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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead

March 8, 2011 (JUBA) — At least over 100 people have been confirmed dead in two separate clashes involving forces belonging to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the military wing of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which governs South Sudan, and armed elements identified loyal to renegade groups operating in the two states of Greater Upper Nile.

SPLA soldiers (UN)
SPLA soldiers (UN)
On 6 March 2011, officials from Jonglei and Upper Nile States and an SPLA spokesman confirmed in an interview with Sudan Tribune that heavy fighting took place in a village near Owuac in Upper Nile state and in areas hosting renegade General George Athor.

Owuac is one of the villages predominantly inhabited by members of the Shilluk ethinc group, many of whom are perceived as supporters of Lam Akol, the leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation – Democratic Change (SPLM-DC). The SPLM-DC secretary general Sandra Malual in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Sunday denied connection to the militia group involved in the fighting with SPLA forces or affiliation to any armed groups operating anywhere in the south.

SPLM-DC was formed in 6 June 2009, by the first South Sudanese to become the foreign affairs minister after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Lam Akol. Before disagreements with the leadership of the SPLM, Akol was a member of the SPLM.

As part of the CPA, the 2005 peace deal that ended the over two decades of north-south conflict, the SPLA became the official army of South Sudan and the SPLM the ruling party. The South is due to become independent in July after a referendum held earlier this year in which majority of the South Sudanese voted overwhelmingly for secession from the north.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune on Monday evening, Colonel Phillip Aguer, spokesman of the Southern army, said over 60 were killed in the clashes involving SPLA forces and an armed group he said was loyal to a militia leader identified as Oliny. The military officer explained that the military group on Sunday intercepted SPLA soldiers on their way to the local market in a village near Owuac resulting into a clash in which one SPLA soldier was killed and another sustained injury.

“On Sunday 6 at 11:00am, armed groups loyal to Oliny intercepted some of the SPLA soldiers who were on their way to the local market in a village near Owuac, resulting into the clash in which one of the SPLA soldiers was killed and another sustained and retreated to their base from where they then launched preemptive attack against militia groups. It was in the second clash in which SPLA forces managed to disperse militia groups, killing 47 of them and injuring 28 others. The SPLA lost seven members,” explained Aguer.

The spokesman said eight other militia members were found dead later during sentinel search after clashes in the area along the riverside.

On similar development, Aguer further said the SPLA launched other preemptive attacks on renegade forces loyal to General Athor, killing some of them and capturing some of their weapons and ammunition.

“The SPLA forces after receiving sufficient information supported by enough evidences that forces loyal to General Athor were planning to launch another disastrous attack on the local population and on our forces like it happened in Fangak last month, launched preemptive attacks, killing some of them and capturing 500 Kalashnikovs and other weapons,” said Aguer.

He said SPLA forces captured many places previously under Athor’s control including his headquarters said Aguer, declining to give details of the casualties.

Dok James Puok, spokesman for Athor in a separate interview confirmed the clash which he described as one of the heaviest armed confrontations since they launched their rebellion. He claimed that 169 SPLA soldiers were killed and several others were wounded. It was one of the heaviest clashes. It began at 6:00am and end at 4:30pm on Monday.

“We have lost 34 on our side and few others sustained injuries,” said Puok, claiming that the SPLA was badly affected.

“The SPLA forces suffered a lot. We are told they lost 105 in the first and 64 in the second attack. It was one of the heaviest confrontations and I believe will take them long time to regroup for another attack”, said Puok.

Puok claimed SPLA forces burned down six villages they accused of collaborating with Athor, after failing to heed SPLA warnings issued to them last week to evacuate.

“The SPLA killed 168 innocent civilians and burned down six villages because they refused to heed their calls to convince General Athor to surrender. They have burned down villages of Amanyangdit, Amanyangthii, Kulang, Kolnyang, Koliet and Wundit”, said Puok.

He denied accusations that some of the Kalashnikovs were captured by the SPLA. “No single gun was captured from our forces. What I think they claimed to have captured from our forces were unused fuses left behind in Koliet when they withdrew”, he said.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    Kiir should find all ways to end this Athor’s Rebellion peacefully

    Yes SPLA can protect civilians but don’t seeks to extinguish fire! with fire!.

    Solving this conflict by military confrontation will give us a LRA situation in Uganda which we don’t want at all.

    Again, you will not be able to finish this rebellion overnight by force as some of our top ever drunken officers think. Generals, it will take years, lots of years without progress in South Sudan if you seek military solution with Athor.

    Yes, Garang kept kept him close, but why? Because he (Athor) is revered fearless guerrilla fighter with adept military ferocity. With a battalion, he can destabilized the whole south.

    Athor as a single man has nothing to loose, since most of his supporters/forces are not even Dinka. It is South Sudan that will be stuck without any progress because of insecurity and the destruction he will cause. What happened in Fangak was just the beginning. Athor’s rebellion will be funded by enemies of S. Sudan and this will prolonged the war in the south. The rebellion may even grow stronger and bigger since anybody dissatisfy with GoSS can join it any time.

    Even though Bashir was powerful, he wasn’t able to defeat SPLA just because he had MIGs and Antonovs. Same thing is true in Darfur, there will never be a military solution there, only a peaceful negotiation will bring peace. So don’t be deceived by the helicopters and gunships just bought recently by SPLA. They won’t bring us peace.

    Generals, think twice before you all agree to issue orders. You may win the battle, but you will definitely loose the war!, the war of security and development in the South which is our ultimate goal.
    An hour of negotiation can spare a country 10 years of war.
    peace = big money +big positions.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    Now, everything is going to fine.

    I always says that SPLA must fight these militia. This is great language to them.

    We are not going to report any information about the fight of our SPLA and the rebel forces.

    We will make it public after we capture the entire criminals that Athor recruit from Ayod, Uror, Fangak, Nyirol.

    Let see if they will exist within a month because criminal always listen to the same language.

    Let get away with them and the South will be fine. Thanks

  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    To spoken man of criminal Athor,
    why are you lying so much every day? just are the one who promote and encourage dumb ass renegade”Athor”
    you claimed that you killed 165 SPLA soldiers, what a joke!!
    Even SAF/NIF can not manage to killed more than for only two days. It is better for you to say the truth,just say 21 soldiers were killed .

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    Puok don’t fucking lie you lost a lots then the SPLA

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead

    Mr. coward Athor and his disciples must be on the run because the fearless Gen. Tiger Bol Koang declared “Kac-lora” on him. Mr. coward Athor was lucky enough because initially, it was other coward Generals who deal with him, but now it will be a different history.

    It’s a matter of time before Gen. Tiger Bol Koang’s forces get him (Athor) dead or alive.

  • Ahmed

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    South Sudan where a life is worthless

  • dotcom

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    I prefer peaceful means.

    letting loose of Gen. Bol Kong to pursue/capture Gen. Athor isn’t the right thing to do. this will turn into an hugely tribal war, which is unacceptable at this stage for a country as young as ours. we will look like fools on the face of the world. and this will eventually prove to the world that we are incapable of governing ourselves.

    I’m a worried man.

  • Odingo

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    War is not the best option to achieve peace and unity.
    The Vice President of Southern Sudan has been given warning not to attack General Athor, but the Dinka leaders including the President ignored the Vice President Dr.Riek is sugustion to pursuit peaceful dialogue with General Athor Deng in stead of military action, thinking that Dr. Riek might be a supporters of General Athor Deng, since he had defacted from SPLA in 1991, no SPLA leaders care about what Dr. Riek said.

    I think Dr. Riek opposed waging war againts General Athor because Dr. Riek believed that this war will turn into tribal conflict.

    Now SPLA Forces attacked peaceful Community of Shulluk thinking that they are General Athor is supporters and very soon SPLA will attack the Force Of General Tanginye or Nuer Community which the SPLA think General is getting support from Nuer.

    Then, what do you think will come next Dinka leaders? What will come next is every SPLA solders will go to his /her own community.

    This war will be tribal war in every state and the 1991 will repeat itself again. Whom do you think will face the consequence of this war alot? I think the people of Jonglei state will be target.If those Dinka leaders don’t take Dr.Riek Machar is advice, this country gona run red with blood

  • Jeti

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    South Sudan becoming like Somalia or Afganistan whereby primitive, hungry Nuer are forming something in the name of another Al Shabaab (naath terrorists) in the South. Everytime 100 people die! People are finishing in South Sudan especially Greater Upper Nile region. Great shame on GOSS!

  • dotcom

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead

    It has come to my attention that some of you are not abiding by the house rules. instead of addressing an issue as its rightly reported by our hardworking team, you resort to making unnecessary comments that cannot serve anyone’s interest.

    BE WARNED THAT: we expect decency in everyone’s comments but when extraneous commentary is seen from some individuals, they will be deleted straight away or that member will not be allowed to login. we are not limiting anyone’s freedom of speech but this has gone far beyond the red line.

    I hope you’ll understand

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    There is an evile eleminate people one by one.

    No one will stay in power for ever,who killed people will kill too.

    Everything is not fine coward Bol Deng with your evil Kiir, Gier and Kuol Minyang exterminating Ngok people one by one. NyuonBany, Garang and Kuanyin used to act the same way.

    And remain these Garang group still practice the same bloody murders. the ploice Telar talking in the party with bloody mouth before yesterday.

    Kim and Bol are barking dog’s blood with blood, peace with peace! Those Juba Gangs are increasing risk in the south.

    Tone of liberators

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead

    Do you remember what I told you couple of months ago?
    If yes, then that is the same thing that will happen shortly. Thanks

  • ayor

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    To Nyacheve;
    do you think talking folishily like that would bring any real restive change within our new nation! anyway preach your goddamn goopiness and whoever fools that would listen to you might end up spending so many years in the bush miserably like (LRA)of Uganda!

  • Bor Fortunate Son
    Bor Fortunate Son

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    Five thousand dollars reward for any information leading to General Athor Deng family whereabouts

    This is not a message but rather a calling for caring citizens of Southern Sudan and Specifically Jonglei State brothers and sisters who are truly believers of actions rather talking.
    Whether you are educate or uneducated, you should be aware by now how they elites individuals such General Athor Deng, Kuol Manyang and thugs from Nuer and Murle turned what supposes to be holy sanctuary for the rest of Southern Sudanese citizens into MISERY STATE of sadness, sorrow, hungry, corruptions, nepotism, and political instability. You name it and its there.
    As a solution, we students (5 members only) of Jonglei State in the Midwest United States have established SOUTHERN SUDAN CRUSADER INC OF AMERICA (SSCA). This is not apolitical party or army whatsoever but a grassroots organization established to provide funding for the greater cause of Southern Sudan and particular in Jonglei State. As of now, we have decided to put our first initiative into action starting with General Athor Deng. Funding is not an issue, (SSCA) have a network with institutional and ready to provide funding truthfully for any concrete actions and information leading to whereabouts General Athor Family.
    Here at Southern Sudan Crusader INC of America, (SSCA).We sincerely believe it’s our responsibility not SPLA, GOSS, UNMIS or UN only true ordinary citizens of Jonglei State who can bring the long lasting peace and stability to Jonglei State. Our dear brothers and sisters don’t let SSCA down, let make this a reality not a fantasy.
    P.S. I will post the address and telephone sometime by Saturday, March 12, 2011. God Bless all of you and innocent victims of General Athor Deng. Pass on the message humbly and seriously to the rests of our fellow Comrades, brothers and Sisters.
    Secretary of Southern Sudan Crusader Inc of America (SSCA)

  • mama justice
    mama justice

    South Sudan army clashes with rebel group, over 100 dead
    You guys,
    I am shocked by your comments, instead of brainstorming for the peaceful solution you just end up taking side along the tribal lines and blame the SPLM. It seems if some of you are not joking, they might be sick in the mind. My dear if you are in Sudan and you love your country don’t think of fighting to be the solution to solve the problems. I can’t support Athor decision because to overthrow the SPLM is not simple, and he will not make it unless he got support from Khartoum’s government or from some Southerness. It is good to make a rational decision to avoid great lost. Please my dear southerness cooperate and never take any side along the tribal line, I know you faced a lot of problems, which are commons to me and you, but dividing along the tribal line will never solve them. You should behavior like a leader of tomorrow, a good leaders is patience, loving, wise, and concern. Remember in every family there are problems, but what matter is how to solve them. What you are supporting today will never lead you anywhere, please learn from the past especially for those who like giving an example of 1991 ethnic clashes, my dear don’t live on a ‘single story’ the by gone is by gone, don’t tell us all your lies, history can tell.

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