Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese police on alert ahead of referendum results announcement & protests

January 29, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese police announced today that it has put its members on high alert ahead of an announcement by the South Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) on the results of the independence vote that took place this month.

police.jpgThe Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 between the North and South gave Southerners the right to decide on whether they want to have their own state or remain united with the rest of the country.

Preliminary results showed 99% of voters vouching for secession though instances of irregular voting, where uncovered, in some counties are not expected to have any impact on the final result.

The spokesperson of the Sudanese police, General Ahmed Imam Al-Tuhami, was quoted by pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website as saying that the authorities will not allow any activities that lead to chaos.

He said that the police is prepared to confront any actions that would disturb the peace, stressing that the law will be applied especially relating to getting permits before staging any demonstrations.

The police official added that they have received information on plans to, and calls by some groups to, take the streets today but warned that any attacks on people and properties will be dealt with swiftly.

This was in reference to demonstrations planned by thousands Sudanese youths on Sunday morning in Khartoum that was mainly advertised through Facebook. The protesters, who want to follow the suit of Egypt and Tunisia, will call for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to resign and new elections.

However, it is not clear if Northern opposition parties will endorse the call and have their members take part in the demonstrations.



  • James Mangula
    James Mangula

    Sudanese police on alert ahead of referendum results announcement & protests
    The police and its evil security organs must know that they can suppressed, but can not arrest the will of popular uprising. Khartoum should now get prepared to handover the sovereignty back to the legitimate owners, or else it will face an inevitable collapse of it tyranny regime. Southerners must now as crisis unfold in Khartoum rest assured that it is a Khartoum’s problem.

  • Chanson

    Sudanese police on alert ahead of referendum results announcement & protests
    Where is that whore son called Saban Bashir? maan!!! if you are still in Khartoum then you will soon get you ass on fire.Believe me dogg.
    Good luck confused Arab slave.

  • James Mangula
    James Mangula

    Sudanese police on alert ahead of referendum results announcement & protests
    Hi Marco, I’m extremely sorry that you miserably can not discriminate between a mere commentator and and Southerner who voted for unity. Inferring from your English, I’m left convinced that you are just a semi-illiterate with thirst to practice a new found knowledge of how to write. Well done, please keep it up!

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