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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan minister: Health is priority in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

February 23, 2011 (BENTIU) – South Sudan’s minister of health visited Unity state, for the first time since his appointment last year, to assess what kinds of services are being delivered by the local state health ministries across South Sudan.

Luka Monoja’s visit to Unity state is to show that health is a top priority for the government of South Sudan.

He added that health promotion is very important. He especially highlighted the health issues related to pregnancy and the incidents of deaths during pregnancy.

“All our women and our young ladies who are going to form their families our duty is grantee them to give them a better healthy life”, Monoja’s said.

Monoja said, his visit to Unity state is to witness what kinds of services are delivered at Bentiu hospital and what is missing.

The minister told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday: “We need a commitment for ourselves that 2011 we achieves this, 2012 we achieve this and 2013 we achieve this because health is for all, but is also everybody business, health is not the work of doctors alone, health is not the work for minister alone, health is for all of us”.

Monoja said Unity state is well known for its oil production, from which the government of South Sudan generates most of its income. He said that the people deserve more services. He added Unity state is the mother board of all ten South Sudan states for it richness of oil production.

The minister urged health workers to cooperate with the state ministry of health to deliver good services to all citizens in the state.



  • Koang

    South Sudan minister: Health is priority in Unity state
    Of course, health and Security are top tasks need to be looked into, if not, poor citizens are going to suffer in hand of South Sudan. newly independent country.
    Doctors need increment or wages-lncrease to motivate them to do their duties effectively.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan minister: Health is priority in Unity state
    Eventhought you scure their treadment. you can not treat their ill thinking of food loving/nyagatism what a hypocrit pll.
    Good for them.


    South Sudan minister: Health is priority in Unity state
    To my wonder, why h.minister focus alone on pregancy while Hiv/ADS and TB are finished people here Unity state.

    will women get pregancy while Hiv/AIDS is seriouly affecting the populations.

    more awareness need to be done to the people.

    this state is mostly affecting because it has its having oil


  • Janafil

    South Sudan minister: Health is priority in Unity state
    Why only Unity state? what about other states, Health in the South Sudan here is the last to be thought of, now that you are just talking about state headquarter, why don’t you go visiting the counties. All the ministries of health are sleeping or they just secure their plate and that is all, If iam lying tell me do we have any ministor of health who order the umbulance one time to counties where most vunerable are? Shame on you all the ministers of GOSS, the war with arab using arms has ended but the war that remain is the war of diseases but non of the Government officails is thinking of that. You better stay eat and sleep and wait for your death, even those health workers in the Counties are non of ministry concern, it’s even nonsense to visit and talk to health workers that you are not paying and trying to advise them to care for the health of the people and here in the GOSS you getting salary that can paid 20 staffs.
    We are going to elect people that cares about the life of people but not those who don,t care like you who are in the current Government/.

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