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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan requests “clarifications” on meeting of U.S. diplomat with SPLM

February 14, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese foreign ministry has revealed on Monday that it requested “clarifications” from the U.S. on statements allegedly made by the U.S. Consul General Barrie Walkley during a meeting with leading figures from the Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM).

US Consul General, Ambassador Barrie Walkley, takes questions from the press following the opening of a new, US-sponsored electrical power facility in the southern Sudanese town of Kapoeta on Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 (AP)
US Consul General, Ambassador Barrie Walkley, takes questions from the press following the opening of a new, US-sponsored electrical power facility in the southern Sudanese town of Kapoeta on Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 (AP)
The Sudanese Media Center (SMC), which is closely linked to the country’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), reported yesterday that Walkley met with SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum, head of SPLM Northern Sector Yasir Arman and SPLM leading figure Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu.

Walkley reportedly briefed the SPLM figures on the U.S. strategy towards Sudan which aims at “changing the structure of the Sudanese state”.

He also reiterated that Washington will not abandon the issues of Abyei, Blue Nile and Nuba mountains in light of their importance in the context of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The U.S. envoy asserted their support for the work of the SPLM-Northern sector so it is engaged with discussions on the fate of these areas.

Walkley is said to have suggested that the U.S. will not lift existing sanctions on Sudan unless the government in Khartoum responds to all its demands.

South Sudan voted for its independence from the North in January and, in July, when a six-year transition period that ended decades of civil war expires, it is set to become the world’s 193rd nation.

The U.S. said it is in the process of lifting Sudan from its of countries that sponsor terrorism as a reward to the North for accepting the outcome of the vote. However, Sudanese officials expressed skepticism that the Obama administration will follow through on its promises.

SMC report further alleged U.S. support to the opposition coalition known as the Juba alliance.

The spokesman of the Sudanese foreign ministry Khalid Mousa said that while the details of the meeting is based on press reports it requires confirmation after which they will adopt a position.

He said if the statements are true they would run counter to the core of the current dialogue between the two sides.



  • Gatwech

    Sudan requests “clarifications” on meeting of U.S. diplomat with SPLM
    Dear readers,

    SPLM should avoid allowing members of National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in such important meetings with diplomats. It doesn’t make any difference whether they are South Sudanese.

    This leakage to NCP is a very dangerous precedence!

    Bashir’s NCP will feel deceived, cheated and made fools by allowing the South to secede through the broken promise by the US to lift sanctions in addition to some other incentives.

    Please, the SPLM should immediately clarify such issues with the NCP for the sake of smooth and peaceful transition.

  • Liberator

    Sudan requests “clarifications” on meeting of U.S. diplomat with SPLM
    Sudan Gov’t

    Lifting of sanctions and de-listing from state sponsor of

    terrorism takes time, besides it’s not up to the current

    Administration to de-list you. but the United States Congress

    will have to pass a law before de-listing you as state

    sponsor of terrorism and also dropping the current sanctions against your police state.

  • ebonyebony

    Sudan requests “clarifications” on meeting of U.S. diplomat with SPLM
    First of all I’m from the North. I want to clarify one point..i see in most of the comments the indication that Notherner are angry becasue S. Sudan has gone its own way.. all knwo Al Intibaha newspaper led by Tayeb Mustafa and you all know that, from the beginning he called on NCP to let the South go its own way, Now Al Intibaha is the hightest selling newspaper in the North (100.000 copies are sold everyday according to Gamary company for press and distribution) to give you the picture as a whole..the hightet daily selling rate of Sudanese newspapers wont exceed 35000 copies a day. why is this , because there are many people in the North who wanted S.Sudan to secede. I wanted it to secede. I tell you how I felt before referndum..I felt that SPLM took share in ruling the North and there are millions of Southerners in the North while the South was wholly for the Sotuehrners and what does secesion meant to me meant gaining the whole north because there will be no SPLM after 7/9..did we loose the could we since it is entirly dominated by SPLM and Notherners are treadted like foreiengers..but what about oil…that is an economic problem but how it will last ..still it is not like we gain our north for conclusions..we have gained the North you have gained the South..but those who encaourage more wars with the North or supporting rebel groups in the North..i tell you the Egyption saying”don’t throw stones at others’ houses when your house is like theirs..made of glass!”

  • Aleu

    Sudan requests “clarifications” on meeting of U.S. diplomat with SPLM
    Soon or later on, this North Sudan government would be like North Korea which has threaten the world. What clarification do the NCP of Khartoum government want from U.S.? Does mean the North Sudan government have to control on U.S. individual who want to speaking freely some where in Southern Sudan.? Does North Sudan government think U.S. Is weak to force Omar al Bashir and jail them.?

    I think leaving Omar al Bashir out of jail is the big mistaken the world can do right now, but if the world step in to arrested him then, that is what most people in the world are looking to see not only the Sudanese want him to go to jail but Internationally are really tired about him and you can tell that, all these continuing killing in Sudan particular in Southern Sudan he has put his hand to destroy civilians who were about to find normal life, because he is very jealousy for indpendence of Southern Sudan.

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