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Sudan Tribune

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INTERVIEW: Libyan opposition figure calls on world to provide humanitarian aid

February 20, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The Libyan people are in desperate need of food and medical supplies as they battle security forces and mercenaries, an opposition figure told Sudan Tribune today.

Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, gestures as he speaks during an address on state television in Tripoli, in this still image taken from video, February 20, 2011 (Reuters)
Saif al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, gestures as he speaks during an address on state television in Tripoli, in this still image taken from video, February 20, 2011 (Reuters)
Anti-government protesters rallied in Tripoli’s streets, tribal leaders spoke out against Gaddafi’s 41-year iron rule and army units defected to the opposition as oil exporter Libya endured one of the bloodiest revolts to convulse the Arab world.

Medical sources and others on the ground have said that at least 219 had died nationwide in the violence, mostly through gunshots. Doctors from inside Libya speaking to Arab TV channels are complaining that supplies in hospitals are running low.

“We urge humanitarian groups to send relief supplies particularly food and medicine and if possible blood donations, to the people of Libya through the borders with Egypt,” Hadi Shalluf told Sudan Tribune by phone from Paris.

Shalluf confirmed media reports that the eastern city of Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, is now largely controlled by protesters.

Later in the day, eye-witnesses reported that thousands in the Libyan capital of Tripoli took the streets throwing stones at billboards of Gaddafi.

The Libyan-French lawyer, who says his father was killed by the regime, said that options are now limited for Gaddafi.

“This will spread all across the country and there will be heavy fighting leading to bloodshed which will further aggravate the people,” Shalluf said.

“Gaddafi will either be arrested or forced to escape. Even that last option may not be possible as there are only few countries that will be willing to receive him. Even Saudi Arabia will be reluctant to host him,” he added.

Tunisia’s former president Zain al-Abedine Ben Ali, who was ousted in a popular uprising last month, fled to Saudi Arabia where he is currently residing. Riyadh also offered to receive former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, also forced out after street protests this month.

Shalluf said Gaddafi will seek to avoid staying in countries that are signatories to the International Criminal Court (ICC) statute for fear of future prosecution. He mentioned Zimbabwe, not an ICC member, as possible safe haven for the Libyan leader.

The Libyan lawyer, who is the first Arab to be registered as a counsel before the Hague tribunal to represent any possible suspects, urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to refer the situation in Libya to the ICC as they did with Darfur in 2005.

“We are witnessing war crimes and genocide against Libyans by the regime and mercenaries with a shoot-to-kill policy. The civilian casualties inflicted is intentional and by no means collateral damage, Violence is the only language Gaddafi understands,” Shalluf said.

He noted that last year the ICC prosecutor opened an investigation into Kenya’s post-election violence which claimed over 1,300 lives and displaced many more thousands.

Shalluf criticized the international community particularly the European Union (EU) for their silence on the “crimes committed against the Libyan people”. He attributed that to their multi-billion dollar trade with Libya.

“Targeting the oil pipelines in Libya is the only way you will get their [EU] attention,” Shalluf said.

On Sunday, the leader of the Al-Zuwayya tribe in eastern Libya threatened to cut oil exports to Western countries within 24 hours unless authorities stop what he called the “oppression of protesters”.

Shalluf said that he anticipated the downfall of Gaddafi “in no more than two weeks” adding that major tribes such as Warfalla are rebelling with army units defecting as well.

Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi appeared on national television on Sunday night in an attempt to both threaten and calm people, saying the army would enforce security at any price.

Wagging a finger at the camera, he blamed Libyan exiles for fomenting the violence. But he also promised dialogue on reforms and wage rises.

But Shalluf described the concessions as “too late”.

In a related issue, the Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Khalid Moussa denied reports alleging involvement of Sudanese expatriates in Libya in the current unrest.

Should Gaddafi be toppled, Sudan will lose one of its main allies in the region. The Libyan leader has been at the forefront of African Union (AU) efforts seeking backing to Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir against ICC indictment.

It was Gaddafi who forced the AU summit in Sirte in July 2009 to adopt a resolution instructing all members not to apprehend Bashir even if they are ICC members.

African diplomats later said that AU countries were not allowed to debate the text on the ICC. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that Gaddafi resorted to bullying his peers to accept the decision.

Libya also plays a major role in Darfur with strong ties to rebel groups and has made several attempts to forge a solution to the eight years conflict. It is currently hosting leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim after being barred entry to Chad.

Khartoum has asked Tripoli to expel Ibrahim but their request was rejected. However, the Libyan government promised not to allow JEM chief to make any statements out of there.



  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    INTERVIEW: Libyan opposition figure calls on world to provide humanitarian aid
    Gadafi must die…

  • Liberator

    INTERVIEW: Libyan opposition figure calls on world to provide humanitarian aid
    Dear Readers:

    Hanging on to power for so long is recipe for disaster. Libya is tribal based society, therefor, the only Gaddafi have been able to hang on for more than four decades is because he basically, bought off loyalty by bribing the tribal chiefs…

    but this doesn’t work in the 21st century. South Sudan leaders beware & warned!! No leaders will ever be elected to office for more than two terms of(4 years each).

    I stronly condenmed the killing of peaceful protesters.

    But I gave Libya a credit for helping(supplying arms)to Anya Anya II & SPLA movements in the late seventies and early-to-mid eighties against Nimieri regime.

  • 1988

    INTERVIEW: Libyan opposition figure calls on world to provide humanitarian aid
    4 year three term limit.

  • Ajak Johnson
    Ajak Johnson

    INTERVIEW: Libyan opposition figure calls on world to provide humanitarian aid
    Gaddafi government must to leave in order to save the life of innocent people. If there is democracy then the government is for the people and if they decide to change the ruliing system it is their will.

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