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Sudan Tribune

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AU expresses concern on Abyei issue, calls for lasting solution

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

March 10, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Commission of the African Union (AU) chairperson, Jean Ping, has called for renewed effort to bring an end to the insecurity and other concerns in Sudan’s Abyei region.

Jean Ping, 2010 (UN)
Jean Ping, 2010 (UN)
“Chairperson of the Commission has learnt with great concern the news on the deadly clashes that have been taking place in the Abyei region of Sudan. He condemns this renewed violence, which undermines the successful implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), especially the ongoing search for a solution to the Abyei issue”, the AU said in a statement.

Ping expressed concern over the deadly clashes that have been taking place in the Abyei region of Sudan. Ping condemned the renewed violence, which he said undermines the successful implementation of the CPA, and the ongoing search for a solution to the Abyei issue.

The CPA was an agreement signed between north and South Sudan in 2005, ending more than two decades of civil war. One of its protocols focused upon the issue of Abyei, an oil-rich region on the border between the north and south. The statehood and revenues of Abyei, an area subject to continued violence, are still a matter of heated debate.

“The Chairperson wishes to emphasize the need to deploy every effort to put an end to insecurity in the Abyei region and create a peaceful and secure environment for the people of that part of Sudan.” The statement continued.
The AU chief welcomed the Abyei Agreement signed on 4 March and urged the Sudanese parties to ensure its full implementation.

“The Chairperson also calls for the full implementation of the 13 and 17 January 2011 Kadugli Agreements, signed between the Dinka Ngok and the Misseriya tribes of Abyei.” AU statement added.

The Misseriya are a nomadic ethnic group whose migratory route includes Abyei. They are thought to have close ties with the Khartoum government and the Dinka Ngok with Juba.

The AU statement urged the parties to abide by the important agreement, which provides for the deployment of Joint Integrated Units (JIUs), made up of troops from north and South Sudan; freedom of migration for Misseriya nomads to Abyei and further south; and the provision of security for the movement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) returning to Abyei and further to South Sudan.

He urged the Sudanese parties to urgently find a comprehensive and lasting solution to pending issues of Abyei, as the situation there remains fragile.
The statement said the AU stands ready to support such efforts, in particular through the African Union High Level Implementation Panel on Sudan (AUHIP).



  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    AU expresses concern on Abyei issue, calls for lasting solution
    The Presidency should sit in Khartoum and resolve on the fate of the forgotten Abyei.

  • Mr Point
    Mr Point

    AU expresses concern on Abyei issue, calls for lasting solution
    Burn Babanusa a few times, like Abyei been burned.

    Only then will the Baggara stop pushing forward, forward, forward.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    AU expresses concern on Abyei issue, calls for lasting solution
    When AU Chairperson so called Jean Ping AU is become Criminals Organization and has lost its credibility to run the African Affairs how come this arabs agent call Jean Ping try to say is concern on Abyei Issue; was been working hard to thwart and procrastinating the Southern Sudan referendum from success; but we the people of South Sudan we make it happened through hard work and the wisdom of our visionaries leaders through cooperation with our foreign s friends.
    Thereby the Abyei problem will be solve through the same way as its land of South Sudan these people so called Messeriya tribes will be the victims in the hands of National Congress Party.

    According to Comprehensive Peace Agreement Abyei Referendum should be conducted simultaneously with Southern Sudan referendum Votes unfortunately averted by our enemy NCP also there is lack of seriousness within Abyei Community someone like Dr Francis Mading Deng a person having credential to play his role within International communities and the rest of Abyei Intellectuals within the government of Southern Sudan were been busy for planting the hatred among Southern Leaders while time was against us during the negotiation with NCP.
    But for the benefit of generation to come Abyei its Land of South Sudan and will be subjugating to the land of South.
    God bless the people of South Sudan.
    Diu J.Kuek

  • Gaddfa

    AU expresses concern on Abyei issue, calls for lasting solution
    Where and when will AU be able to handle the African problems. why do we have to have the institution which is toothless. this AU really is absolutely nothing compare to others world governing mechanism. please enough of this nonsense of beating around the bush and acts like the others world super power.

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