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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president in Ethiopia to attend African summit

January 28, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has arrived Friday to the Ethiopian capital to attend the 16th annual summit of the African Union which is expected to discuss the Sudanese sitauation.

The summit will be held under the theme “Towards Greater Unity and Integration through Shared Values”.

Besides the Heads of State and Government meeting, Bashir will attend a number of meetings on the sidelines of the summit organised by the IGAD, NEPAD and a meeting on the African Union rapid deployment forces.

Also he is expected to hold a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon attended by the First Vice-President and head of southern Sudan government, Salva Kiir Mayadrit on Monday to discussion the final phase of the CPA and the pending issues for the post referendum period.

The summit will discuss also Darfur conflict.

The African Union chairman and Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika paid a visit this week to Sudan. Speaking to reporters in Juba he said the African Union should be the first to recognize the birth of independent south Sudan.

Bashir who faces an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC) used to travel to the neighbouring Ethiopia to attend different regional meetings.

The Summit according the ministerial meeting will reaffirm its support to the Sudanese president on the issue of the arrest warrant and demanding the AU countries to not cooperate with the ICC.

Also, the African leaders will denounce pressures on the African countries to not receive him, as it was the case for Chad and Kenya, last year, said the Sudanese state minister fro foreign affairs Kamal Hassan.



  • Lokaku

    Sudanese president in Ethiopia to attend African summit
    AU stance on the ICC! I am not surprised by the behaviour of this useless organisation which is full of octagenarian dictators and murderers. Where were they when South Sudanese were being murdered since independence? Now they want to be the first to recognise an Independent South Sudan! My foot! South Sudan should not join this useless talking shop. I mean, look at it this way: of what benefit is it to us? I had rather we join the Commonwealth of Nations where we we could be helped to revamp our education and health systems.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Sudanese president in Ethiopia to attend African summit
    I dont even know what is the use and function of this useless organization called AU. Keep backing criminals and financed them too.

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