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Sudan Tribune

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Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement

January 28, 2011 (JUBA) – John Luk Jok, a minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional said Friday that a presidential decree issued by the president of the semi autonomous regional government of south Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, appointing constitutional review committee, last week does not violate October a communiqué, which followed a conference of the south’s political parties.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune in the regional capital of Juba on Friday Jok said the presidential order appointing him to lead to constitutional review committee does not violate the communiqué but rather was a step in implementing the resolutions of the conference.

South Sudan’s President Kiir, convened the conference in an effort to unite the south ahead of its referendum on independence that was completed on January 15, with initial results indicating that the south will separate from the north.

One of the outcomes of the conference was to set up a committee to review the south’s interim constitution to provide for the eventuality that the south secedes in July.

Jok denies that the decree contravened the resolutions of the conference.

“I have seen some exchanges in the media trying to say things which are absolutely not the intention of the presidential decree. The intention of presidential decree was to enforce resolutions of the conference, it did not violate any term of reference, may be these people needs to study the communiqué,” said Jok denying that other southern political parties have been excluded from the constitutional review committee.

“Do you have the copy of the presidential decree,” asked Jok; “I have seen some views denying inclusion of political parties in the committee”, he said.

“There are representatives from the other political parties in the committee. One of them is Gabriel Changson Chang”. “He is not a member of the SPLM. He represents other political parties,” explained Jok.

The minister who appears to be responding to a press release by Gordon Buay, who identified himself as the former Secretary General of South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) and the signatory of Washington Declaration between the SPLM and the SSDF in 2008, said the committee is not the commission referred to in the communiqué.

Buay accused the president of violating the terms of reference of south Sudan Political Parties Communiqué, arguing that inclusion of some members of South Sudan Legislative Assembly in the committee would compromise independence of the house once the bill is present for adoption.

“By the way people should not think that this is the commission if they are referring to the final communiqué of all south Sudan political parties”. “This is just a committee tasked to prepare convening of the conference”, and if they can recall, the communiqué itself allows the government of south Sudan to establish such a body in form of commission”.

“This is exactly what the president has done, said minister Jok, adding, “It is just the technical review committee of specialists from various fields to prepare for the conference,”.

George Kongor Arop, a former vice president of the republic of Sudan and now a president of southern political party the African National Congress, in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune said he does not see any violation of communiqué by the presidential decree.

“I do not think the presidential decree violates any resolutions of south Sudan political parties. I think intention is to implement those resolutions… We agreed in the resolutions that the government of south Sudan will establish a constitutional review commission to be adopted by the south Sudan Legislative Assembly in the event the choice of the people of south Sudan in the referendum becomes of the secession”.

“This was one of the resolutions. What the president has now formed is the committee. This committee shall therefore work in collaborations with committees from other political parties in sharing ideas as they review the constitution. This is how I view it,” explained Arop.

Tong Lual Ayat, chairman of the United Democratic Party, also said presidential decree does not violate the communiqué. “For us in the United Democratic Party, we do not see any problem because we believe the intention of this committee is to prepare ground for establishment of the constitutional review commission,” said Ayat.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    Dear Gatwech, Gordon Buay (SSDF),and all wishes,

    You should be careful went diverting critical issues into tribal matter. Now, Luk expressed your concern that you are talking to yourselves because Salva Kiir is working according to the channels in the constitution. Wow!

  • DOOR

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    I think Gordon Buay should make a second intercourse with the communique to ascertain and acquaint himself with it.
    Thanks Hon. John Luk Jok.

  • Dengcol malual
    Dengcol malual

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    John Luk Jok, you are just wasting your time because this man called Buay is an illogical thinker and doesn’t read through the line. his childish political ideological will never benefit anyone in the South. He always make things up without provide any evidence to support his claimed.

    SSDF party will never surface in South Sudan because it runs by inexperience and liars.

    what is the SSDF party stand for politically? if the other political parties in the South Sudan agree with the Minister of Legal Affair and Constitutional, then where was Buay during the Southerners political parties?

    if Buay still dwelling in Canada, then he should go home because you can’t run a political party oversea if you want to make a different in people lives or just shut hell up.

  • Anyang

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    What’s do you think Gatwech ?

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement

    How many representatives you want to divide among political parties? do you the number before attempting to divide the unknown number to political parties.
    If i were you, i would get shame because the minister has snapped you mucky mouth which always tell the people of South Sudan lies.
    Since April election, i never witness anything that you said to be conceived as true. You always and vow to removed the leaderships.You are always praising something unworthy to happen to our leaders.
    Not only those but always a bad wishes. You had been or now a militia against SPLM/A if not then you are absence minded. Thanks

  • Nhomlawda

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    Gordon Buay is still with militia mentality of baseless competition where they used to compete on who to become Al Bashir best dogs.
    Repent and be a true stateman or shut up on South Sudan issues and do your business wherever you are.
    Speaking English does not amount to being a politician.

  • Nhomlawda

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement

    Why do you always wish South Sudan to be instable.
    Do you think it is 1991 when our army was occupied fighting Arabs. Should you anyagats attempt this time to cause havoc, the result will be ugly. You have already seen an air force in place and you are still maintaining your traitorship behavior.
    Let those brainless traitors try again this time round, they will never forget.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    I say, how many representatives you want to divide among political parties?
    Read between lines dear brother.

  • Gatwech

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement

    You have asked me “What do you think Gatwech?”

    Well, I thought I have already explained what I think about the issue. If you had read all my comments above, you would have spared us the question.

    Let me just repeat myself below and read it:

    The importance of the issue Gordon Buay Malek Chol was trying to achieve is rightly understood by logical people like myself.

    Buay was calling for the unity of political parties in the South and their joint participation with government (SPLM) in the technical committee which is preparing for the upcoming conference on the constitution. What is wrong with that logic?

    There are more than 23 political parties in the South, and therefore the voices of the two handpicked pro-NCP parties of George Kongor and the other smaller party, both from Bahr el Ghazal, would not be seen to be commenting on behalf of the opposition parties. They are isolated voices.

    Or are you after splitting opposition political parties and then favor some of them?

    My friend, that approach is too dangerous for the stability of the South. You may make it a fun today but tomorrow you can regret it. The wise approach is to involve the political parties in the work that would determine our common destiny.

    The referendum succeeded partly because of their contribution to the process as political parties. Now that the referendum is over, it would be unwise for some of our selfish leaders to think that the opposition parties are not needed at this stage of technical committee. Some of them are more educated and have a sea of knowledge and vision of what a democratic South Sudan should look like.

    Let us embrace ourselves and work together in any step of the way. Don’t fear that the opposition will introduce more democratic changes. It is the road we are all supposed to follow.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement

    Stop dodging my question.How many representatives you want to divide among 23 political parties?
    Read between lines my dear.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    Dear southern Opposition leaders,i know some of you are leader angry like the above mentioned Minister,remember your being a political leader make clearly to the entire citizen of this land that you have open mind which will allow you to contribute goods for the betterment of this new nation but if come that you are not on the right truck by giving wrong statement to the citizen.To me i will say right from the day you mentioned such we the citizen of this newly born nation will keep on losing hope on you unless if you go back to seek for advise from UDF,and other parties which consist of wise good leadership otherwise you will remain alone in the party because southern Sudanese are all on one truck. BY OBOL SAM KING COLLEGE LONDON.

  • Lokeji

    Minister denies constitutional review committee violates agreement
    I don’t know why most of the contributors of this website frequently view Gatwech’s comments on tribal perception, while in most cases the man is offering sound contributions for the well being of our new state.Regarding the review of the constitution, am in line with gatwech, i see there is a need of including other political parties.and i think SPLM is aware of it, thats why they brought in Gabriel changson as a coverage for that.In order for us to catch-up with the rest of the world, there is a need for political inclusion in our new state rather than supporting political individualism.

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