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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building

By Manyang Mayom

February 9, 2011 (RUMBEK) – The Governor of Lakes State, Chol Tong Mayay, has said the state of South Sudan needs strategic thinking to build a new nation at the level of the other nations of the world. He acknowledged the technological and infrastructural difficulties faced the fledgling state.

Chol Tong Mayay speaking to thousands of his supporters in Rumbek freeedom square, 7 February 2011 (by Manyang Mayom)
Chol Tong Mayay speaking to thousands of his supporters in Rumbek freeedom square, 7 February 2011 (by Manyang Mayom)
The Governor was speaking from his office on Tuesday, following the announcement of the South Sudan referendum results, which were announced on Tuesday night in Khartoum by the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission chairman, Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil.

Mayay spoke of his priorities, among them: good governance; security measures; rule of law; education; health care; and water and energy to be provided to citizen of Lakes state.

The Governor suggested that the new country embarks on agricultural and microfinance projects, explaining that the development of the private sector will accelerate the growth of the economy of the new nation.

Governor Mayay congratulated all South Sudanese for what he described as the “fighting spirit” during the 50 years of war and underdevelopment.

His concluded by thanking specific groups for making the referendum a success, beginning with women, youth, chiefs, politicians, government officials, members of the armed forces, civil servants and religious groups.

He also thanked the international community for their role of observing the referendum.

South Sudan will be declared the newest nation of the world in July this year.



  • Anyang

    Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building
    You are absolutely right Mr Mayay, but makesure that,people need to see things being done to believes their leadership.Otherwise, your assertion is what is needed at this juncture.Hope, you will learned from the past to correct the future.

  • Joseph

    Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building
    You‘re mad ,seek for the doctor to rescue your situation

  • John Ruei
    John Ruei

    Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building
    Governor Mayai is right to said this because new nation needs strategic planning to fill the gap of long war and long corruption which have been practice.He has already started his strayegic planning and that is why he bring peace in the state.Since he came to power the state image has changed from bad image to good.
    I would like to assure you readers of sudantribune that the problems of lakes state has gone to Jongelei state and it need the governor of jongelei to plan well and find out what are the rootcauses of all these problems.

  • makuei

    Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building
    The caption at the foot of your photo in this news article is wrong. Chol Tong Mayay was not ‘speaking to his supporters’ in the freedom square. He was speaking to citizens of Lakes State at the eve of the announcement of the official results of the South Sudan Referendum.

  • Ranydit

    Governor of Lakes State: Strategic thinking required for nation building
    Shame on you comrade Mayay by telling people what you will not do.
    Words by mouth will not make you to be the governor again in the next term.
    Tell them only to your personal reporter manyang in your private rooms not in freedom square.
    And Thanks

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