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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bashir to dissolve gov’t and overhaul its structure following referendum results: report

January 23, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is currently engaged in consultations to form a new government following the official announcement of the results of South Sudan referendum and will perform a complete overhaul of ministries and agencies, two newspapers reported today.

FILE - Meeting of Sudan's council of ministers (Sudan Radio)
FILE – Meeting of Sudan’s council of ministers (Sudan Radio)
The referendum was promised under a 2005 north-south peace deal which ended Africa’s longest civil war.

A vote for secession was widely expected because of persistent tension between the mainly Muslim north and southerners who mainly Christian or follow traditional religions.

The pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper said that Southerners including First Vice President Salva Kiir, ministers, lawmakers, judges in constitutional court and other various national commissions will lose their jobs in the process.

This was to be consistent with Article 226 of the interim constitution which provides for eliminating Southern Sudan representation in national government once final referendum results in favor of independence are certified.

The independent Al-Sahafa daily newspaper quoted a government source as saying that the new cabinet will be broad based hinting that it could include opposition parties.

He further said that a committee tasked with examining the government’s structure recommended cutting down the number of federal ministries from 34 to as low as 18. This would be done through eliminating some ministries and integrating others.

Furthermore, the number of state ministers will also be reduced from 40 to a limited number along with more changes in the council of ministers and other government institutions.

Sudan is facing an economic crisis that prompted the government to introduce an austerity package that would cut subsidies and reduce salaries for 149 ministerial-level government officials and curtail foreign travel for them as well.

Moreover, a privatization scheme is in effect for state owned companies that is expected to lead to massive layoffs of employees.

Analysts say years of overspending and oil dependency have caught up with Khartoum. Foreign investment has slowed because of the global financial crisis and a soaring import bill has caused inflation to rise and foreign exchange shortages.

A study done by economic consultancy UNICONS showed that between 75%-80% of Sudan’s budget is spent on security and defense, even after a 2005 north-south peace deal.



  • Liberator

    Bashir to dissolve gov’t and overhaul its structure following referendum results: report
    Smart move Bashir

    Now, If the current 1st VP of Sudan and GOSS President Salva KIIR would do the same in the South and form a new transitional Gov’t which includes all the parties in the South then, we would have a long lasting stability in the South. But i doubt it would do that since he(Kiir) is a slow learner until force to do so.!!

  • James Mangula
    James Mangula

    Bashir to dissolve gov’t and overhaul its structure following referendum results: report
    The devil regime after decisive vote in favor of secession has realized that its survival rest in the face value selling of government’s enterprises so that the proceeds is use to compensate South revenue. This decision is too late and will not whatsoever aid an inevitable north economy fiasco. Privatization of government enterprises only serve to enhance perfect competition in the deregulated market where there are fair laws for all competitors. However the array of problems which the Northern Sudan will inevitably face in weeks, or even in days are typify by big greedy population with far less resources and therefore can not be resolved by privatization

  • Ahmed

    Bashir to dissolve gov’t and overhaul its structure following referendum results: report
    Al Bashir is scared to death from Northern political parties. They know whats up, I hope they talk him into removing sharia law, and Islamic state label and start recognizing all Sudanese in the West,East and North South… I like the cutting ministerial salaries thingy, cuz I have witnessed with my eye ministers getting really really over paid. I have two uncles who are military generals(liiwa) and they are rich and guess how they got rich.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Bashir to dissolve gov’t and overhaul its structure following referendum results: report

    Let’s try to make intellectual comments. Do we really understand such allegations that Omer Hassan Al-Bashir intends to dissolve GONU following announcement of the referendum results? Did we finish implementing the CPA up to July 9, 2011? What about the issue of Abyei and the rights of Dinka Ngok, Popular Consultation for the Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan besides the remaining post-referendum issues/arrangements?

    Bashir will not make such mistake unless he intends to fish in the trouble water? The pro-government newspapers are testing the reaction of Southerners or SPLM. Leave alone SPLM, Bashir didn’t yet finish making proper consultation with the Northern opposition parties about how to move the North Sudan forward after July 9, 2011.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

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