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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s ex-PM slams Libyan leader on his treatment of dissent

February 24, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The former Sudanese Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi today lambasted the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi saying the latter routinely dismissed any dissenting opinion as treason.

Former Sudanese Prime Minister and leader of National Umma Party Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi
Former Sudanese Prime Minister and leader of National Umma Party Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi
Al-Mahdi who maintained close ties with Libya’s top guy since the 70’s said in a press release that he noticed this trend during his previous dialogues with Gaddafi.

Libya continues to sink deeper into chaos as its defiant ruler Gaddafi battles to retain control of the capital Tripoli amid an international outcry over the rising death toll and mass exodus by foreigners.

Hundreds were killed since the demonstrations broke out on February 17 and spread from the eastern city of Benghazi, which is now totally controlled by the opposition, to the capital Tripoli.

Italian foreign ministry on Wednesday said the clashes killed 1000 people.

The former PM revealed that he wrote to the Libyan leader five days ago to stress that the right of civil expression for political demands in the form of protests should not be met with bloody crackdown. Al-Mahdi also communicated with the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa demanding immediate intervention.

The opposition leader and head of National Umma Party (NUP) noted that his relationship with Gaddafi was characterized with cooperation, exchanging advices and continuous dialogue.

“We were constantly asserting to him that the diversity of views is the inevitable result of freedom and that the alternative of freedom is tyranny,” he said.

Al-Mahdi said that the region was dominated by autocratic regimes under different political labels. He said the current revolution of Arab people in the region is a result of their aspiration for human rights and freedoms by the legitimate standards of legality and humanity emphasizing that the rulers must respond to the demands of their people or face uprising.

He called for immediate ceasefire saying that he intends to ask the United Nations, African Union, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to move quickly “to stop the blood bath scenes in Libya”. The ex-PM also stressed the importance of conducting an investigation into the events to ensure accountability.

The Libyan leader has been a long-time supporter of the NUP until the year 2003 when his request that Al-Mahdi join the Sudanese government went unheeded.

In 1976, the Sudanese National Front headed by Al-Mahdi and based in Libya launched a surprise attack aimed at toppling the regime of then president Ga’afar Nimeiri. The operation is believed to have been financed by Libya’s Gaddafi.



  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan’s ex-PM slams Libyan leader on his treatment of dissent
    In June 1986, Sadiq al Mahdi formed a coalition government with the Umma, the DUP, the NIF, and four southern parties. Unfortunately, however, Sadiq proved to be a weak leader and incapable of governing Sudan. Party factionalism, corruption, personal rivalries, scandals, and political instability characterized the Sadiq regime. After less than a year in office, Sadiq al Mahdi dismissed the government because it had failed to draft a new penal code to replace the sharia, reach an agreement with the IMF, end the civil war in the south, or devise a scheme to attract remittances from Sudanese expatriates. To retain the support of the DUP and the southern political parties, Sadiq formed another ineffective coalition government.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan’s ex-PM slams Libyan leader on his treatment of dissent


    The SPLA was formed in 1983 when Lieutenant Colonel John Garang of the SPAF was sent to quell a mutiny in Bor of 500 southern troops who were resisting orders to be rotated to the north. Instead of ending the mutiny, Garang encouraged mutinies in other garrisons and set himself at the head of the rebellion against the Khartoum government. Garang, a Dinka born into a Christian family, had studied at Grinnell College, Iowa, and later returned to the United States to take a company commanders’ course at Fort Benning, Georgia, and again to earn advanced economics degrees at Iowa State University.

    By 1986 the SPLA was estimated to have 12,500 adherents organized into twelve battalions and equipped with small arms and a few mortars. Recruits were trained across the border in Ethiopia, probably with the help of Ethiopian army officers. By 1989 the SPLA’s strength had reached 20,000 to 30,000; by 1991 it was estimated at 50,000 to 60,000. Many members of the SPLA continued their civilian occupations, serving in individual campaigns when called upon. At least forty battalions had been formed, bearing such names as Tiger, Crocodile, Fire, Nile, Kalishnikov, Bee, Eagle, and Hippo.

    In addition to Garang, who as commander in chief adopted the rank of colonel, other senior officers included a field commander, a chief of staff, and a chief of staff for administration and logistics. Most of these officers, as well as zonal commanders, held the rank of lieutenant colonel, while battalion commanders were majors or captains. Promotion was based on seniority and the number of battles fought. Consequently, most of the senior leadership and field commanders were members of the Dinka group. Others were from the Nuer and Shilluk groups. Members of some other groups from Al Istiwai were given commands to help win over members of their groups.

    The SPLA claimed that its arms came from captured government stocks or were brought by troops deserting from the SPAF. It admitted to having received a considerable amount of support and matériel from Libya before 1985 because of Libya’s hostility toward Nimeiri and its desire to see him overthrown. It denied receiving arms from Ethiopia, although it operated from bases in Ethiopia, and outside observers believed that that country furnished the bulk of the SPLA’s weaponry. The government’s claims that the SPLA had Israeli advisers and received equipment from Israel were generally discounted. Its small arms included Soviet, United States, and German assault rifles. According to The Military Balance, 1991-92, the SPLA also had 60mm mortars, 14.5mm antiaircraft guns, and Soviet SA-7 shoulder-fired SAMs. Other sources claimed that the SPLA had captured or otherwise acquired howitzers, heavier mortars, BM-21 truckmounted rocket launchers, jeep-mounted 106mm antitank recoilless rifles, and about twenty armored vehicles. It had a supply of land mines that were widely used.

    Amnesty International and Africa Watch have cited deliberate killings by the SPLA of SPAF and militia prisoners captured in combat, and of civilians believed to be informers or opposed to the insurgency movement. Although about 300 government troops were being held by the SPLA as of mid-1989, there were reports that after the capture of Bor, surrendering soldiers, possibly numbering in the hundreds, were shot. Indiscriminate SPLA rocket and mortar attacks on government-held towns resulted in many civilian casualties.

  • taban

    Sudan’s ex-PM slams Libyan leader on his treatment of dissent
    Let an Arabs fuck another Arabs, we are tered of your bulshit.

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