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Sudan Tribune

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WES to form committee to scrutinise WES and Yei, CES border dispute

March 1, 2011 (YAMBIO) – The governor of Western Equatoria, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, has paid a special visit to Landhili payam (district) commonly called Ras-Olo payam, of Maridi County, Western Equatoria state, in a fact finding mission to look into the border with Yei River County of Central Equatoria State.

Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro (right), Maridi county, Western Equatoria state, South Sudan, 13 Oct 2010 (ST)
Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro (right), Maridi county, Western Equatoria state, South Sudan, 13 Oct 2010 (ST)
The chief of the Landhili, Michael Makiri said, “This is a long awaited event, which communities of the payam had been waiting for.”

He explained that this is the first visit of its kind since the signing of the CPA in 2005.

He believes that although “the three ethnic tribes of the payam: Mundu, Avokaya and Baka co-exist peacefully,” that there are still major problems in Landhili, such as a “lack of access to clean water” and “no nurses in the primary health center”.

Makiri stressed that “the border dispute with Yei River County of Central Equatoria remains the biggest setback amongst the communities.”

Landhili is the border between Yei in Central Equatoria and Maridi in Western Equatoria.

Addressing the people of Landhili, the governor said “it is my honor as governor to visit the payam to understand and acquaint myself with the problems facing the payam and its people.”

Bakosoro revealed that, he has already discussed “with his counterpart, the governor of Central Equatoria state, Clement Wani Konga on how to settle the issue.”

He added that the state “will form a committee which will comprise of the elders of the payam who know the exact border of the payam.”

Over the past years there have been many border disputes between the communities of Landhili and Yei River County, Tore payam of Central Equatoria.

The Governor said that “2011 is the year of food production in the state, all people should work hard to produce food in bulk in order to curb hunger in the state” he added.

Bakosoro called upon the communities of the area to help the arrow boys and the SPLA forces in the area when in needed.



  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    WES to form committee to scrutinise WES and Yei, CES border dispute
    You are realy a people’governor,and infact Western Equatorians made a right choice for chosing you as their governor.
    In the history of Western Equatoria:No any previous governor have ever visited such a remote area,thanks for your concern in solving all the related matters to the state in a peaceful maner,may God bless you.

  • Miamangawai

    WES to form committee to scrutinise WES and Yei, CES border dispute
    Bakosoro is the only Western Equatoria governor who has ever visit payam to settle the dispute.

    Bakosoro was not appointed by degree but elected by the will of Western Equatorians. He should show his concern for them in any case and respond to their call.

    I appreciate the governor for his concern about his people, active and loyal to his people as how his people are loyal to him.

    This year, Western Equatoria citizens already gone to the areas where they ran from due to LRA attrocity during the rulling period of the former governors. I am sure the production will be sufficient that could feed the whole proposed youngest State in Africa.

    Bravo Bakosoro to try doing away with the LRA in the State.

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