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Sudan Tribune

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Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC

January 30, 2011 (JUBA) – The people of Southern Sudan, at home and abroad, have voted in favor of secession with a 99% margin after counting 100% of the ballots, Sudan Tribune have learned.

Southern Sudan  Referendum Commission (SSRC) chairperson Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil (Reuters)
Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) chairperson Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil (Reuters)
The preliminary results can be challenged during the appeal period which expires in early February.

This announcement to be made public later today, has hardly come as a surprise to anyone in the local or international arena who have prepared themselves for that outcome and have focused their efforts on making a peaceful divorce between the North and South.

The option of unity was deemed all but impossible by most observers due to deep seated mistrust between the Arab-Muslim dominated North and the mostly Christian and animist south Sudan.

Furthermore, the South has insisted on abrogating the application of Islamic Sharia’a law in the country but has faced stiff resistance by the ruling National Congress Party in the North.

Both sides are faced with the daunting task of agreeing on post-secession items such as borders, Abyei, citizenship, oil, water, national debt and international agreements.



  • Abionmur!

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    We knew we could, we knew we could! It is beyond words.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Anything always I put on my finger is positive.
    south sudan oyee,
    General kiir oyee,
    Food lover Phd holder oyee,
    those who voted for seprrrrrrrr oyee.
    oh,hero,John oyeee,

  • makuei

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    The dream and mission of our fore-fathers have finally been brought true by our current generation.
    Congratulations to all of us upon this historic victory.

    Raphael Makuei

  • wang

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    That 1% were voted in favor for the Country unity must be Dinka Boy and his Uncle Lual Deng–

  • Nhomlawda

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC

    Your analogy of fish without water is not applicable. Kiir remained in the bush and Riek when to Khartoum and Kiir was not defeated by Riek and Arabs. There are many PhD holders in South Sudan if you might be hinting on Riek qualification which is distructive to South Sudan.
    Riek does not have support and it is matter of months before he is thrown out to go and worship Ngundeng in his luak.

  • Jada Lotole
    Jada Lotole

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    This should be the time for patting our backs other than stabbing ourselves with childish comments like what the two precurrent writers have written ! Please style up and come of Age ! Before metioning ethenic groups here, we should go back to the South Sudan history records and give due to all indeed ! Thoes who started the struggle, took up the struggle and then thoes who finally actualized the struggle! All ethenic groups fought for the liberation of South Sudan ! South Sudanese oyeeeeeeeeee !

  • Land-of-Cush

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    southerners would you agree with this writer or not?
    the source is from http://www.ulang.org/


    Why Southerners chosed to vote with open hand as logo rather than choosing different logo as symbol for south Sudan referendum? I know most of us believe and give the name as bye, bye to north. This would be correct but the reality should be told when we do more researches about our history if I have traced you back to centuries ago.

    To bring your attention shortly Ngundeng Bong known as prophet (Gook in Nuer) from Gajaak Kier who migrated to Lou Nuer of Wechdeng as a family of his mother Nyayiel. Ngundeng promises more about South Sudan in form of songs and spoken words (eg) he say that my flag would not be mixed up with Arab flag (Cha bera bi mat ke ber rual) this show the secession of referendum today.

    Come to one hand logo Ngundeng Warn people of South Sudan through Lou Nuer community when they were dictated Ngundeng’s prophecy he told them that you will finished sons of my uncle until you fit in my open hand. Lou Nuer elders who were present have reacted and said Gatnyayiel you are a liar and your mentality is become true, how will we fit in your single hand? And he replied to them; that is not my really hand but hand of God. Therefore our hand logo is an Ngundeng promise hand.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC

    Congratulations to all Southern Sudanese.
    However, encouraging tribalism, false and fake ‘tribalistically’ motivated and prejudiced accumulation against other tribes will not be helpful to South Sudan new country to be recognized internationally soon. The announcement have now already been confirmed and in fact celebrated already in Juba. A good president should not be biased against other tribes who are not as his own among subjects. He should have grown enough to know that he is a president to all tribes of South Sudan

  • AbuDeng

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Mabruk Junub!

  • Chanson

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Bravo South Sudanese! Maburuk Alekumu.For the wise/right choice that all of you have made.This 99% results is achanging of situation as H.E Khalid said it during his speech this morning.(The head of SSRC)
    Not to forget H.E the president of the GOSS Salva Kiir for the hard work that he have done to bring us to the promise land.

    This percentage can take me back to the late DR. John Garang his speech in Nyayo….”He says Sudan will not and it will never be the same again” This is really true thing guys.Lets go to the street for the party.

    South Sudan 4 Life oyeeeee.
    One people oyeeeeeeeeee.
    Thank once again for hard work my dear people.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Dear Southerners,
    We make it and no more blame for those who voted for separation since they made referedum more democratic they’re also southerners let them feel at home. We cleared our part so let us wait and see the reaction from Khatoumers their plans again.


  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Tut Nuer,
    I dont hate anybody in southern sudan,so what I said is the truth,and i kinow the truth gonna hurt you thoroughly and am sorry for that.
    ‘”Food lover” mean undercover in the name of freedom fighter……. you feel me now? Or it mean someone who was attacked by hunger and automatically surrender himself/herself to the enemies of entire regions.
    So, after his stomach full enough,then come back again and fooled villagers in his community by telling them,”am the founder of self determination” south sudan,
    Idiom” stick to your own gun”
    me,my dad,brothers and some relatives never defected from spla army not splm.

    Omoni ATARI, New site, south sudan.

  • SonBlueNile

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    I would love to response to that speach of Late Dr.Garang, “Sudan will never be the same again”. I think it’s the speach that can be rememberd for life. I Thank all the Southern for coming together and say enough is enough. But there is one more war among “YOU” which is tribal, it’s going to last you as long as war for freedom you got now. I mean “YOU” because I’m not southerners, I’m more like divorced parent child who don’t know who to go with. All I can do is to be angry at both of you for not working together to bring peace back to Sudan.

    Here is what Blue Nile has in mind now. Just which you all good LUCK for your new nation…. BUT…..(notice the word BUT IF YOU)

    This is from our Governor………..Malik Agar

    The South is voting on secession without a clear demarcation of the borders. How can a state be built without defining its borders? This leads to war because each party has set those borders alone, in their own heads, and will move their tanks to defend the borders it wants. I went to the President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir and I told him that if he wanted to fight the North, he will not do so through Blue Nile, and I will not stand by his side. I also went to President Field Marshal Omar Hassan al-Bashir and told him that if he wants to fight the South, he will not pass through me. I assured them both that I do not want war, and that whoever starts the assault will have me stand with the other against them.”


  • Both Diew Tap
    Both Diew Tap

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Dear readers,

    Many thanks to all southern who have voted for separation….More thanks to Southern sedan leaders who have worked for peaceful referendum…God bless you all!

    Let me assure you that,with out Shiluk,Mondari,Equatoria,Dinka,Nuer,Anuank,Morle,bari,and all other southern Sudan tribes, South Sudan would have not existed….your voting ( South Sudan tribes) have allow our newest nation…But us we are smelling and approaching it,Many Southern Sudan will not test any of it food or they will not reach the promised land if we Southern Sudan do continue forgetting our heavenly father who has promised this land….This is what he did to Israel that will also happen here in South Sudan…

    People of South Sudan,let us not be money lover for money destroy the whole nation! Those who are money lover are completely pool..( Bible Psalm )

    God forgive us from our wrong doing…lead us all to the land you have promised for us…Bit us no more Oh Almighty God…let all the leaders of this land reach the promised land oh Lord for they shall build it,the land you have promised for them/us…Give them wisdom you gave to Solomon…

    God bless South Sudan…

    James Diew

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Southern Sudanese vote overwhelmingly for independence: SSRC
    Stiff resistance from the NCP to abolish Sharia laws. Well, it is now purely Northern affairs. Let them hang on it as they wish.
    I can’t wait to be a citizen of newly created country. I am proud to identify myself with it. The result speaks to itself. No way for forced unity. We are so different in the way of building our nations. These two are completely opposite: Sharia Laws and Secular!


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