions of dollars in revenues of oil pumped from fields in the south.

The opposition in the north has recently stepped up rhetoric against the ruling party and threatened to stage street protests against the background of south Sudan secession and rising prices of basic commodities.

Nafie said that the north and the south need to maintain cooperation in order to build two viable states in the future. He also expressed hope that the pending issues would not become a bone of contention between the two sides because failure to resolve them would cause mutual.

North and south Sudan are yet to trash out a host of post-referendum issues including security, citizenship, oil and water resources, currency matters, assets and liabilities and international treaties and agreements.



  • Makuei

    NCP official warns south against manipulation by northern opposition

    Must end his lame accussations against people’s party (SPLM). If they have problems, they ought to solve them without blaming the South for their own crimes.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    NCP official warns south against manipulation by northern opposition
    Previously, South was warned against harboring Darfur rebel leader. Now it is warned against manipulation by Northern opposition parties. Mr Nafie Ali Nafie the time has come to give due respect to the South sovereignty.

    Instead of throwing blames now and then, why not be bold enough and stand up and face reality in the Northern political arena? South has enough of its own domestic issues to deal with. Our Government in the South has formed a Constitutional Review Committee and it is likely to form a broad-based government soon which will rule as an interim government. This has reference to last October all parties conference called by our Government of Southern Sudan. The conference was attended by all Southern Sudanese opposition parties and independent and influential Southern figures.This is the reality of our situation in the South. Why not face your own instead of shying a way? Please work hard to put the remaining part of Sudan in order.


  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    NCP official warns south against manipulation by northern opposition
    This guy called Nafie Mahnafie does not understand the meaning of the words “warning and manipulation” he’s used in his address yesterday in the central State of Al-Gezira. Who is he really warning, South Sudan with its mighty SPLA or northern opposition party leaders that have no army and can be subjected to arrest or house-arrest at anytime?

    Khartoum and its successive regimes used proxy wars, Southern militia leaders, Southern intellectuals and politicians to destabilize South Sudan for its own interest. It’s not what goes around comes around but Northern opposition parties and their supporters are acting on informed opinions on freedom and democratic transformation. NCP needs to respond by demonstrating political will positively instead of pointing fingers at the innocent South Sudan.

    How can Nafie define the word “manipulation” if he and his party (NCP) failed repeatedly to define “unity”? He campaigned for unity without being able to realistically define it. When people asked “will the unity be on new or old basis?” He replied with an ignorant question “what do you mean folks?” NCP is just after power not serious about building sound political vision for the country that represents equal treatment and inclusiveness.

    In essence, NCP has no political vision for the North Sudan but still lives in old Sudan and will insist on doing so even after July 9, 2011. The whole world expects North Sudan to be cooperative, peaceful, stable and democratic based on freedom, equality, progress and justice for all.

    However, the good news is that the poor population of North Sudan will not be allowed to suffer any longer under the ignorant regime of NCP by regional and international actors. The governance of North Sudan after January 9, 2011 will be based on new political dispensation not religious bigotry that kept the country at war with itself for over fifty years.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan.

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    NCP official warns south against manipulation by northern opposition
    Dear Southerners
    True should be say I am agree with Nafie Ali Nafie through his statement on unknowing rebel group in central Sudan at Al-Gezira so for me alone I am not agree with those group rebel because their claim I see it in the light of surprise why NCP allow their slaves Southerners Sudanese to get their independent because they are knowing that no body will remain there with them to do their odd jobs for them that why they are gang up against NCP. just look their claim on this website according to their report they are saying that they were also marginalize by Northerners so if you look at their policy you can belief what Nafie said is true as he said that the SPLM must realize that the best interest of Sudan and the south lies in preventing the opposition from “fishing in troubled water.” And through that statement I am agree with Nafie and now what I tell Nafie is that we Southerners we promise you that we will not going to support those rebel who against NCP in central Sudan at Al-Gezira and we will continue maintain our future relationship between two parties NCP & SPLM to hold lasting peace between two States South & North Sudan.

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