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Sudan Tribune

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Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor

By Manyang Mayom

February 16, 2011 (JUBA) – The governor of Lakes state Chol Tong Mayay dismissed on Tuesday his commissioner for Wulu county Gideon Shilur without giving a clear reason.

Speaking to press, governor Tong said that he decided to sack Shilur based on demands from the Wulu community. He said that he had not decided to remove Shilur by himself, stating that he had received requests from the Wulu community to remove their commissioner.

Tong said the charges against Shilur made by the community were “complex” but would not elaborate. However, the governor said he had removed Shilur in the interest who the community saying that “tired” of his attitude.

“I will also wait the person to be recommended by Wulu community to take over the power as county commissioner of Wulu”, he said.

This is a first time the Lakes state governor has exercised his power to appoint and remove commissioners since he was elected, replacing Daniel Awet Akot, following elections in April 2010. Governor Tong was sworn in on May 26, 2010.



  • Dengcol malual
    Dengcol malual

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    I don’t get it!!! and i think something is missing about this case.

    “Tong said the charges against Shilur made by the community were “complex” but would not elaborate. However, the governor said he had removed Shilur in the interest who the community saying that “tired” of his attitude.”

    Tired of his attitude and what attitudes are you talking about? It seems like either the reporter or Governor did make some mistake in the matter. you can’t fired/sacked a commissioner because somebody in that county said that he/she doesn’t like his attitude. where would you find a politician everybody like?

  • Phil

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    Gideon had his attention paid to reporting rather than what actually need to be reported.

  • Malek Maker
    Malek Maker

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    Dear Readers,

    This is now government of people, for the people and by the people – democracy! Governor Chol is working for what the people or community ask him to do for them. Therefore, Shilur is out of his job because community asks him to leave because he is not doing what they expect of him.

    Shilur don’t feel disgrace or shame. This shows that you have worked for yourself in the last few months in your office as indicated by the governor Mayay that reasons to why you are sacked are ‘complex’.

    Just pull yourself together and be a man! Let your people bring the man of their choice to succeed you in peace.

  • Mading

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    I assume the reason might be the incident during the referendum when the commissioner pulled the governor and their bribed reporter to announced that over 900 voters cards where arrested with someone which was not correct.

    However, if it is the one, Kiir should also dismiss him (governor) who spoiled the name of Lakes State in a very sensitive event (referendum).

  • Eric

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    Both the writer and the State Governor are not clear on this matter.

    However, the problem could be the incident during the referendum whereby the commissioner allegedly accused a chief and the SPLM-DC member of voters’ cards buying, when the chief was keeping cards for safety. Besides, many robbers in disguised who called themselves security personnel went into people’s houses and took whatever money and belonging of individuals claiming people in Wulu to be buying cards.

    I am sure the State Governor donot want to reveal the looting that was instituted by the security personnel with notice from the Commissioner and perhaps himself.

    This is not the first time such incideces had ever happened in Lakes and certainly similar cases are in other States. It is worth notice that there is a security department known as SPECIAL BRANCH where people are being arrested and detained without notice of the police and the legal system. People are always detained and tortured badly, i am sure we may be lossing some of our citizens to that specialized branch of killing. People should step up on such suffering in silince!

  • Tilling

    Wulu county commissioner sacked by Lakes state governor
    Dear people of Lake’s State, whether you shout or keep quite, it had already happened. Let shilur join his community and participate with them in scio-economic.The position is not for him alone. Safe journey home Shilur.

    Back to the reporter, Mr. Manyang, be very attentive when requiring the information from the source, this whereby you can deliver the good and sensitive message to the people.Also tried as much as you can to improve your English, and to improved it will not come alone or by eating food, it’s through practices. Get time man to go back to school the Southern Sudan is going to advance soon and you will be competed out.

    Mr. governor, Let not someone somewhere drive your car, drive it by yourself in-case he/she may lose the control

    Tilling Maborkuei Tilling

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