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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 5, 2011 (JUBA) – At least 28 people have been confirmed dead following extension of fighting which broke out on February 3 between soldiers allied to the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in Malakal town, capital of the Upper Nile state. The fighting is believed to have spread to other counties outside Malakal on Saturday.

Gabriel Tanginye shakes hands with leading members of the Nuer tribal community in Unity state, Bentiu on October 19, 2010 (AP)
Gabriel Tanginye shakes hands with leading members of the Nuer tribal community in Unity state, Bentiu on October 19, 2010 (AP)

Speaking to Sudan Tribune in an interview in the regional capital of Juba, Phillip Aguer Panyang, spokesman of the southern army (SPLA) said that the disagreement surfaced about one week ago over the fate of tanks, which, according to the directive from the Khartoum controlled (SAF) that the tanks should be transferred to northern Sudan.

“But, some southerners in the group wanted the tanks to remain in south. In accordance with the Joint Defense Board agreement to which the SPLA is a party, it was agreed that SAF units will take all their equipment to Northern Sudan and Southerners who wish to come to south Sudan and join the SPLA will bring their equipment to the South with them. This was the decision of the leadership of the two armies”, Aguer explained.

South Sudan is expected to separate from the north after a referendum in January that saw 99 percent of southern Sudanese opt for secession. Under the 2005 peace deal that established the referendum joint units (JIUs) were formed between the former rebels the SPLA and the Sudanese army (SAF). Now the south has voted to secede the JIU’s are due to be disbanded.

Aguer said he did not have clear and accurate information involving the casualties because SPLA is not involved in the clashes, although they have attempted to mediate and stop the clashes. However, he said he has reports that at least 20 people had died.

“I do not have accurate information because the SPLA is not the party to these skirmishes. It is the internal rebellion within the Sudan Armed Forces”.

“The SPLA components in the Joint Integrated Units are only helping in separation of the two groups to stop escalation of the clash. The information we get is from the third party. So, it is through the third party that we collected information that this morning the number of dead in Malakal has risen to 20”.

“This could change at any moment because it has escalated and spread to other counties. Investigations are continuing and additional information would definitely give more [deaths]. The number of wounded have also increased beyond the figures we received yesterday and this morning but I cannot give you now because the information about them is not clear. What I know is that many are wounded because both sides were firing mortars and heavy machine guns,” said Aguer.

The senior military officer said he also received reports that in the fighting in Malakal has subsided and that the town is currently being patrolled by the joined military units made up of the north’s SAF, the SPLA and a force from United Nations.

“So far, there are no reports coming from Malakal that the fighting is [in] progress. The official reports are that the fighting there has subsided. It is relatively calm there now. The town is currently being patrolled the joined forces from Sudan Armed Forces, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army components in the joint integrated units and forces from the United Nations Mission In Sudan,” he said.

The military officer said the situation is complicated because the SAF unit included many southern soldiers drawn from a militia that fought alongside the north during the civil war.

“The situation is getting out of hand because it is very complicated issue because there are Sudan Armed Forces recruited and deployed most of the soldiers drawn from militia groups as part of the joint integrated Units that alongside the north during the civil war”.

The military spokesman warned that the fight could happen anywhere where the Sudan Armed Forces had opted to deploy militia as their half of joint integrated units rather than more disciplined regular forces. “This fighting could happen anywhere where SAF has accepted deployment of militia groups as members of joint integrated units. I am saying so because they are not real soldiers to understand the arrangement”, said Aguer.

He said the group also extended their fighting to Melut, Maban, Nasir and Paloch counties in Upper Nile State. “I have received reports that the same groups have extended the fighting to the counties of Melut, Maban, Nasir and Paloch in Renk County,” said Aguer.

Deng Akuei Kak, commissioner of Renk County in an interview with Sudan Tribune confirmed the fighting which he said involved the use of mortars and other heavy machine on Saturday.

“They (SAF elements) have extended the fighting in Malakal to Melut and Paloch today and it is still progress. No clear detail of the clash I can share with you now but I was told this evening that some people have been killed during the first clash which took place this morning. They clashed three times today and have dislodged elements of the Sudan Armed Forces in their bases in the last attack”.

“It was heavy fighting in which 8 people were killed and several others are said to have been wounded. This is the report for both Melut and Paloch. I do not have specific details as to how many were killed in Melut and Paloch because the fighting is still continuing”, said commissioner Kak.

Peter Both, Minister of Information, Communications and Broadcasting in the government of Upper Nile in a press release seen by Sudan Tribune also confirmed extension of the clash to Melut, Paloch, Maban counties.

“We want to report that fighting has broken out today within the JIU SAF in the vicinity of the towns of Paloch, Melut and Maban. The reason for the fighting is the same as that of Malakal-fighting over tanks and artilleries. The fighting lasted for some hours today in these three locations”.

“The Northern SAF has been dislodged from their bases making the Southern elements of SAF the winners and is in control of the three bases right now”, said minister Both in his release.

“So far, the SPLA went on search for the dislocated Northern Soldiers. When they were located, they brought them to their bases for protection in Paloch and Melut. Once arrangements are made, these soldiers will be escorted to the Northern border of 1956 so that they can go to Northern Sudan”.

“The soldiers of SAF in Maban are still missing in action and the SPLA is still searching for them in the bushes. Once they locate them, they will provide them with shelter and later they will be escort[ed] to the [north-south] border of 1956,” the statement adds.

He clarified that “it is to be made clear that the SPLA is not part of this fighting. This is a fight within the SAF JIUs in Upper Nile State, said the minister adding, “we will bring you updates on casualties as they become available to us”.

He explained that the government of Upper Nile state has tried to dissuade the groups from fighting, which started on February 3, 2011, as the squabble escalated to military confrontation on Thursday evening, which continued in Friday.

“On Friday at 6:00am, the fight resumed and it lasted up to about 2:00pm. In the battle, 19 people were wounded with about 5 people dead. It was very difficult to complete the assessment yesterday and we are sure that more victims might be identified later today.”

“In Malakal, he said, the forces which have been fighting are separated now. We have placed those who wanted the tanks to be in the South in a separate location within Malakal while the rest of the JIU SAF stays in their place. We have placed a curfew yesterday from 8:00pm-7:00am. This was done so that people can be safe in their own places as there were many who came out and carried guns on the streets”, the minister explained.

Minister Peter Both explained further that the Government of Upper Nile State has ordered from yesterday that the Police and UNMIS Forces will provide security in the town. All other security units are ordered to stand down. We assure our citizens in the town of Malakal that they should carry on with their business as usual beginning today.

On Friday Both told Sudan Tribune that he believed 55 people had died in the clashes. A driver for United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and at least two children are among those killed.



  • Makuei

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    “The soldiers of SAF in Maban are still missing in action and the SPLA is still searching for them in the bushes. Once they locate them, they will provide them with shelter and later they will be escort[ed] to the [north-south] border of 1956,” the statement adds.

    Looking for them!! I thought they could …. them right away and bring few or non over. Over!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    SAF must understand that SPLA is not in the fight other thing would be very ugly. SAF must not cry now because they gave heavy weapons to militia against the SPLA,now its you turn. Swallow what you have sown. I love it!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    Dear Southerners,

    See this!
    During the war, Militia( 7 factions) headed by Matip Nhial in Unity State against SPLM/A,

    Militia in Upper Nhil headed by Taganyang Gatwech against SPLM/A,

    SSIM militia in Jonglei headed by Riek Machar and John Luk, and many more.

    Can someone tell me where did Nuer fought the North. Good that they realized at this short time. Let the North Swallowed whet they sow against SPLM/A

  • Gatwech

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    Nhomlawda (aka the landlord),

    While I can’t waste time dwelling on your dream of a rat wanting to disarm a cat by removing its claws, why don’t you stop generalizing the Nuer?

    The Nuer soldiers currently constitute the majority of SPLA soldiers, about 60% of SPLA forces are from Nuer. That is a hard fact!

    Now, if the Nuer also have militias or soldiers in SAF, this should not be generalized as the whole Nuer.

    I believe other communities have soldiers in SAF or militias. I know the Dinka have more civilian-militia-intellectuals such as Abel Alier, George Kongor, Professor Machar and the rest.

    To tell you the truth, these civilian-militia-intellectuals are more dangerous than militarized militias because they give Arabs all our plans in the South and the Arabs implement some of them through the militarized militias.

    But this fighting is about retaining heavy artelleries in the South and not taking them to the North. But since the SPLA already conceded giving the artilleries to the North, the southern soldiers in SAF should also allow the heavy weapons to be taken to the North and stop the fight.

    It is unfortunate that the fighting has now resulted to the loss of many northern SAF soldiers in the four locations or bases, and some are still missing in action.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in-Bentiu.

    Sorry thisis worst contous news which is not suppose to be.
    Led SAF move northward and their higher command are the ones to claim this weapons in peaceful manner rather than fighting that may not solve the matter.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas

    In war, the skin of Fox is at times as necessary as that of a Lion, for cunning may succeed when force fails. Speaking from his underground rally in a message to his disciples (unionists), he declared that “the first bullet must be fired against the separatists (Anya Nya II,” as an attempt to impose his self-claimed “New Sudan,” vision on Southern Sudanese and hijacked the movement from its founders (separatists) altogether, coincidence?

    To make the matter worse, after Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang’s group secured its position against Lt. Col. Samuel Gai Tut’s group, the seizure of Tut’s group did not satisfy Garang’s appetite for power, but went further and channeled his doom plan to annihilate Anya Nya II movement in Bilpam.

    Without Ethiopian armed forces back-up, could Garang’s group alone be attempted to annihilate Anya Nya Ii forces in Bilpam?

    What if the Sudan’s rebels (unionists and separatists) put their differences aside since 1983, and confronted the main enemy (NIF/NCP) as a unified force? Be the Judge.

    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    It’s always your right to hate the Nuer community or wishing them death since countless of your kins were sold to slavery and/or assimilated into Nuer community one way or the other.

    It is quite clear that Nuer military domination of the coward Jaang/Slaves and other Jurs was grounded in their capacity to field a numberically supperior fighting force, and in the organizational features through which mobilization on a large scale was effective. Other aspect of the Nuer advantages were secondary and derivative. The Mighty Nuer Warriors tactics are relatively simple and straightforward.

    There must also have been pockets of the original Dinka, Anyuak and Burun occupants of the country overrun by the Nuer Warriors who submitted and gave up their language and habits in favor of those of the Nuer. At any rate, there are today in all 11 Nuer sub-tribes many small Dinka, Anyuak, Burun… lineages and villages are often named after them (Jaang, Bar, Chai…).

  • Tambura

    Death toll in Upper Nile clashes rises to 28, spreads to other areas
    Hello guys
    For those who don’t know me, my name is Tambura new generation leader, I will seek the presidential office of south Sudan in next election. I think our new country will need new faces new generation new ideas to build untied south Sudan. South Sudan that will be one tribe one nation. I will fight tribalism, corruption, I provide better live for every southern Sudanese I will put food on table any time for those who loves foods, better health care I will fight for your right wherever any southern get problem around the world I will make you proud of your country. I ll use our oil money to twist south Sudan to better place for all of us to be proud to live in. I ll bring law will protect our women and children better welfare system, better child support, I will build home for homeless I will put all our income out come of our money for public to see how we use our money.I will let public know how much everybody get every year as income. I will build best person system in African for corrupted officials and better human right system. Most important I will change our school system make it like Norwegian school system. I will best road system in Africa. More to come in nearest future I bring law will allow any president run for twice. Vote for me in next election I will be the leader you never dream of.

    The next president of southern Sudan

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