Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Lakes and Unity states promise to deal with cattle raiders

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

February 27, 2011 (PAYINJIAR-BENTIU) – The commissioner of Rumbek East county of Lakes State, David Marial, met with his counterpart Peter Gai Jaok in Payinjiar county of Unity state on Friday. His visit to the county was to discuss gangs, cattle raiders and insecurity.

Gai described the visit of his Rumbek East counterpart as a move towards fighting instability between the two counties in terms of cattle raiding. He hoped the meeting would help bring to an end the cattle raids and to improve the relationship between the counties.

The two commissioners toured the county, visiting Ganyliel and Nyal districts.

Marial said, his mission is to make sure that peace and security is maintained. The commissioner said that, “he is not a friend to those of cattle raiders”.

The Rumbek East County commissioner said his security services had captured 71 cattle raiders. Marial said 41 have been sentenced to seven years in jail and 30 are still in custody.

He told citizens, “we will be working harder to bring to an end this criminal act, and acknowledged comrade Peter Gai, the commissioner is a hard working person and will be bringing peace and development.”

Marial expressed his gratitude to the people of Payinjiar county because of the way he was received on his visit. He said that all South Sudanese should work working towards improving the region ahead of its independence in July.

Gai welcomed his counterpart’s speech and assured the people of Payinjiar that they will not give up fighting criminal activities until they come to an end.

He added that the two neighboring counties shall work together to improve insecurity.



  • Koang

    Lakes and Unity states promise to deal with cattle raiders
    These are internal issues which need to be observed with vigilence by central government, cattles raiders need to be brought to justice otherwise they are disturbing peace stability which is one of the factor we are challenge by the North of not holding carefuly in the south
    let the cattles raiders agree, laws are costy.

  • Catch 22
    Catch 22

    Lakes and Unity states promise to deal with cattle raiders
    Bravo to the two commissioners. I hope other commissioners and governors will emulate their bold action. I feel very encouraged and hopeful. Those caught in cattle rusting should be send behind bars for a long time. That is the only way we can make cattle rustling less appealing profession and pass time

  • Jeti

    Lakes and Unity states promise to deal with cattle raiders
    There is no problem with Lake State, the problem is with Unity State. They are fond of cattle raiding commonly. They must arrest their bandit to restore peace and tranquility between the two states.

  • Tambura

    Lakes and Unity states promise to deal with cattle raiders
    I have solution for cattle raiders for all country. Under my leadership every cattle will secure in fames where owners will feed them and got proper care and become part of economic.There will be no cattle will across meddle of city, I will put very strong law to protect animals right and health care. I will create fames and animals hospital in every state where government will take care of domestic animals there will be not what we call grazing animal like wild.We are going to buy Cattle from people who can not afford to build fames and afford to bring food to their animals and keep them in good condition. I will put in jail everybody who will abuse animal. Vote for me in next election I will you and your animal proud of your country.


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