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Sudan Tribune

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Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review

March 8, 2011 (ABYEI) — Nine South Sudanese political parties announced they are pulling out from a constitutional review committee following disagreements on power-sharing allotments with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which controls affairs of South Sudan.

Sudan’s SPLM-DC leader Lam Akol (AFP)
Sudan’s SPLM-DC leader Lam Akol (AFP)
The leaders of the political parties accused the SPLM of violating rules during deliberations and continuing to impose unconstitutional ideas in the discussions. South Sudan Democratic Front chairman David Dechan, in a joint press release the opposition parties said they withdrew from the committee because the SPLM violated some rules during the last working session.

Dechan explained that decisions should be reached by consensus, but the SPLM imposed what he called illegal and unconstitutional views by vote because they are in majority. He believes that some of the SPLM members in the committee do not contribute during deliberations and that they are there only for numerical purposes – to sabotage constructive and legally grounded observations which most of them consider dangerous to their political survival.

However, he said the parties have resolved to form a joint political parties’ forum as a platform for dialogue with the SPLM over the issues of constitutional review. He further added that if dialogue fails, the international community and particularly the US special envoy to the Sudan, should arbitrate between the SPLM and the other parties.

“We are open to dialogue with the SPLM. This is why have resolved to form a joint political parties forum, as a platform through which we will continue to discuss constitutional review with the SPLM”, said Dechan, calling for the participation of a third party.

John Luk Jok, minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development in the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) confirmed withdrawal of nine southern opposition political parties.

“Nine opposition political parties have pulled out from the constitutional review because they lost during voting issues pertaining to power sharing. They demanded 50% share in the assembly”, said Jok in a televised statement on South Sudan Television on Monday evening.

John Mayen Jurkuc, a political commentator who declined to disclose his membership with any political party, told Sudan Tribune he supports the withdrawal of the opposition political parties, arguing that the committee was not inclusive when it was formed, until the president was compelled by the public outcries.

“The first observation of this review committee is that it is not technical, it is a political committee. A handful of members are not technicians. If you appoint politicians to review the constitution, you are bound to have a serious conflict, because each politician will try to insert his interest into the constitution,” said Jurkuc.

“This is exactly what is happening in the review committee. The SPLM wants to write the constitution to the exclusion of others. For instance, the SPLM wants to carry the CPA interim institutions into the new country to the exclusion of others”.

He said a case in point is the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) which appointed Southern members of the Khartoum based National Assembly to form the Transitional Assembly of the new nation. “This is ridiculous,” said Jurkuc. “Everyone knows that the infamous rigged April elections brought nearly all members of the SPLM. Are you going to have the SPLM Transitional Parliament to write the Constitution of the new republic? Imagine how that nation will look like under the SPLM constitution,” he continued.

“We call upon the people of good will both within the SPLM and the international community to rescue this newly born nation from the tyranny of a clique within the SPLM, who have already squandered resources of South Sudan and now want to write themselves into the new constitution of this infant nation to be”, explained Jurkuc.

The nine political parties that left the constitutional review committee are United Democratic Fund, United South Sudan Party, Sudan Liberal Party, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – Democratic Change, Communist Party of Sudan, United Democratic Salvation Front, South Sudan Democratic Front, SDA and National United Democratic Front.



  • Hero

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Off for their own interest. Is this really logic? I’m so cynical about their intention. God’s help!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    When you always behind the wall hiding waiting for others to enter where the enemy is,the only thing that i do is to ran speedily on the side of the enemy and after the fight id over,then i return and pretend to be working for the interest of my people.

    The people of South Sudan and the new born babies born in 20 years ago never heard the above parties because they were helping our common enemy for their own gullets.

    Everybody knows that a noise maker is someone who always hide when their is trembling but the most person who can become the first person when there is something to eat.
    This is exactly what these oppositions were demanding about.

    Can they bother me? no!

  • Nhomlawda

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Those so called other political parties represent nobody except pockets of those bunches of traitors who had grouped themselves under those funny names.
    They should all be banned after independence of South Sudan.
    Hell with them for creating confusion among people of South Sudan.

  • Dinka-Defender-General

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    This is nonsense. These nine parties must go to hell. They were given only single chance and they mess it up for their individual interests. They were lucky to be invited to the constitution reviews anyway. Who cares as Bol Deng said. Where were these parties during the 21 civil war? Where are their armies? We never hard about them. Now, SPLA/SPLM tries to prepare pie for the entire Southerners and greedy parties are running around to destroy it before we ate it. This is ridiculous or nonsense. SPLM committees should not concern themselves with these selfish parties. SPLM liberated them from Arabs and they gave them piece of pie they were looking for over hundred years. Now, they said SPLM is enemy and doesn’t know what they are doing. Give me break please. Please don’t give us hard time as commander or what Athor is doing to Southerners. We need peace and quite for best results during this constitution creations. I know what SPLA/SPLM wants and how they want because each of everyone smelled, hear, see, and taste gunpowder during civil war. Ask me, I was in Magari, Bilnyang, and all Juba outposts during 1991….. So, shot the hell up and eat your greedy pie peaceful and let men/women handle the new nation affairs without interruption.

  • Jeti

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Useless, hopeless, betrayer Dr. Lam Akol. I wonder, why did this man wasted his time going to school? An illiterate person is much more better than him.

  • Dinkaworrior

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    I think Lam is ready to die! Since he destructed the interest of Southerners, he doesn’t believe what he had done so far. Those nine Parties were under the NCP and they are still practicing the same tactics, the Southerners need to identify those leaders of the nine parties.

  • dotcom

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review

    It has come to my attention that some of you are not abiding by the house rules. instead of addressing an issue as its rightly reported by our hardworking team, you resort to making unnecessary comments that cannot serve anyone’s interest.

    BE WARNED THAT: we expect decency in everyone’s comments but when extraneous commentary is seen from some individuals, they will be deleted straight away or that member will not be allowed to login. we are not limiting anyone’s freedom of speech but this has gone far beyond the red line.

    I hope you’ll understand

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Dear readers

    SPLM should close their lips and continue doing others importance issues, like one of the Abyei .blue Nile and Nuba mountains .the so called nine political parties were Militias of NCP who fought with SPLA terribly during the war time. Don’t give them a room completely .their wounds are still in our hearts.
    The writer is a true member of SPLA

  • Aleu

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Dr.David Chade.Dr. Lam Akol Ajwain, George Athor Deng Dut are they worst people in the world.

    You guys should thinks on how the world would view you politically about too many parties that, are not necessary to be in Southern Sudan. Southern Sudanese at this moment are not same like the Old Southerners generations who apparently were letting an Old Ideas and Old political to exist until Northern Sudanese took advantage in the Sudan nation, this time is different from any time you could imagine if you don’t show us your plan we would simply denying your demand, because we looks at your history and personality then, we see you that, you are absolutely going to wrong direction with all these mentions above.

    I would recommend to ROSS and GOSS that, Southern Sudan nation would need only two or three Parties and the rest must be looking for none government organizations or they have to throw away their maningless Parties, because Southern Sudanese people are not interesting for more Parties but they really need more development yes, we need people to work for the solution rather than being the part of the root cause problem in Southern Sudan. Your statements which you have been misspoken in recently years are stunning Southern Sudanese people and I don’t think Southern Sudanese are stupid to support people like you who is always making atribalism statement against other ethnic in Southern Sudan we have known you for awhile man.

    In Uganda, you spoke against independence of Southern Sudan last year claiming that, if Southern Sudan gain her independence then, it will be like Somalialand and you went to Khartoum to make collaberation with them in supporting united Sudan to get money under pew of Omar al Bashir however, the Southern Sudanese people made a rights choice to rejected the unity of Sudan which have no meaning in 50 years since the Sudan nation gained its independence. In reality the more problems we observed in Southern Sudan are cause by the enemy of peace’s Southern Sudanese people and not the choices of Southern Sudanese people.

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    The absurd thing is when some politicians request the intervention of outsiders. Are Southerners not capable to sit and discuss the issue of the constitution? This is a sovereign issue and those who call in third parties are nothing more than traitors. What should such people do in case of an armed conflict, God forbid, they would bring in mercenaries to destroy their enemy brethren.

    I urge them to go back and dailogue with the SPLM or boycotte any move without consensus of the organized representatives of Southerners. I consider all organized and legally registered political parties as representatives of all of us and no one should be given a free hand to exclude others in national issues. They have to return and discuss as brothers without calling in interest driven third parties.
    Take the patriotism of the Libyan Opposition which has rejected the intervention Western powers in their internal affairs regardless of what Qadaffi’s loyalists are doing to them.

  • Madingthith

    Nine South Sudanese political parties pull out from constitutional review
    Dear commentators,

    I think some of you are rightful people who have long sight to view political situation in South South but some are self interests guys, imagine the withdrawal of nine political parties is somewhat dangerous to SPLM party who claim to be ruling party with these messier. SpLm still have sense of controlling the other party like what they had done in April election but these times people were vote overwhelmingly for independent nation South Sudan, not only the SPLM who does it alone therefore all other parties have right to put in their ideas into the constitutional review without discrimination.

    South Sudan will be a zone of mess if the SPLM does not leave all this sort of malpractices. Ducan is right to withdraw from there until international community and some consultants will call to come to review the constitutional not John Luk Jok who is manipulated by SPLM illogical kind of ideologies. TAKE CARE

    Madingthith ….. A man who promote justice, transparencies and accountability. Feel free to contact me

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